Örneklerle Rust

Rust güvenlik, hız ve eşzamanlılık üzerine odaklanan bir modern sistem programlama dilidir. Bu hedefleri çöp toplama(garbage collection) kullanmadan güvenli bellek ile gerçekler.

Örneklerle Rust (ÖR) (RBE) çeşitli Rust kavramlarını ve standart kütüphaneleri gösteren çalıştırılabilir örneklerden oluşan bir koleksiyondur. Bu örneklerden daha da fazlasını elde etmek için Rust'ı yerel olarak kurma 'yı ve resmi belgeler 'e göz atmayı unutmayın.
Ayrıca meraklıların incelemesi için sitenin kaynak kodu.

Şimdi, hadi başlayalım!

Hello World(Merhaba Dünya)

Geleneksel Hello World(Merhaba Dünya) programının kaynak kodu:

// Bu bir yorum satırı, derleyici tarafından yok sayılır
// "Run" butonuna tıklayarak bu kodu test edebilirsiniz ->
// ya da klavyenizi kullanmayı tercih ederseniz, "Ctrl + Enter" kısayolunu kullanabilirsiniz

// Bu kod düzenlenebilir, kırmaktan çekinmeyin!
// Her zaman orijinal koda "Reset" butonuna tıklayarak dönebilirsiniz ->

// Bu ana fonksiyondur
fn main() {
    // Derlenen ikili(compiled binary) çağrıldığında ifadeler çalıştırılır 

    // Yazıyı konsola yazdır
    println!("Hello World!");

println! yazıları konsola yazdıran bir macro 'dur.

Bir ikili(binary) rustc Rust derleyicisi kullanarak oluşturulabilir.

$ rustc hello.rs

rustc , çalıştırıldığında hello ikili(binary)si oluşturacaktır.

$ ./hello
Hello World!


Beklenen çıktıyı görmek için 'Run' a tıklayın. Ardından, ikinci bir println! macro'su ekleyin ve çıktı şöyle görünecektir:

Hello World!
I'm a Rustacean!


Any program requires comments, and Rust supports a few different varieties:

  • Regular comments which are ignored by the compiler:
    • // Line comments which go to the end of the line.
    • /* Block comments which go to the closing delimiter. */
  • Doc comments which are parsed into HTML library documentation:
    • /// Generate library docs for the following item.
    • //! Generate library docs for the enclosing item.
fn main() {
    // This is an example of a line comment
    // There are two slashes at the beginning of the line
    // And nothing written inside these will be read by the compiler

    // println!("Hello, world!");

    // Run it. See? Now try deleting the two slashes, and run it again.

     * This is another type of comment, a block comment. In general,
     * line comments are the recommended comment style. But
     * block comments are extremely useful for temporarily disabling
     * chunks of code. /* Block comments can be /* nested, */ */
     * so it takes only a few keystrokes to comment out everything
     * in this main() function. /*/*/* Try it yourself! */*/*/

    Note: The previous column of `*` was entirely for style. There's
    no actual need for it.

    // You can manipulate expressions more easily with block comments
    // than with line comments. Try deleting the comment delimiters
    // to change the result:
    let x = 5 + /* 90 + */ 5;
    println!("Is `x` 10 or 100? x = {}", x);

See also:

Library documentation

Formatted print

Printing is handled by a series of macros defined in std::fmt some of which include:

  • format!: write formatted text to String
  • print!: same as format! but the text is printed to the console (io::stdout).
  • println!: same as print! but a newline is appended.
  • eprint!: same as format! but the text is printed to the standard error (io::stderr).
  • eprintln!: same as eprint!but a newline is appended.

All parse text in the same fashion. As a plus, Rust checks formatting correctness at compile time.

fn main() {
    // In general, the `{}` will be automatically replaced with any
    // arguments. These will be stringified.
    println!("{} days", 31);

    // Without a suffix, 31 becomes an i32. You can change what type 31 is
    // by providing a suffix. The number 31i64 for example has the type i64.

    // There are various optional patterns this works with. Positional
    // arguments can be used.
    println!("{0}, this is {1}. {1}, this is {0}", "Alice", "Bob");

    // As can named arguments.
    println!("{subject} {verb} {object}",
             object="the lazy dog",
             subject="the quick brown fox",
             verb="jumps over");

    // Special formatting can be specified after a `:`.
    println!("{} of {:b} people know binary, the other half doesn't", 1, 2);

    // You can right-align text with a specified width. This will output
    // "     1". 5 white spaces and a "1".
    println!("{number:>width$}", number=1, width=6);

    // You can pad numbers with extra zeroes. This will output "000001".
    println!("{number:>0width$}", number=1, width=6);

    // Rust even checks to make sure the correct number of arguments are
    // used.
    println!("My name is {0}, {1} {0}", "Bond");
    // FIXME ^ Add the missing argument: "James"

    // Create a structure named `Structure` which contains an `i32`.
    struct Structure(i32);

    // However, custom types such as this structure require more complicated
    // handling. This will not work.
    println!("This struct `{}` won't print...", Structure(3));
    // FIXME ^ Comment out this line.

std::fmt contains many traits which govern the display of text. The base form of two important ones are listed below:

  • fmt::Debug: Uses the {:?} marker. Format text for debugging purposes.
  • fmt::Display: Uses the {} marker. Format text in a more elegant, user friendly fashion.

Here, we used fmt::Display because the std library provides implementations for these types. To print text for custom types, more steps are required.

Implementing the fmt::Display trait automatically implements the ToString trait which allows us to convert the type to String.


  • Fix the two issues in the above code (see FIXME) so that it runs without error.
  • Add a println! macro that prints: Pi is roughly 3.142 by controlling the number of decimal places shown. For the purposes of this exercise, use let pi = 3.141592 as an estimate for pi. (Hint: you may need to check the std::fmt documentation for setting the number of decimals to display)

See also:

std::fmt, macros, struct, and traits


All types which want to use std::fmt formatting traits require an implementation to be printable. Automatic implementations are only provided for types such as in the std library. All others must be manually implemented somehow.

The fmt::Debug trait makes this very straightforward. All types can derive (automatically create) the fmt::Debug implementation. This is not true for fmt::Display which must be manually implemented.

fn main() {
// This structure cannot be printed either with `fmt::Display` or
// with `fmt::Debug`.
struct UnPrintable(i32);

// The `derive` attribute automatically creates the implementation
// required to make this `struct` printable with `fmt::Debug`.
struct DebugPrintable(i32);

All std library types are automatically printable with {:?} too:

// Derive the `fmt::Debug` implementation for `Structure`. `Structure`
// is a structure which contains a single `i32`.
struct Structure(i32);

// Put a `Structure` inside of the structure `Deep`. Make it printable
// also.
struct Deep(Structure);

fn main() {
    // Printing with `{:?}` is similar to with `{}`.
    println!("{:?} months in a year.", 12);
    println!("{1:?} {0:?} is the {actor:?} name.",

    // `Structure` is printable!
    println!("Now {:?} will print!", Structure(3));
    // The problem with `derive` is there is no control over how
    // the results look. What if I want this to just show a `7`?
    println!("Now {:?} will print!", Deep(Structure(7)));

So fmt::Debug definitely makes this printable but sacrifices some elegance. Rust also provides "pretty printing" with {:#?}.

struct Person<'a> {
    name: &'a str,
    age: u8

fn main() {
    let name = "Peter";
    let age = 27;
    let peter = Person { name, age };

    // Pretty print
    println!("{:#?}", peter);

One can manually implement fmt::Display to control the display.

See also:

attributes, derive, std::fmt, and struct


fmt::Debug hardly looks compact and clean, so it is often advantageous to customize the output appearance. This is done by manually implementing fmt::Display, which uses the {} print marker. Implementing it looks like this:

fn main() {
// Import (via `use`) the `fmt` module to make it available.
use std::fmt;

// Define a structure for which `fmt::Display` will be implemented. This is
// a tuple struct named `Structure` that contains an `i32`.
struct Structure(i32);

// To use the `{}` marker, the trait `fmt::Display` must be implemented
// manually for the type.
impl fmt::Display for Structure {
    // This trait requires `fmt` with this exact signature.
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        // Write strictly the first element into the supplied output
        // stream: `f`. Returns `fmt::Result` which indicates whether the
        // operation succeeded or failed. Note that `write!` uses syntax which
        // is very similar to `println!`.
        write!(f, "{}", self.0)

fmt::Display may be cleaner than fmt::Debug but this presents a problem for the std library. How should ambiguous types be displayed? For example, if the std library implemented a single style for all Vec<T>, what style should it be? Would it be either of these two?

  • Vec<path>: /:/etc:/home/username:/bin (split on :)
  • Vec<number>: 1,2,3 (split on ,)

No, because there is no ideal style for all types and the std library doesn't presume to dictate one. fmt::Display is not implemented for Vec<T> or for any other generic containers. fmt::Debug must then be used for these generic cases.

This is not a problem though because for any new container type which is not generic,fmt::Display can be implemented.

use std::fmt; // Import `fmt`

// A structure holding two numbers. `Debug` will be derived so the results can
// be contrasted with `Display`.
struct MinMax(i64, i64);

// Implement `Display` for `MinMax`.
impl fmt::Display for MinMax {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        // Use `self.number` to refer to each positional data point.
        write!(f, "({}, {})", self.0, self.1)

// Define a structure where the fields are nameable for comparison.
struct Point2D {
    x: f64,
    y: f64,

// Similarly, implement `Display` for `Point2D`
impl fmt::Display for Point2D {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        // Customize so only `x` and `y` are denoted.
        write!(f, "x: {}, y: {}", self.x, self.y)

fn main() {
    let minmax = MinMax(0, 14);

    println!("Compare structures:");
    println!("Display: {}", minmax);
    println!("Debug: {:?}", minmax);

    let big_range =   MinMax(-300, 300);
    let small_range = MinMax(-3, 3);

    println!("The big range is {big} and the small is {small}",
             small = small_range,
             big = big_range);

    let point = Point2D { x: 3.3, y: 7.2 };

    println!("Compare points:");
    println!("Display: {}", point);
    println!("Debug: {:?}", point);

    // Error. Both `Debug` and `Display` were implemented, but `{:b}`
    // requires `fmt::Binary` to be implemented. This will not work.
    // println!("What does Point2D look like in binary: {:b}?", point);

So, fmt::Display has been implemented but fmt::Binary has not, and therefore cannot be used. std::fmt has many such traits and each requires its own implementation. This is detailed further in std::fmt.


After checking the output of the above example, use the Point2D struct as a guide to add a Complex struct to the example. When printed in the same way, the output should be:

Display: 3.3 + 7.2i
Debug: Complex { real: 3.3, imag: 7.2 }

See also:

derive, std::fmt, macros, struct, trait, and use

Testcase: List

Implementing fmt::Display for a structure where the elements must each be handled sequentially is tricky. The problem is that each write! generates a fmt::Result. Proper handling of this requires dealing with all the results. Rust provides the ? operator for exactly this purpose.

Using ? on write! looks like this:

// Try `write!` to see if it errors. If it errors, return
// the error. Otherwise continue.
write!(f, "{}", value)?;

With ? available, implementing fmt::Display for a Vec is straightforward:

use std::fmt; // Import the `fmt` module.

// Define a structure named `List` containing a `Vec`.
struct List(Vec<i32>);

impl fmt::Display for List {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        // Extract the value using tuple indexing,
        // and create a reference to `vec`.
        let vec = &self.0;

        write!(f, "[")?;

        // Iterate over `v` in `vec` while enumerating the iteration
        // count in `count`.
        for (count, v) in vec.iter().enumerate() {
            // For every element except the first, add a comma.
            // Use the ? operator to return on errors.
            if count != 0 { write!(f, ", ")?; }
            write!(f, "{}", v)?;

        // Close the opened bracket and return a fmt::Result value.
        write!(f, "]")

fn main() {
    let v = List(vec![1, 2, 3]);
    println!("{}", v);


Try changing the program so that the index of each element in the vector is also printed. The new output should look like this:

[0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3]

See also:

for, ref, Result, struct, ?, and vec!


We've seen that formatting is specified via a format string:

  • format!("{}", foo) -> "3735928559"
  • format!("0x{:X}", foo) -> "0xDEADBEEF"
  • format!("0o{:o}", foo) -> "0o33653337357"

The same variable (foo) can be formatted differently depending on which argument type is used: X vs o vs unspecified.

This formatting functionality is implemented via traits, and there is one trait for each argument type. The most common formatting trait is Display, which handles cases where the argument type is left unspecified: {} for instance.

use std::fmt::{self, Formatter, Display};

struct City {
    name: &'static str,
    // Latitude
    lat: f32,
    // Longitude
    lon: f32,

impl Display for City {
    // `f` is a buffer, and this method must write the formatted string into it
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        let lat_c = if self.lat >= 0.0 { 'N' } else { 'S' };
        let lon_c = if self.lon >= 0.0 { 'E' } else { 'W' };

        // `write!` is like `format!`, but it will write the formatted string
        // into a buffer (the first argument)
        write!(f, "{}: {:.3}°{} {:.3}°{}",
               self.name, self.lat.abs(), lat_c, self.lon.abs(), lon_c)

struct Color {
    red: u8,
    green: u8,
    blue: u8,

fn main() {
    for city in [
        City { name: "Dublin", lat: 53.347778, lon: -6.259722 },
        City { name: "Oslo", lat: 59.95, lon: 10.75 },
        City { name: "Vancouver", lat: 49.25, lon: -123.1 },
    ].iter() {
        println!("{}", *city);
    for color in [
        Color { red: 128, green: 255, blue: 90 },
        Color { red: 0, green: 3, blue: 254 },
        Color { red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0 },
    ].iter() {
        // Switch this to use {} once you've added an implementation
        // for fmt::Display.
        println!("{:?}", *color);

You can view a full list of formatting traits and their argument types in the std::fmt documentation.


Add an implementation of the fmt::Display trait for the Color struct above so that the output displays as:

RGB (128, 255, 90) 0x80FF5A
RGB (0, 3, 254) 0x0003FE
RGB (0, 0, 0) 0x000000

Two hints if you get stuck:

See also:



Rust çok çeşitli temellere (primitive) erişim sağlar. İçeren bir örnek:

Skaler(Sayısal) Tipler

  • işaretli tamsayılar: i8, i16, i32, i64, i128 and isize (pointer(işaretçi) boyutu)
  • işaretsiz tamsayılar: u8, u16, u32, u64, u128 and usize (pointer(işaretçi) boyutu)
  • kayar noktalı sayılar: f32, f64
  • char Uluslararası dil desteği sayısallar 'a', 'α' ve '∞' (her biri 4 byte)
  • bool true (doğru değeri) veya false (yanlış değeri)
  • ve birim tipi (), tek olası değeri boş değişken grubu: ()

Bir birim tipinin değeri bir boş değişken grubu olmasına rağmen, birden çok değer içermediği için birleşik tip olarak kabul edilemez.

Birleşik Tipler

  • diziler şöyledir: [1, 2, 3]
  • değişken grupları şöyledir: (1, true)

Değişkenler her zaman tip açıklamalı olabilirler. Numaralara ek olarak bir son ek veya varsayılan şekilde bir açıklama eklenebilir. Tamsayılar varsayılan olarak i32 'dir ve kayar noktalı sayılar f64. Rust'ın tipleri bağlamdan da çıkarabileceğini unutmayın.

fn main() {
    // Değişkenler tip açıklamalı olabilir.
    let logical: bool = true;

    let a_float: f64 = 1.0;  // Sıradan açıklama
    let an_integer   = 5i32; // Son ek ile açıklama

    // Ya da varsayılan kullanılabilir.
    let default_float   = 3.0; // `f64`
    let default_integer = 7;   // `i32`
    // Tip bağlamdan da çıkarılabilir. 
    let mut inferred_type = 12; // i64 başka satırdan anlaşılmıştır
    inferred_type = 4294967296i64;
    // Mutable(değişebilir) değişkenin değeri değişebilir.
    let mut mutable = 12; // Değişebilir `i32`
    mutable = 21;
    // Hata! Değişkenin tipi değişemez!
    mutable = true;
    // Gölgeleme ile değişkenlerin üzerine istenen tipte yazılabilir.
    let mutable = true;

Ayrıca Bakın:

std kütüphanesi, [değişilebilirlik][mut], [çıkarım][inference], ve [gölgeleme][shadowing]

Literals and operators

Integers 1, floats 1.2, characters 'a', strings "abc", booleans true and the unit type () can be expressed using literals.

Integers can, alternatively, be expressed using hexadecimal, octal or binary notation using these prefixes respectively: 0x, 0o or 0b.

Underscores can be inserted in numeric literals to improve readability, e.g. 1_000 is the same as 1000, and 0.000_001 is the same as 0.000001.

We need to tell the compiler the type of the literals we use. For now, we'll use the u32 suffix to indicate that the literal is an unsigned 32-bit integer, and the i32 suffix to indicate that it's a signed 32-bit integer.

The operators available and their precedence in Rust are similar to other C-like languages.

fn main() {
    // Integer addition
    println!("1 + 2 = {}", 1u32 + 2);

    // Integer subtraction
    println!("1 - 2 = {}", 1i32 - 2);
    // TODO ^ Try changing `1i32` to `1u32` to see why the type is important

    // Short-circuiting boolean logic
    println!("true AND false is {}", true && false);
    println!("true OR false is {}", true || false);
    println!("NOT true is {}", !true);

    // Bitwise operations
    println!("0011 AND 0101 is {:04b}", 0b0011u32 & 0b0101);
    println!("0011 OR 0101 is {:04b}", 0b0011u32 | 0b0101);
    println!("0011 XOR 0101 is {:04b}", 0b0011u32 ^ 0b0101);
    println!("1 << 5 is {}", 1u32 << 5);
    println!("0x80 >> 2 is 0x{:x}", 0x80u32 >> 2);

    // Use underscores to improve readability!
    println!("One million is written as {}", 1_000_000u32);


A tuple is a collection of values of different types. Tuples are constructed using parentheses (), and each tuple itself is a value with type signature (T1, T2, ...), where T1, T2 are the types of its members. Functions can use tuples to return multiple values, as tuples can hold any number of values.

// Tuples can be used as function arguments and as return values
fn reverse(pair: (i32, bool)) -> (bool, i32) {
    // `let` can be used to bind the members of a tuple to variables
    let (integer, boolean) = pair;

    (boolean, integer)

// The following struct is for the activity.
struct Matrix(f32, f32, f32, f32);

fn main() {
    // A tuple with a bunch of different types
    let long_tuple = (1u8, 2u16, 3u32, 4u64,
                      -1i8, -2i16, -3i32, -4i64,
                      0.1f32, 0.2f64,
                      'a', true);

    // Values can be extracted from the tuple using tuple indexing
    println!("long tuple first value: {}", long_tuple.0);
    println!("long tuple second value: {}", long_tuple.1);

    // Tuples can be tuple members
    let tuple_of_tuples = ((1u8, 2u16, 2u32), (4u64, -1i8), -2i16);

    // Tuples are printable
    println!("tuple of tuples: {:?}", tuple_of_tuples);
    // But long Tuples cannot be printed
    // let too_long_tuple = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13);
    // println!("too long tuple: {:?}", too_long_tuple);
    // TODO ^ Uncomment the above 2 lines to see the compiler error

    let pair = (1, true);
    println!("pair is {:?}", pair);

    println!("the reversed pair is {:?}", reverse(pair));

    // To create one element tuples, the comma is required to tell them apart
    // from a literal surrounded by parentheses
    println!("one element tuple: {:?}", (5u32,));
    println!("just an integer: {:?}", (5u32));

    //tuples can be destructured to create bindings
    let tuple = (1, "hello", 4.5, true);

    let (a, b, c, d) = tuple;
    println!("{:?}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?}", a, b, c, d);

    let matrix = Matrix(1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2);
    println!("{:?}", matrix);



  1. Recap: Add the fmt::Display trait to the Matrix struct in the above example, so that if you switch from printing the debug format {:?} to the display format {}, you see the following output:

    ( 1.1 1.2 )
    ( 2.1 2.2 )

    You may want to refer back to the example for print display.

  2. Add a transpose function using the reverse function as a template, which accepts a matrix as an argument, and returns a matrix in which two elements have been swapped. For example:

    println!("Matrix:\n{}", matrix);
    println!("Transpose:\n{}", transpose(matrix));

    results in the output:

    ( 1.1 1.2 )
    ( 2.1 2.2 )
    ( 1.1 2.1 )
    ( 1.2 2.2 )

Arrays and Slices

An array is a collection of objects of the same type T, stored in contiguous memory. Arrays are created using brackets [], and their length, which is known at compile time, is part of their type signature [T; length].

Slices are similar to arrays, but their length is not known at compile time. Instead, a slice is a two-word object, the first word is a pointer to the data, and the second word is the length of the slice. The word size is the same as usize, determined by the processor architecture eg 64 bits on an x86-64. Slices can be used to borrow a section of an array, and have the type signature &[T].

use std::mem;

// This function borrows a slice
fn analyze_slice(slice: &[i32]) {
    println!("first element of the slice: {}", slice[0]);
    println!("the slice has {} elements", slice.len());

fn main() {
    // Fixed-size array (type signature is superfluous)
    let xs: [i32; 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

    // All elements can be initialized to the same value
    let ys: [i32; 500] = [0; 500];

    // Indexing starts at 0
    println!("first element of the array: {}", xs[0]);
    println!("second element of the array: {}", xs[1]);

    // `len` returns the count of elements in the array
    println!("number of elements in array: {}", xs.len());

    // Arrays are stack allocated
    println!("array occupies {} bytes", mem::size_of_val(&xs));

    // Arrays can be automatically borrowed as slices
    println!("borrow the whole array as a slice");

    // Slices can point to a section of an array
    // They are of the form [starting_index..ending_index]
    // starting_index is the first position in the slice
    // ending_index is one more than the last position in the slice
    println!("borrow a section of the array as a slice");
    analyze_slice(&ys[1 .. 4]);

    // Out of bound indexing causes compile error
    println!("{}", xs[5]);

Özel Tipler

Rust'ın özel veri tipleri iki anahtar kelimeden oluşur:

  • struct: structure(yapı) tanımlar.
  • enum: enumeration(sayım listesi) tanımlar.

Sabitler(constant) const veya static anahtar kelimeleriyle de oluşturulabilir.

Structure'lar (Yapılar)

Structure'ların üç farklı tipi ("structs") struct anahtar kelimesini kullanarak oluşturulabilir:

  • Tuple struct'lar, yani temelde, tuple olarak isimlendirilen yapılar.
  • KlasikC struct'ları
  • Unit(birim) struct'lar, yani üyesiz olanlar, genelleyiciler için kullanışlıdır.
struct Person {
    name: String,
    age: u8,

// Bir unit struct
struct Unit;

// Bir tuple struct
struct Pair(i32, f32);

// İki üyesi olan bir struct
struct Point {
    x: f32,
    y: f32,

// Struct'lar başka bir struct'ın üyeleri olarak yeniden kullanılabilir
struct Rectangle {
    // Sol üst ve sağ alt köşelerin boşlukta olduğu yere göre 
    // bir dikdörtgen belirtilebilir.
    top_left: Point,
    bottom_right: Point,

fn main() {
    // Kısa gösterimle üye içeren bir struct oluşturur
    let name = String::from("Peter");
    let age = 27;
    let peter = Person { name, age };

    // Hata ayıklaması struct'ını yazdırır
    println!("{:?}", peter);

    // `Point` örneklendirmesi
    let point: Point = Point { x: 10.3, y: 0.4 };

    // point'in üyelerine erişim
    println!("point coordinates: ({}, {})", point.x, point.y);

    // Diğer struct'ın üyelerini kullanmak için struct güncelleme söz dizimini kullanarak yeni bir point yaratır
    let bottom_right = Point { x: 5.2, ..point };

    // `bottom_right.y`, `point.y`  ile aynı olacaktır çünkü
    // `point`ten üye kullandık
    println!("second point: ({}, {})", bottom_right.x, bottom_right.y);

    // `let` bağlamıyla point yok edildi(yıkım/destructure)
    let Point { x: top_edge, y: left_edge } = point;

    let _rectangle = Rectangle {
        // struct örneklendirmesi ifadesi
        top_left: Point { x: left_edge, y: top_edge },
        bottom_right: bottom_right,

    // unit struct örneklendirmesi ifadesi
    let _unit = Unit;

    //  tuple struct örneklendirmesi ifadesi
    let pair = Pair(1, 0.1);

    // tuple struct'ın üyelerine erişim
    println!("pair contains {:?} and {:?}", pair.0, pair.1);

    // tuple struct'ın yıkımı
    let Pair(integer, decimal) = pair;

    println!("pair contains {:?} and {:?}", integer, decimal);


  1. Bir dikdörtgenin alanını hesaplayan rect_area fonksiyonunu ekleyin (iç içe yıkmayı kullanmayı deneyin).
  2. Point ve bir f32yi değişken olarak alan square fonksiyonunu ekleyin, sol alt köşesi noktada, genişliği ve yüksekliği f32ye karşılık gelen bir Rectangle (Dikdörtgen) döndürür.

Ayrıca bakın

özellikler, ve yıkım


enum anahtar kelimesi birkaç farklı çeşitten biri olabilen bir tipin oluşturulmasına izin verir. struct olarak geçerli olan herhangi bir değişken aynı zamanda enum değeri olarak da geçerlidir.

// Bir web olayını sınıflandırmak için bir `enum` oluşturun. Her ikisinin de
// adlar ve tip bilgilerini birlikte belirttiğini unutmayın:
// `PageLoad != PageUnload` and `KeyPress(char) != Paste(String)`.
// Her biri bağımsızdır.
enum WebEvent {
    // Bir `enum`, `unit-like` (birim benzeri) olabilir,
    // tuple struct'ları(yapıları) gibi,
    // ya da c gibi yapılar.
    Click { x: i64, y: i64 },

// Bağımsız değişken olarak `WebEvent` enum'unu alan
//  ve hiçbir şey döndürmeyen(return) fonksiyon.
fn inspect(event: WebEvent) {
    match event {
        WebEvent::PageLoad => println!("page loaded"),
        WebEvent::PageUnload => println!("page unloaded"),
        // `enum` içindeki `c` yıkımı .
        WebEvent::KeyPress(c) => println!("pressed '{}'.", c),
        WebEvent::Paste(s) => println!("pasted \"{}\".", s),
        // `Click`in `x` ve `y`nin içinde yıkımı.
        WebEvent::Click { x, y } => {
            println!("clicked at x={}, y={}.", x, y);

fn main() {
    let pressed = WebEvent::KeyPress('x');
    // `to_owned()` bir string dilimine sahip olan bir `String` oluşturur.
    let pasted  = WebEvent::Paste("my text".to_owned());
    let click   = WebEvent::Click { x: 20, y: 80 };
    let load    = WebEvent::PageLoad;
    let unload  = WebEvent::PageUnload;


Tip takma adları(Type Aliases)

Bir tip takma adı kullanırsanız, her bir enum çeşidine kendisinin takmadı adı ile değinebilirsiniz. Bu, enum'un adı çok uzun veya çok genelse ve siz onu yeniden adlandırmak istiyorsanız yararlı olabilir.

enum VeryVerboseEnumOfThingsToDoWithNumbers {

// Tip takma adı oluşturulur
type Operations = VeryVerboseEnumOfThingsToDoWithNumbers;

fn main() {
    // Her çeşide uzun veya rahatsız edici şekilde değil, takma adıyla
    // değinebilirsiniz.
    let x = Operations::Add;

Bunu göreceğiniz en yaygın yer, Self takma adını kullanan impl bloklarıdır.

enum VeryVerboseEnumOfThingsToDoWithNumbers {

impl VeryVerboseEnumOfThingsToDoWithNumbers {
    fn run(&self, x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {
        match self {
            Self::Add => x + y,
            Self::Subtract => x - y,

Enum'lar ve tip takma adları hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek için, bu özelliğin Rust'ta stabilize edildiği andan itibaren oluşturulan stabilizasyon raporunu okuyabilirsiniz.

Ayrıca bakın:

match, fn, ve String, "İngilizce tip takma adı enum çeşitlilikleri" RFC'si


use bildirimi kullanıldığında elle kapsam belirlemeye gerek yoktur:

// Kullanılmayan kod için verilen uyarıları gizleyen özellik.

enum Status {

enum Work {

fn main() {
    // Aleni `use` bildirimi elle kapsam belirleme olmadan 
    // kullanılabilmelerini sağlar.
    use crate::Status::{Poor, Rich};
    // Otomatik olarak `Work`ün içindeki her isim `use`lanır.
    use crate::Work::*;

    // `Status::Poor`a eş değer.
    let status = Poor;
    // `Work::Civilian`a eş değer.
    let work = Civilian;

    match status {
        // Yukarıdaki aleni`use` nedeniyle kapsam açığına dikkat edin.
        Rich => println!("The rich have lots of money!"),
        Poor => println!("The poor have no money..."),

    match work {
        // Kapsam açığını yeniden not edin.
        Civilian => println!("Civilians work!"),
        Soldier  => println!("Soldiers fight!"),

Ayrıca bakın:

match ve use

C gibi

enum'lar C gibi de kullanılabilirler.

// Kullanılmayan kod için verilen uyarıları gizleyen özellik.

// dahili ayırıcı ile enum (0'da başlar)
enum Number {

// aleni ayırıcı ile enum 
enum Color {
    Red = 0xff0000,
    Green = 0x00ff00,
    Blue = 0x0000ff,

fn main() {
    // `enums` integer(tam sayılar) gibi de dökümlenebilir, kullanılabilirler.
    println!("zero is {}", Number::Zero as i32);
    println!("one is {}", Number::One as i32);

    println!("roses are #{:06x}", Color::Red as i32);
    println!("violets are #{:06x}", Color::Blue as i32);

Ayrıca bakın:


Deneme: linked-list(bağlı liste)

enumların yaygın bir kullanımı bağlı liste oluşturmaktır:

use crate::List::*;

enum List {
    // Cons: Bir öğeyi ve bir pointer'ı sonraki düğüme saran Tuple struct'ı
    Cons(u32, Box<List>),
    // Nil: Bağlı listenin sonunu belirten düğüm

// Metotlar bir enum'a eklenebilir
impl List {
    // Boş bir liste oluştur
    fn new() -> List {
        // `Nil`in tipi `List`

    // Bir listeyi yok edin, ardından aynı listeyi önünde yeni bir öğeyle döndürün 
    fn prepend(self, elem: u32) -> List {
        // `Cons`ın da tipi List
        Cons(elem, Box::new(self))

    // Listenin uzunluğunu döndürün
    fn len(&self) -> u32 {
        // `self` eşlemelidir, çünkü bu metodun davranışı
        // `self` değişkenine bağlıdır
        // `self` `&List` tipine, ve `*self` `List` tipine sahiptir.
        // `&T` referansındaki eşleme yerine `T` somut tipi tercih edilir
        match *self {
            // Kuyruğun sahipliği alınamıyor, çünkü `self` ödünç alındı(borrow);
            // yerine kuyruğa yeni bir referans alınıyor:
            Cons(_, ref tail) => 1 + tail.len(),
            // Basit durum: Bir boş liste 0 uzunluğa sahiptir.
            Nil => 0

    // Listenin gösterimini (heap allocated(yığın ile ayrılmış)) string olarak döndürür
    fn stringify(&self) -> String {
        match *self {
            Cons(head, ref tail) => {
                // `format!`, `print!`e benzer, ama konsola basmak yerine heap
                // allocated string döndürür
                format!("{}, {}", head, tail.stringify())
            Nil => {

fn main() {
    // Boş bir bağlı liste oluştur
    let mut list = List::new();

    // Başa birkaç eleman ekle
    list = list.prepend(1);
    list = list.prepend(2);
    list = list.prepend(3);

    // Listenin son halini göster
    println!("linked list has length: {}", list.len());
    println!("{}", list.stringify());

Ayrıca bakın:

Box ve metotlar


Rust, global dahil herhangi bir kapsamda bildirilebilen iki farklı sabit tipini içerir. Her ikisi de açık tip ek açıklaması gerektirirler:

  • const: Değişmez değer. (ortak durum).
  • static: 'static ömre sahip mutable(değişebilir) değişken. Statik ömür çıkarılır yani belirtilmesi gerekmez. Mutable bir statik değişkene erişmek veya üzerinde değişiklik yapmak güvensiz işlemdir.
// Global değişkenler tüm kapsamların dışında bildirilir.
static LANGUAGE: &str = "Rust";
const THRESHOLD: i32 = 10;

fn is_big(n: i32) -> bool {
    //Herhangi bir fonksiyondan sabit'e erişim

fn main() {
    let n = 16;

    // Ana thread'den sabit'e erişim
    println!("This is {}", LANGUAGE);
    println!("The threshold is {}", THRESHOLD);
    println!("{} is {}", n, if is_big(n) { "big" } else { "small" });

    // Hata! `const` yani sabit değişemez.
    THRESHOLD = 5;
    // FIXME ^ Yorum satırı

Ayrıca bakın:

const/static RFC, 'static ömür

Variable Bindings

Rust sabit(statik) yazım tekniği ile tip güvenliği sağlar. Değişken bağlamaları, tanımlandığında tip açıklaması içerebilir. Bununla birlikte, çoğu durumda, derleyici değişkenin tipini bağlamdan çıkarabilir ve bu ek açıklama yükünü büyük ölçüde azaltır.

Değerler(değiştirilemeyen değerler gibi), let bağlama bildiricisi kullanılarak değişkenlere bağlanabilir.

fn main() {
    let an_integer = 1u32;
    let a_boolean = true;
    let unit = ();

    // `an_integer` değişkenini `copied_integer` değişkenine kopyalamak
    let copied_integer = an_integer;

    println!("Bir tamsayi(integer): {:?}", copied_integer);
    println!("Bir mantiksal degisken(boolean): {:?}", a_boolean);
    println!("Birim degerle tanisin: {:?}", unit);

    // Derleyici, kullanılmayan değişken bağlamları konusunda uyarır
    // bu uyarılar değişkenin adının önüne bir alt çizgi koyarak susturulabilir
    let _unused_variable = 3u32;

    let noisy_unused_variable = 2u32;
    // FIXME ^Uyarıyı bastırmak için alt çizgi içeren bir örnek


Variable bindings are immutable by default, but this can be overridden using the mut modifier.

fn main() {
    let _immutable_binding = 1;
    let mut mutable_binding = 1;

    println!("Before mutation: {}", mutable_binding);

    // Ok
    mutable_binding += 1;

    println!("After mutation: {}", mutable_binding);

    // Error!
    _immutable_binding += 1;
    // FIXME ^ Comment out this line

The compiler will throw a detailed diagnostic about mutability errors.

Scope and Shadowing

Variable bindings have a scope, and are constrained to live in a block. A block is a collection of statements enclosed by braces {}.

fn main() {
    // This binding lives in the main function
    let long_lived_binding = 1;

    // This is a block, and has a smaller scope than the main function
        // This binding only exists in this block
        let short_lived_binding = 2;

        println!("inner short: {}", short_lived_binding);
    // End of the block

    // Error! `short_lived_binding` doesn't exist in this scope
    println!("outer short: {}", short_lived_binding);
    // FIXME ^ Comment out this line

    println!("outer long: {}", long_lived_binding);

Also, variable shadowing is allowed.

fn main() {
    let shadowed_binding = 1;

        println!("before being shadowed: {}", shadowed_binding);

        // This binding *shadows* the outer one
        let shadowed_binding = "abc";

        println!("shadowed in inner block: {}", shadowed_binding);
    println!("outside inner block: {}", shadowed_binding);

    // This binding *shadows* the previous binding
    let shadowed_binding = 2;
    println!("shadowed in outer block: {}", shadowed_binding);

Declare first

It's possible to declare variable bindings first, and initialize them later. However, this form is seldom used, as it may lead to the use of uninitialized variables.

fn main() {
    // Declare a variable binding
    let a_binding;

        let x = 2;

        // Initialize the binding
        a_binding = x * x;

    println!("a binding: {}", a_binding);

    let another_binding;

    // Error! Use of uninitialized binding
    println!("another binding: {}", another_binding);
    // FIXME ^ Comment out this line

    another_binding = 1;

    println!("another binding: {}", another_binding);

The compiler forbids use of uninitialized variables, as this would lead to undefined behavior.


When data is bound by the same name immutably, it also freezes. Frozen data can't be modified until the immutable binding goes out of scope:

fn main() {
    let mut _mutable_integer = 7i32;

        // Shadowing by immutable `_mutable_integer`
        let _mutable_integer = _mutable_integer;

        // Error! `_mutable_integer` is frozen in this scope
        _mutable_integer = 50;
        // FIXME ^ Comment out this line

        // `_mutable_integer` goes out of scope

    // Ok! `_mutable_integer` is not frozen in this scope
    _mutable_integer = 3;


Rust, temel ve kullanıcı tanımlı tiplerin türünü değiştirmek veya tanımlamak için çeşitli mekanizmalar sağlar. Şunları kapsar:


Rust provides no implicit type conversion (coercion) between primitive types. But, explicit type conversion (casting) can be performed using the as keyword.

Rules for converting between integral types follow C conventions generally, except in cases where C has undefined behavior. The behavior of all casts between integral types is well defined in Rust.

// Suppress all warnings from casts which overflow.

fn main() {
    let decimal = 65.4321_f32;

    // Error! No implicit conversion
    let integer: u8 = decimal;
    // FIXME ^ Comment out this line

    // Explicit conversion
    let integer = decimal as u8;
    let character = integer as char;

    // Error! There are limitations in conversion rules. A float cannot be directly converted to a char.
    let character = decimal as char;
    // FIXME ^ Comment out this line

    println!("Casting: {} -> {} -> {}", decimal, integer, character);

    // when casting any value to an unsigned type, T,
    // T::MAX + 1 is added or subtracted until the value
    // fits into the new type

    // 1000 already fits in a u16
    println!("1000 as a u16 is: {}", 1000 as u16);

    // 1000 - 256 - 256 - 256 = 232
    // Under the hood, the first 8 least significant bits (LSB) are kept,
    // while the rest towards the most significant bit (MSB) get truncated.
    println!("1000 as a u8 is : {}", 1000 as u8);
    // -1 + 256 = 255
    println!("  -1 as a u8 is : {}", (-1i8) as u8);

    // For positive numbers, this is the same as the modulus
    println!("1000 mod 256 is : {}", 1000 % 256);

    // When casting to a signed type, the (bitwise) result is the same as
    // first casting to the corresponding unsigned type. If the most significant
    // bit of that value is 1, then the value is negative.

    // Unless it already fits, of course.
    println!(" 128 as a i16 is: {}", 128 as i16);
    // 128 as u8 -> 128, whose two's complement in eight bits is:
    println!(" 128 as a i8 is : {}", 128 as i8);

    // repeating the example above
    // 1000 as u8 -> 232
    println!("1000 as a u8 is : {}", 1000 as u8);
    // and the two's complement of 232 is -24
    println!(" 232 as a i8 is : {}", 232 as i8);
    // Since Rust 1.45, the `as` keyword performs a *saturating cast* when casting from float to int.  
    // If the floating point value exceeds the upper bound or is less than the lower bound, the returned value will be equal to the bound crossed.
    // 300.0 is 255
    println!("300.0 is {}", 300.0_f32 as u8);
    // -100.0 as u8 is 0
    println!("-100.0 as u8 is {}", -100.0_f32 as u8);
    // nan as u8 is 0
    println!("nan as u8 is {}", f32::NAN as u8);
    // This behavior incures a small runtime cost and can be avoided with unsafe methods, however the results might overflow and return **unsound values**. Use these methods wisely:
    unsafe {
        // 300.0 is 44
        println!("300.0 is {}", 300.0_f32.to_int_unchecked::<u8>());
        // -100.0 as u8 is 156
        println!("-100.0 as u8 is {}", (-100.0_f32).to_int_unchecked::<u8>());
        // nan as u8 is 0
        println!("nan as u8 is {}", f32::NAN.to_int_unchecked::<u8>());


Numeric literals can be type annotated by adding the type as a suffix. As an example, to specify that the literal 42 should have the type i32, write 42i32.

The type of unsuffixed numeric literals will depend on how they are used. If no constraint exists, the compiler will use i32 for integers, and f64 for floating-point numbers.

fn main() {
    // Suffixed literals, their types are known at initialization
    let x = 1u8;
    let y = 2u32;
    let z = 3f32;

    // Unsuffixed literals, their types depend on how they are used
    let i = 1;
    let f = 1.0;

    // `size_of_val` returns the size of a variable in bytes
    println!("size of `x` in bytes: {}", std::mem::size_of_val(&x));
    println!("size of `y` in bytes: {}", std::mem::size_of_val(&y));
    println!("size of `z` in bytes: {}", std::mem::size_of_val(&z));
    println!("size of `i` in bytes: {}", std::mem::size_of_val(&i));
    println!("size of `f` in bytes: {}", std::mem::size_of_val(&f));

There are some concepts used in the previous code that haven't been explained yet, here's a brief explanation for the impatient readers:

  • std::mem::size_of_val is a function, but called with its full path. Code can be split in logical units called modules. In this case, the size_of_val function is defined in the mem module, and the mem module is defined in the std crate. For more details, see modules and crates.


The type inference engine is pretty smart. It does more than looking at the type of the value expression during an initialization. It also looks at how the variable is used afterwards to infer its type. Here's an advanced example of type inference:

fn main() {
    // Because of the annotation, the compiler knows that `elem` has type u8.
    let elem = 5u8;

    // Create an empty vector (a growable array).
    let mut vec = Vec::new();
    // At this point the compiler doesn't know the exact type of `vec`, it
    // just knows that it's a vector of something (`Vec<_>`).

    // Insert `elem` in the vector.
    // Aha! Now the compiler knows that `vec` is a vector of `u8`s (`Vec<u8>`)
    // TODO ^ Try commenting out the `vec.push(elem)` line

    println!("{:?}", vec);

No type annotation of variables was needed, the compiler is happy and so is the programmer!


The type statement can be used to give a new name to an existing type. Types must have UpperCamelCase names, or the compiler will raise a warning. The exception to this rule are the primitive types: usize, f32, etc.

// `NanoSecond` is a new name for `u64`.
type NanoSecond = u64;
type Inch = u64;

// Use an attribute to silence warning.
type u64_t = u64;
// TODO ^ Try removing the attribute

fn main() {
    // `NanoSecond` = `Inch` = `u64_t` = `u64`.
    let nanoseconds: NanoSecond = 5 as u64_t;
    let inches: Inch = 2 as u64_t;

    // Note that type aliases *don't* provide any extra type safety, because
    // aliases are *not* new types
    println!("{} nanoseconds + {} inches = {} unit?",
             nanoseconds + inches);

The main use of aliases is to reduce boilerplate; for example the IoResult<T> type is an alias for the Result<T, IoError> type.

See also:



Temel tipler, döküm yoluyla birbirine dönüştürülebilir.

Rust nitelik'leri kullanarak özel tipler(yani struct ve enum) arasındaki dönüşümü ele alır. Genel dönüşümler, From ve Into niteliklerini kullancaktır. Bununla birlikte, daha yaygın durumlar için, özellikle String(dizeler)(katarlar)dan veya dizelere dönüşüm yapılırken daha spesifik olanları vardır.

From(-den) ve Into(biçimine)

From ve Into doğaları gereği birbirine bağlı iki niteliktir, bu da aslında implementasyonlarının bir parçasıdır. Eğer A tipinden B tipine dönüşüm yapılabiliyorsa, B tipinden A tipine de kolaylıkla dönüşüm yapılabilir.


From niteliği bir tipin kendisini başka tipten nasıl oluşturacağını tanımlamasına izin verir, bu nedenle birkaç tür arasında dönüştürme yapmak için çok basit bir mekanizma sağlar. Temel ve yaygın türlerin dönüştürülmesi için standart kütüphanede bu özelliğin çok sayıda implementasyonu vardır.

Örneğin str tipini kolayca String tipine dönüştürebiliriz.

fn main() {
let my_str = "hello";
let my_string = String::from(my_str);

Kendi tipimiz için bir dönüşüm tanımlamak için benzer bir şey yapabiliriz.

use std::convert::From;

struct Number {
    value: i32,

impl From<i32> for Number {
    fn from(item: i32) -> Self {
        Number { value: item }

fn main() {
    let num = Number::from(30);
    println!("My number is {:?}", num);


Into niteliği aslında basitçe From niteliğinin karşılığıdır.From niteliğini tanımladığınız tipinize implemente ettiyseniz Into gerekli olduğunda onu çağıracaktır.

Into niteliğini kullanmak genellikle, derleyici bunu çoğu zaman belirleyemediğinden dönüştürülecek tipin belirtilmesini gerektirir.

use std::convert::From;

struct Number {
    value: i32,

impl From<i32> for Number {
    fn from(item: i32) -> Self {
        Number { value: item }

fn main() {
    let int = 5;
    // Try removing the type declaration
    let num: Number = int.into();
    println!("My number is {:?}", num);

TryFrom ve TryInto

From veInto'ya benzer olarak, TryFrom ve TryInto tipler arasında dönüşüm için genel özelliklerdir. From/Into'dan farklı olarak, TryFrom/TryInto nitelikleri hatalı olabilecek dönüşümlerde kullanılır, ve bu nedenle; Result (sonuç) değeri döndürürler.

use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::convert::TryInto;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct EvenNumber(i32);

impl TryFrom<i32> for EvenNumber {
    type Error = ();

    fn try_from(value: i32) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        if value % 2 == 0 {
        } else {

fn main() {
    // TryFrom

    assert_eq!(EvenNumber::try_from(8), Ok(EvenNumber(8)));
    assert_eq!(EvenNumber::try_from(5), Err(()));

    // TryInto

    let result: Result<EvenNumber, ()> = 8i32.try_into();
    assert_eq!(result, Ok(EvenNumber(8)));
    let result: Result<EvenNumber, ()> = 5i32.try_into();
    assert_eq!(result, Err(()));

To and from Strings(Katarlara ve Katarlardan)

String(Katar)'e Dönüşüm

Herhangi bir tipi Stringe dönüştürmek gayet basit bir şekilde ToString niteliğini o tip için implemente etmektir. Ama bunu doğrudan yapmak yerine, otomatik olarak ToString sağlayan ve aynı zamanda print! bölümünde de anlatıldığı gibi tipi yazdırmaya izin veren fmt::Display niteliğini uygulamalısınız.

use std::fmt;

struct Circle {
    radius: i32

impl fmt::Display for Circle {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "Circle of radius {}", self.radius)

fn main() {
    let circle = Circle { radius: 6 };
    println!("{}", circle.to_string());

String'leri Ayrıştırmak

Bir string'i dönüştürmek için en sık kullanılan tiplerden biri sayılardır. Bunun deyimsel yaklaşımı; parse fonksiyonunu kullanmak, tip çıkarımını düzenlemek veya 'turbofish' söz dizimini kullanarak ayrıştırılacak tipi belirlemektir. Her iki alternatif de aşağıdaki örnekte gösterilmektedir.

Bu, FromStr niteliği bu tip için implemente edildiği sürece string'i belirtilen tipe dönüştürecektir. Standart kütüphane içindeki çeşitli tipler için implemente edilir. Bu fonksiyonelliği kullanıcı tanımlı bir tip üzerinde elde etmek için, bu tip üzerinde FromStr niteliğini implemente etmeniz yeterlidir.

fn main() {
    let parsed: i32 = "5".parse().unwrap();
    let turbo_parsed = "10".parse::<i32>().unwrap();

    let sum = parsed + turbo_parsed;
    println!("Sum: {:?}", sum);


Bir Rust programı (çoğunlukla) bir dizi ifadelerden oluşur:

fn main() {
    // ifade
    // ifade
    // ifade

Rust'ta birkaç tür ifade vardır. En yaygın ikisi değişken bağlayıcı bildirimi, ve bir ifade ile ; kullanımıdır:

fn main() {
    // değişken bağlayıcı
    let x = 5;

    // ifade;
    x + 1;

Bloklar da ifadelerdir, bu sebeple atamalarda değer olarak kullanılabilirler. Bloktaki son ifade, yerel bir değişken gibi yer ifadesine atanacaktır. Bununla birlikte, bloğun son ifadesi noktalı virgülle biterse, dönüş değeri () olacaktır.

fn main() {
    let x = 5u32;

    let y = {
        let x_squared = x * x;
        let x_cube = x_squared * x;

        // Bu ifade `y` ye atanacaktır
        x_cube + x_squared + x

    let z = {
        // Noktalı virgül bu ifadeyi önler(durdurur) ve `()` , `z` ye atanır
        2 * x;

    println!("x is {:?}", x);
    println!("y is {:?}", y);
    println!("z is {:?}", z);

Kontrol Akışı

Herhangi bir programlama dilinin oldukça önemli bir parçası kontrol akışını değiştirmenin yollarıdır: if/else, for, ve diğerleri. Rust'taki onlar hakkında konuşalım.


Branching with if-else is similar to other languages. Unlike many of them, the boolean condition doesn't need to be surrounded by parentheses, and each condition is followed by a block. if-else conditionals are expressions, and, all branches must return the same type.

fn main() {
    let n = 5;

    if n < 0 {
        print!("{} is negative", n);
    } else if n > 0 {
        print!("{} is positive", n);
    } else {
        print!("{} is zero", n);

    let big_n =
        if n < 10 && n > -10 {
            println!(", and is a small number, increase ten-fold");

            // This expression returns an `i32`.
            10 * n
        } else {
            println!(", and is a big number, halve the number");

            // This expression must return an `i32` as well.
            n / 2
            // TODO ^ Try suppressing this expression with a semicolon.
    //   ^ Don't forget to put a semicolon here! All `let` bindings need it.

    println!("{} -> {}", n, big_n);


Rust provides a loop keyword to indicate an infinite loop.

The break statement can be used to exit a loop at anytime, whereas the continue statement can be used to skip the rest of the iteration and start a new one.

fn main() {
    let mut count = 0u32;

    println!("Let's count until infinity!");

    // Infinite loop
    loop {
        count += 1;

        if count == 3 {

            // Skip the rest of this iteration

        println!("{}", count);

        if count == 5 {
            println!("OK, that's enough");

            // Exit this loop

Nesting and labels

It's possible to break or continue outer loops when dealing with nested loops. In these cases, the loops must be annotated with some 'label, and the label must be passed to the break/continue statement.


fn main() {
    'outer: loop {
        println!("Entered the outer loop");

        'inner: loop {
            println!("Entered the inner loop");

            // This would break only the inner loop

            // This breaks the outer loop
            break 'outer;

        println!("This point will never be reached");

    println!("Exited the outer loop");

Returning from loops

One of the uses of a loop is to retry an operation until it succeeds. If the operation returns a value though, you might need to pass it to the rest of the code: put it after the break, and it will be returned by the loop expression.

fn main() {
    let mut counter = 0;

    let result = loop {
        counter += 1;

        if counter == 10 {
            break counter * 2;

    assert_eq!(result, 20);


The while keyword can be used to run a loop while a condition is true.

Let's write the infamous FizzBuzz using a while loop.

fn main() {
    // A counter variable
    let mut n = 1;

    // Loop while `n` is less than 101
    while n < 101 {
        if n % 15 == 0 {
        } else if n % 3 == 0 {
        } else if n % 5 == 0 {
        } else {
            println!("{}", n);

        // Increment counter
        n += 1;

for loops

for and range

The for in construct can be used to iterate through an Iterator. One of the easiest ways to create an iterator is to use the range notation a..b. This yields values from a (inclusive) to b (exclusive) in steps of one.

Let's write FizzBuzz using for instead of while.

fn main() {
    // `n` will take the values: 1, 2, ..., 100 in each iteration
    for n in 1..101 {
        if n % 15 == 0 {
        } else if n % 3 == 0 {
        } else if n % 5 == 0 {
        } else {
            println!("{}", n);

Alternatively, a..=b can be used for a range that is inclusive on both ends. The above can be written as:

fn main() {
    // `n` will take the values: 1, 2, ..., 100 in each iteration
    for n in 1..=100 {
        if n % 15 == 0 {
        } else if n % 3 == 0 {
        } else if n % 5 == 0 {
        } else {
            println!("{}", n);

for and iterators

The for in construct is able to interact with an Iterator in several ways. As discussed in the section on the Iterator trait, by default the for loop will apply the into_iter function to the collection. However, this is not the only means of converting collections into iterators.

into_iter, iter and iter_mut all handle the conversion of a collection into an iterator in different ways, by providing different views on the data within.

  • iter - This borrows each element of the collection through each iteration. Thus leaving the collection untouched and available for reuse after the loop.
fn main() {
    let names = vec!["Bob", "Frank", "Ferris"];

    for name in names.iter() {
        match name {
            &"Ferris" => println!("There is a rustacean among us!"),
            // TODO ^ Try deleting the & and matching just "Ferris"
            _ => println!("Hello {}", name),
    println!("names: {:?}", names);
  • into_iter - This consumes the collection so that on each iteration the exact data is provided. Once the collection has been consumed it is no longer available for reuse as it has been 'moved' within the loop.
fn main() {
    let names = vec!["Bob", "Frank", "Ferris"];

    for name in names.into_iter() {
        match name {
            "Ferris" => println!("There is a rustacean among us!"),
            _ => println!("Hello {}", name),
    println!("names: {:?}", names);
    // FIXME ^ Comment out this line
  • iter_mut - This mutably borrows each element of the collection, allowing for the collection to be modified in place.
fn main() {
    let mut names = vec!["Bob", "Frank", "Ferris"];

    for name in names.iter_mut() {
        *name = match name {
            &mut "Ferris" => "There is a rustacean among us!",
            _ => "Hello",

    println!("names: {:?}", names);

In the above snippets note the type of match branch, that is the key difference in the types of iteration. The difference in type then of course implies differing actions that are able to be performed.

See also:



Rust provides pattern matching via the match keyword, which can be used like a C switch. The first matching arm is evaluated and all possible values must be covered.

fn main() {
    let number = 13;
    // TODO ^ Try different values for `number`

    println!("Tell me about {}", number);
    match number {
        // Match a single value
        1 => println!("One!"),
        // Match several values
        2 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 11 => println!("This is a prime"),
        // TODO ^ Try adding 13 to the list of prime values
        // Match an inclusive range
        13..=19 => println!("A teen"),
        // Handle the rest of cases
        _ => println!("Ain't special"),
        // TODO ^ Try commenting out this catch-all arm

    let boolean = true;
    // Match is an expression too
    let binary = match boolean {
        // The arms of a match must cover all the possible values
        false => 0,
        true => 1,
        // TODO ^ Try commenting out one of these arms

    println!("{} -> {}", boolean, binary);


A match block can destructure items in a variety of ways.


Tuples can be destructured in a match as follows:

fn main() {
    let triple = (0, -2, 3);
    // TODO ^ Try different values for `triple`

    println!("Tell me about {:?}", triple);
    // Match can be used to destructure a tuple
    match triple {
        // Destructure the second and third elements
        (0, y, z) => println!("First is `0`, `y` is {:?}, and `z` is {:?}", y, z),
        (1, ..)  => println!("First is `1` and the rest doesn't matter"),
        // `..` can be the used ignore the rest of the tuple
        _      => println!("It doesn't matter what they are"),
        // `_` means don't bind the value to a variable

See also:



An enum is destructured similarly:

// `allow` required to silence warnings because only
// one variant is used.
enum Color {
    // These 3 are specified solely by their name.
    // These likewise tie `u32` tuples to different names: color models.
    RGB(u32, u32, u32),
    HSV(u32, u32, u32),
    HSL(u32, u32, u32),
    CMY(u32, u32, u32),
    CMYK(u32, u32, u32, u32),

fn main() {
    let color = Color::RGB(122, 17, 40);
    // TODO ^ Try different variants for `color`

    println!("What color is it?");
    // An `enum` can be destructured using a `match`.
    match color {
        Color::Red   => println!("The color is Red!"),
        Color::Blue  => println!("The color is Blue!"),
        Color::Green => println!("The color is Green!"),
        Color::RGB(r, g, b) =>
            println!("Red: {}, green: {}, and blue: {}!", r, g, b),
        Color::HSV(h, s, v) =>
            println!("Hue: {}, saturation: {}, value: {}!", h, s, v),
        Color::HSL(h, s, l) =>
            println!("Hue: {}, saturation: {}, lightness: {}!", h, s, l),
        Color::CMY(c, m, y) =>
            println!("Cyan: {}, magenta: {}, yellow: {}!", c, m, y),
        Color::CMYK(c, m, y, k) =>
            println!("Cyan: {}, magenta: {}, yellow: {}, key (black): {}!",
                c, m, y, k),
        // Don't need another arm because all variants have been examined

See also:

#[allow(...)], color models and enum


For pointers, a distinction needs to be made between destructuring and dereferencing as they are different concepts which are used differently from a language like C.

  • Dereferencing uses *
  • Destructuring uses &, ref, and ref mut
fn main() {
    // Assign a reference of type `i32`. The `&` signifies there
    // is a reference being assigned.
    let reference = &4;

    match reference {
        // If `reference` is pattern matched against `&val`, it results
        // in a comparison like:
        // `&i32`
        // `&val`
        // ^ We see that if the matching `&`s are dropped, then the `i32`
        // should be assigned to `val`.
        &val => println!("Got a value via destructuring: {:?}", val),

    // To avoid the `&`, you dereference before matching.
    match *reference {
        val => println!("Got a value via dereferencing: {:?}", val),

    // What if you don't start with a reference? `reference` was a `&`
    // because the right side was already a reference. This is not
    // a reference because the right side is not one.
    let _not_a_reference = 3;

    // Rust provides `ref` for exactly this purpose. It modifies the
    // assignment so that a reference is created for the element; this
    // reference is assigned.
    let ref _is_a_reference = 3;

    // Accordingly, by defining 2 values without references, references
    // can be retrieved via `ref` and `ref mut`.
    let value = 5;
    let mut mut_value = 6;

    // Use `ref` keyword to create a reference.
    match value {
        ref r => println!("Got a reference to a value: {:?}", r),

    // Use `ref mut` similarly.
    match mut_value {
        ref mut m => {
            // Got a reference. Gotta dereference it before we can
            // add anything to it.
            *m += 10;
            println!("We added 10. `mut_value`: {:?}", m);

See also:

The ref pattern


Similarly, a struct can be destructured as shown:

fn main() {
    struct Foo {
        x: (u32, u32),
        y: u32,

    // Try changing the values in the struct to see what happens
    let foo = Foo { x: (1, 2), y: 3 };

    match foo {
        Foo { x: (1, b), y } => println!("First of x is 1, b = {},  y = {} ", b, y),

        // you can destructure structs and rename the variables,
        // the order is not important
        Foo { y: 2, x: i } => println!("y is 2, i = {:?}", i),

        // and you can also ignore some variables:
        Foo { y, .. } => println!("y = {}, we don't care about x", y),
        // this will give an error: pattern does not mention field `x`
        //Foo { y } => println!("y = {}", y),

See also:



A match guard can be added to filter the arm.

fn main() {
    let pair = (2, -2);
    // TODO ^ Try different values for `pair`

    println!("Tell me about {:?}", pair);
    match pair {
        (x, y) if x == y => println!("These are twins"),
        // The ^ `if condition` part is a guard
        (x, y) if x + y == 0 => println!("Antimatter, kaboom!"),
        (x, _) if x % 2 == 1 => println!("The first one is odd"),
        _ => println!("No correlation..."),

See also:



Indirectly accessing a variable makes it impossible to branch and use that variable without re-binding. match provides the @ sigil for binding values to names:

// A function `age` which returns a `u32`.
fn age() -> u32 {

fn main() {
    println!("Tell me what type of person you are");

    match age() {
        0             => println!("I haven't celebrated my first birthday yet"),
        // Could `match` 1 ..= 12 directly but then what age
        // would the child be? Instead, bind to `n` for the
        // sequence of 1 ..= 12. Now the age can be reported.
        n @ 1  ..= 12 => println!("I'm a child of age {:?}", n),
        n @ 13 ..= 19 => println!("I'm a teen of age {:?}", n),
        // Nothing bound. Return the result.
        n             => println!("I'm an old person of age {:?}", n),

You can also use binding to "destructure" enum variants, such as Option:

fn some_number() -> Option<u32> {

fn main() {
    match some_number() {
        // Got `Some` variant, match if its value, bound to `n`,
        // is equal to 42.
        Some(n @ 42) => println!("The Answer: {}!", n),
        // Match any other number.
        Some(n)      => println!("Not interesting... {}", n),
        // Match anything else (`None` variant).
        _            => (),

See also:

functions, enums and Option

if let

For some use cases, when matching enums, match is awkward. For example:

fn main() {
// Make `optional` of type `Option<i32>`
let optional = Some(7);

match optional {
    Some(i) => {
        println!("This is a really long string and `{:?}`", i);
        // ^ Needed 2 indentations just so we could destructure
        // `i` from the option.
    _ => {},
    // ^ Required because `match` is exhaustive. Doesn't it seem
    // like wasted space?


if let is cleaner for this use case and in addition allows various failure options to be specified:

fn main() {
    // All have type `Option<i32>`
    let number = Some(7);
    let letter: Option<i32> = None;
    let emoticon: Option<i32> = None;

    // The `if let` construct reads: "if `let` destructures `number` into
    // `Some(i)`, evaluate the block (`{}`).
    if let Some(i) = number {
        println!("Matched {:?}!", i);

    // If you need to specify a failure, use an else:
    if let Some(i) = letter {
        println!("Matched {:?}!", i);
    } else {
        // Destructure failed. Change to the failure case.
        println!("Didn't match a number. Let's go with a letter!");

    // Provide an altered failing condition.
    let i_like_letters = false;

    if let Some(i) = emoticon {
        println!("Matched {:?}!", i);
    // Destructure failed. Evaluate an `else if` condition to see if the
    // alternate failure branch should be taken:
    } else if i_like_letters {
        println!("Didn't match a number. Let's go with a letter!");
    } else {
        // The condition evaluated false. This branch is the default:
        println!("I don't like letters. Let's go with an emoticon :)!");

In the same way, if let can be used to match any enum value:

// Our example enum
enum Foo {

fn main() {
    // Create example variables
    let a = Foo::Bar;
    let b = Foo::Baz;
    let c = Foo::Qux(100);
    // Variable a matches Foo::Bar
    if let Foo::Bar = a {
        println!("a is foobar");
    // Variable b does not match Foo::Bar
    // So this will print nothing
    if let Foo::Bar = b {
        println!("b is foobar");
    // Variable c matches Foo::Qux which has a value
    // Similar to Some() in the previous example
    if let Foo::Qux(value) = c {
        println!("c is {}", value);

    // Binding also works with `if let`
    if let Foo::Qux(value @ 100) = c {
        println!("c is one hundred");

Another benefit is that if let allows us to match non-parameterized enum variants. This is true even in cases where the enum doesn't implement or derive PartialEq. In such cases if Foo::Bar == a would fail to compile, because instances of the enum cannot be equated, however if let will continue to work.

Would you like a challenge? Fix the following example to use if let:

// This enum purposely neither implements nor derives PartialEq.
// That is why comparing Foo::Bar == a fails below.
enum Foo {Bar}

fn main() {
    let a = Foo::Bar;

    // Variable a matches Foo::Bar
    if Foo::Bar == a {
    // ^-- this causes a compile-time error. Use `if let` instead.
        println!("a is foobar");

See also:

enum, Option, and the RFC

while let

Similar to if let, while let can make awkward match sequences more tolerable. Consider the following sequence that increments i:

fn main() {
// Make `optional` of type `Option<i32>`
let mut optional = Some(0);

// Repeatedly try this test.
loop {
    match optional {
        // If `optional` destructures, evaluate the block.
        Some(i) => {
            if i > 9 {
                println!("Greater than 9, quit!");
                optional = None;
            } else {
                println!("`i` is `{:?}`. Try again.", i);
                optional = Some(i + 1);
            // ^ Requires 3 indentations!
        // Quit the loop when the destructure fails:
        _ => { break; }
        // ^ Why should this be required? There must be a better way!

Using while let makes this sequence much nicer:

fn main() {
    // Make `optional` of type `Option<i32>`
    let mut optional = Some(0);

    // This reads: "while `let` destructures `optional` into
    // `Some(i)`, evaluate the block (`{}`). Else `break`.
    while let Some(i) = optional {
        if i > 9 {
            println!("Greater than 9, quit!");
            optional = None;
        } else {
            println!("`i` is `{:?}`. Try again.", i);
            optional = Some(i + 1);
        // ^ Less rightward drift and doesn't require
        // explicitly handling the failing case.
    // ^ `if let` had additional optional `else`/`else if`
    // clauses. `while let` does not have these.

See also:

enum, Option, and the RFC


Fonksiyonlar fn anahtar sözcükleriyle bildirilirler. Argümanları değişkenlerdeki gibi tip açıklamalıdır, ve, fonksiyon bir değer döndürürse dönüş türü bir oktan sonra bildirilmelidir ->.

Fonksiyonlardaki son ifade dönüş değeri olarak kullanılacaktır. Alternatif olarak return ifadesi fonksiyonun içinden, döngülerin içinden ve hatta if ifadelerinden bile daha önce bir değer döndürmek için kullanılabilir.

Fonksiyonları kullanarak FizzBuzz(basit bir algoritma türü)'ı yeniden yazalım!

// C/C++'taki gibi fonksiyon bildirim sırası diye bir kısıtlama yok!
fn main() {
    // Fonksiyonu burada kullanabiliriz, ve sonra bir yerde bildiririz.

// Boolean değer döndüren fonksiyon
fn is_divisible_by(lhs: u32, rhs: u32) -> bool {
    // Köşe durumu, erken dönüş
    if rhs == 0 {
        return false;

    // Bu bir ifade, `return` anahtar kelimesi burada gerekli değil
    lhs % rhs == 0

// Değer döndürmeyen fonksiyonlar,aslında birim tipini döndürürler `()`
fn fizzbuzz(n: u32) -> () {
    if is_divisible_by(n, 15) {
    } else if is_divisible_by(n, 3) {
    } else if is_divisible_by(n, 5) {
    } else {
        println!("{}", n);

// Fonksiyon `()` döndürdüğünde, dönüş tipi imzadan çıkartılabilir
fn fizzbuzz_to(n: u32) {
    for n in 1..n + 1 {


Methods are functions attached to objects. These methods have access to the data of the object and its other methods via the self keyword. Methods are defined under an impl block.

struct Point {
    x: f64,
    y: f64,

// Implementation block, all `Point` methods go in here
impl Point {
    // This is a static method
    // Static methods don't need to be called by an instance
    // These methods are generally used as constructors
    fn origin() -> Point {
        Point { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 }

    // Another static method, taking two arguments:
    fn new(x: f64, y: f64) -> Point {
        Point { x: x, y: y }

struct Rectangle {
    p1: Point,
    p2: Point,

impl Rectangle {
    // This is an instance method
    // `&self` is sugar for `self: &Self`, where `Self` is the type of the
    // caller object. In this case `Self` = `Rectangle`
    fn area(&self) -> f64 {
        // `self` gives access to the struct fields via the dot operator
        let Point { x: x1, y: y1 } = self.p1;
        let Point { x: x2, y: y2 } = self.p2;

        // `abs` is a `f64` method that returns the absolute value of the
        // caller
        ((x1 - x2) * (y1 - y2)).abs()

    fn perimeter(&self) -> f64 {
        let Point { x: x1, y: y1 } = self.p1;
        let Point { x: x2, y: y2 } = self.p2;

        2.0 * ((x1 - x2).abs() + (y1 - y2).abs())

    // This method requires the caller object to be mutable
    // `&mut self` desugars to `self: &mut Self`
    fn translate(&mut self, x: f64, y: f64) {
        self.p1.x += x;
        self.p2.x += x;

        self.p1.y += y;
        self.p2.y += y;

// `Pair` owns resources: two heap allocated integers
struct Pair(Box<i32>, Box<i32>);

impl Pair {
    // This method "consumes" the resources of the caller object
    // `self` desugars to `self: Self`
    fn destroy(self) {
        // Destructure `self`
        let Pair(first, second) = self;

        println!("Destroying Pair({}, {})", first, second);

        // `first` and `second` go out of scope and get freed

fn main() {
    let rectangle = Rectangle {
        // Static methods are called using double colons
        p1: Point::origin(),
        p2: Point::new(3.0, 4.0),

    // Instance methods are called using the dot operator
    // Note that the first argument `&self` is implicitly passed, i.e.
    // `rectangle.perimeter()` === `Rectangle::perimeter(&rectangle)`
    println!("Rectangle perimeter: {}", rectangle.perimeter());
    println!("Rectangle area: {}", rectangle.area());

    let mut square = Rectangle {
        p1: Point::origin(),
        p2: Point::new(1.0, 1.0),

    // Error! `rectangle` is immutable, but this method requires a mutable
    // object
    //rectangle.translate(1.0, 0.0);
    // TODO ^ Try uncommenting this line

    // Okay! Mutable objects can call mutable methods
    square.translate(1.0, 1.0);

    let pair = Pair(Box::new(1), Box::new(2));


    // Error! Previous `destroy` call "consumed" `pair`
    // TODO ^ Try uncommenting this line


Closures are functions that can capture the enclosing environment. For example, a closure that captures the x variable:

|val| val + x

The syntax and capabilities of closures make them very convenient for on the fly usage. Calling a closure is exactly like calling a function. However, both input and return types can be inferred and input variable names must be specified.

Other characteristics of closures include:

  • using || instead of () around input variables.
  • optional body delimination ({}) for a single expression (mandatory otherwise).
  • the ability to capture the outer environment variables.
fn main() {
    // Increment via closures and functions.
    fn  function            (i: i32) -> i32 { i + 1 }

    // Closures are anonymous, here we are binding them to references
    // Annotation is identical to function annotation but is optional
    // as are the `{}` wrapping the body. These nameless functions
    // are assigned to appropriately named variables.
    let closure_annotated = |i: i32| -> i32 { i + 1 };
    let closure_inferred  = |i     |          i + 1  ;

    let i = 1;
    // Call the function and closures.
    println!("function: {}", function(i));
    println!("closure_annotated: {}", closure_annotated(i));
    println!("closure_inferred: {}", closure_inferred(i));

    // A closure taking no arguments which returns an `i32`.
    // The return type is inferred.
    let one = || 1;
    println!("closure returning one: {}", one());



Closures are inherently flexible and will do what the functionality requires to make the closure work without annotation. This allows capturing to flexibly adapt to the use case, sometimes moving and sometimes borrowing. Closures can capture variables:

  • by reference: &T
  • by mutable reference: &mut T
  • by value: T

They preferentially capture variables by reference and only go lower when required.

fn main() {
    use std::mem;
    let color = String::from("green");

    // A closure to print `color` which immediately borrows (`&`) `color` and
    // stores the borrow and closure in the `print` variable. It will remain
    // borrowed until `print` is used the last time. 
    // `println!` only requires arguments by immutable reference so it doesn't
    // impose anything more restrictive.
    let print = || println!("`color`: {}", color);

    // Call the closure using the borrow.

    // `color` can be borrowed immutably again, because the closure only holds
    // an immutable reference to `color`. 
    let _reborrow = &color;

    // A move or reborrow is allowed after the final use of `print`
    let _color_moved = color;

    let mut count = 0;
    // A closure to increment `count` could take either `&mut count` or `count`
    // but `&mut count` is less restrictive so it takes that. Immediately
    // borrows `count`.
    // A `mut` is required on `inc` because a `&mut` is stored inside. Thus,
    // calling the closure mutates the closure which requires a `mut`.
    let mut inc = || {
        count += 1;
        println!("`count`: {}", count);

    // Call the closure using a mutable borrow.

    // The closure still mutably borrows `count` because it is called later.
    // An attempt to reborrow will lead to an error.
    // let _reborrow = &count; 
    // ^ TODO: try uncommenting this line.

    // The closure no longer needs to borrow `&mut count`. Therefore, it is
    // possible to reborrow without an error
    let _count_reborrowed = &mut count; 

    // A non-copy type.
    let movable = Box::new(3);

    // `mem::drop` requires `T` so this must take by value. A copy type
    // would copy into the closure leaving the original untouched.
    // A non-copy must move and so `movable` immediately moves into
    // the closure.
    let consume = || {
        println!("`movable`: {:?}", movable);

    // `consume` consumes the variable so this can only be called once.
    // consume();
    // ^ TODO: Try uncommenting this line.

Using move before vertical pipes forces closure to take ownership of captured variables:

fn main() {
    // `Vec` has non-copy semantics.
    let haystack = vec![1, 2, 3];

    let contains = move |needle| haystack.contains(needle);

    println!("{}", contains(&1));
    println!("{}", contains(&4));

    // println!("There're {} elements in vec", haystack.len());
    // ^ Uncommenting above line will result in compile-time error
    // because borrow checker doesn't allow re-using variable after it
    // has been moved.
    // Removing `move` from closure's signature will cause closure
    // to borrow _haystack_ variable immutably, hence _haystack_ is still
    // available and uncommenting above line will not cause an error.

See also:

Box and std::mem::drop

As input parameters

While Rust chooses how to capture variables on the fly mostly without type annotation, this ambiguity is not allowed when writing functions. When taking a closure as an input parameter, the closure's complete type must be annotated using one of a few traits. In order of decreasing restriction, they are:

  • Fn: the closure captures by reference (&T)
  • FnMut: the closure captures by mutable reference (&mut T)
  • FnOnce: the closure captures by value (T)

On a variable-by-variable basis, the compiler will capture variables in the least restrictive manner possible.

For instance, consider a parameter annotated as FnOnce. This specifies that the closure may capture by &T, &mut T, or T, but the compiler will ultimately choose based on how the captured variables are used in the closure.

This is because if a move is possible, then any type of borrow should also be possible. Note that the reverse is not true. If the parameter is annotated as Fn, then capturing variables by &mut T or T are not allowed.

In the following example, try swapping the usage of Fn, FnMut, and FnOnce to see what happens:

// A function which takes a closure as an argument and calls it.
// <F> denotes that F is a "Generic type parameter"
fn apply<F>(f: F) where
    // The closure takes no input and returns nothing.
    F: FnOnce() {
    // ^ TODO: Try changing this to `Fn` or `FnMut`.


// A function which takes a closure and returns an `i32`.
fn apply_to_3<F>(f: F) -> i32 where
    // The closure takes an `i32` and returns an `i32`.
    F: Fn(i32) -> i32 {


fn main() {
    use std::mem;

    let greeting = "hello";
    // A non-copy type.
    // `to_owned` creates owned data from borrowed one
    let mut farewell = "goodbye".to_owned();

    // Capture 2 variables: `greeting` by reference and
    // `farewell` by value.
    let diary = || {
        // `greeting` is by reference: requires `Fn`.
        println!("I said {}.", greeting);

        // Mutation forces `farewell` to be captured by
        // mutable reference. Now requires `FnMut`.
        println!("Then I screamed {}.", farewell);
        println!("Now I can sleep. zzzzz");

        // Manually calling drop forces `farewell` to
        // be captured by value. Now requires `FnOnce`.

    // Call the function which applies the closure.

    // `double` satisfies `apply_to_3`'s trait bound
    let double = |x| 2 * x;

    println!("3 doubled: {}", apply_to_3(double));

See also:

std::mem::drop, Fn, FnMut, Generics, where and FnOnce

Type anonymity

Closures succinctly capture variables from enclosing scopes. Does this have any consequences? It surely does. Observe how using a closure as a function parameter requires generics, which is necessary because of how they are defined:

fn main() {
// `F` must be generic.
fn apply<F>(f: F) where
    F: FnOnce() {

When a closure is defined, the compiler implicitly creates a new anonymous structure to store the captured variables inside, meanwhile implementing the functionality via one of the traits: Fn, FnMut, or FnOnce for this unknown type. This type is assigned to the variable which is stored until calling.

Since this new type is of unknown type, any usage in a function will require generics. However, an unbounded type parameter <T> would still be ambiguous and not be allowed. Thus, bounding by one of the traits: Fn, FnMut, or FnOnce (which it implements) is sufficient to specify its type.

// `F` must implement `Fn` for a closure which takes no
// inputs and returns nothing - exactly what is required
// for `print`.
fn apply<F>(f: F) where
    F: Fn() {

fn main() {
    let x = 7;

    // Capture `x` into an anonymous type and implement
    // `Fn` for it. Store it in `print`.
    let print = || println!("{}", x);


See also:

A thorough analysis, Fn, FnMut, and FnOnce

Input functions

Since closures may be used as arguments, you might wonder if the same can be said about functions. And indeed they can! If you declare a function that takes a closure as parameter, then any function that satisfies the trait bound of that closure can be passed as a parameter.

// Define a function which takes a generic `F` argument
// bounded by `Fn`, and calls it
fn call_me<F: Fn()>(f: F) {

// Define a wrapper function satisfying the `Fn` bound
fn function() {
    println!("I'm a function!");

fn main() {
    // Define a closure satisfying the `Fn` bound
    let closure = || println!("I'm a closure!");


As an additional note, the Fn, FnMut, and FnOnce traits dictate how a closure captures variables from the enclosing scope.

See also:

Fn, FnMut, and FnOnce

As output parameters

Closures as input parameters are possible, so returning closures as output parameters should also be possible. However, anonymous closure types are, by definition, unknown, so we have to use impl Trait to return them.

The valid traits for returning a closure are:

  • Fn
  • FnMut
  • FnOnce

Beyond this, the move keyword must be used, which signals that all captures occur by value. This is required because any captures by reference would be dropped as soon as the function exited, leaving invalid references in the closure.

fn create_fn() -> impl Fn() {
    let text = "Fn".to_owned();

    move || println!("This is a: {}", text)

fn create_fnmut() -> impl FnMut() {
    let text = "FnMut".to_owned();

    move || println!("This is a: {}", text)

fn create_fnonce() -> impl FnOnce() {
    let text = "FnOnce".to_owned();

    move || println!("This is a: {}", text)

fn main() {
    let fn_plain = create_fn();
    let mut fn_mut = create_fnmut();
    let fn_once = create_fnonce();


See also:

Fn, FnMut, Generics and impl Trait.

Examples in std

This section contains a few examples of using closures from the std library.


Iterator::any is a function which when passed an iterator, will return true if any element satisfies the predicate. Otherwise false. Its signature:

pub trait Iterator {
    // The type being iterated over.
    type Item;

    // `any` takes `&mut self` meaning the caller may be borrowed
    // and modified, but not consumed.
    fn any<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> bool where
        // `FnMut` meaning any captured variable may at most be
        // modified, not consumed. `Self::Item` states it takes
        // arguments to the closure by value.
        F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> bool {}
fn main() {
    let vec1 = vec![1, 2, 3];
    let vec2 = vec![4, 5, 6];

    // `iter()` for vecs yields `&i32`. Destructure to `i32`.
    println!("2 in vec1: {}", vec1.iter()     .any(|&x| x == 2));
    // `into_iter()` for vecs yields `i32`. No destructuring required.
    println!("2 in vec2: {}", vec2.into_iter().any(| x| x == 2));

    let array1 = [1, 2, 3];
    let array2 = [4, 5, 6];

    // `iter()` for arrays yields `&i32`.
    println!("2 in array1: {}", array1.iter()     .any(|&x| x == 2));
    // `into_iter()` for arrays unusually yields `&i32`.
    println!("2 in array2: {}", array2.into_iter().any(|&x| x == 2));

See also:


Searching through iterators

Iterator::find is a function which iterates over an iterator and searches for the first value which satisfies some condition. If none of the values satisfy the condition, it returns None. Its signature:

pub trait Iterator {
    // The type being iterated over.
    type Item;

    // `find` takes `&mut self` meaning the caller may be borrowed
    // and modified, but not consumed.
    fn find<P>(&mut self, predicate: P) -> Option<Self::Item> where
        // `FnMut` meaning any captured variable may at most be
        // modified, not consumed. `&Self::Item` states it takes
        // arguments to the closure by reference.
        P: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool {}
fn main() {
    let vec1 = vec![1, 2, 3];
    let vec2 = vec![4, 5, 6];

    // `iter()` for vecs yields `&i32`.
    let mut iter = vec1.iter();
    // `into_iter()` for vecs yields `i32`.
    let mut into_iter = vec2.into_iter();

    // `iter()` for vecs yields `&i32`, and we want to reference one of its
    // items, so we have to destructure `&&i32` to `i32`
    println!("Find 2 in vec1: {:?}", iter     .find(|&&x| x == 2));
    // `into_iter()` for vecs yields `i32`, and we want to reference one of
    // its items, so we have to destructure `&i32` to `i32`
    println!("Find 2 in vec2: {:?}", into_iter.find(| &x| x == 2));

    let array1 = [1, 2, 3];
    let array2 = [4, 5, 6];

    // `iter()` for arrays yields `&i32`
    println!("Find 2 in array1: {:?}", array1.iter()     .find(|&&x| x == 2));
    // `into_iter()` for arrays unusually yields `&i32`
    println!("Find 2 in array2: {:?}", array2.into_iter().find(|&&x| x == 2));

Iterator::find gives you a reference to the item. But if you want the index of the item, use Iterator::position.

fn main() {
    let vec = vec![1, 9, 3, 3, 13, 2];

    let index_of_first_even_number = vec.iter().position(|x| x % 2 == 0);
    assert_eq!(index_of_first_even_number, Some(5));
    let index_of_first_negative_number = vec.iter().position(|x| x < &0);
    assert_eq!(index_of_first_negative_number, None);

See also:





Higher Order Functions

Rust provides Higher Order Functions (HOF). These are functions that take one or more functions and/or produce a more useful function. HOFs and lazy iterators give Rust its functional flavor.

fn is_odd(n: u32) -> bool {
    n % 2 == 1

fn main() {
    println!("Find the sum of all the squared odd numbers under 1000");
    let upper = 1000;

    // Imperative approach
    // Declare accumulator variable
    let mut acc = 0;
    // Iterate: 0, 1, 2, ... to infinity
    for n in 0.. {
        // Square the number
        let n_squared = n * n;

        if n_squared >= upper {
            // Break loop if exceeded the upper limit
        } else if is_odd(n_squared) {
            // Accumulate value, if it's odd
            acc += n_squared;
    println!("imperative style: {}", acc);

    // Functional approach
    let sum_of_squared_odd_numbers: u32 =
        (0..).map(|n| n * n)                             // All natural numbers squared
             .take_while(|&n_squared| n_squared < upper) // Below upper limit
             .filter(|&n_squared| is_odd(n_squared))     // That are odd
             .fold(0, |acc, n_squared| acc + n_squared); // Sum them
    println!("functional style: {}", sum_of_squared_odd_numbers);

Option and Iterator implement their fair share of HOFs.

Diverging functions

Diverging functions never return. They are marked using !, which is an empty type.

fn main() {
fn foo() -> ! {
    panic!("This call never returns.");

As opposed to all the other types, this one cannot be instantiated, because the set of all possible values this type can have is empty. Note that, it is different from the () type, which has exactly one possible value.

For example, this function returns as usual, although there is no information in the return value.

fn some_fn() {

fn main() {
    let a: () = some_fn();
    println!("This function returns and you can see this line.")

As opposed to this function, which will never return the control back to the caller.


fn main() {
    let x: ! = panic!("This call never returns.");
    println!("You will never see this line!");

Although this might seem like an abstract concept, it is in fact very useful and often handy. The main advantage of this type is that it can be cast to any other one and therefore used at places where an exact type is required, for instance in match branches. This allows us to write code like this:

fn main() {
    fn sum_odd_numbers(up_to: u32) -> u32 {
        let mut acc = 0;
        for i in 0..up_to {
            // Notice that the return type of this match expression must be u32
            // because of the type of the "addition" variable.
            let addition: u32 = match i%2 == 1 {
                // The "i" variable is of type u32, which is perfectly fine.
                true => i,
                // On the other hand, the "continue" expression does not return
                // u32, but it is still fine, because it never returns and therefore
                // does not violate the type requirements of the match expression.
                false => continue,
            acc += addition;
    println!("Sum of odd numbers up to 9 (excluding): {}", sum_odd_numbers(9));

It is also the return type of functions that loop forever (e.g. loop {}) like network servers or functions that terminates the process (e.g. exit()).


Rust kodu hiyerarşik olarak mantıksal birimlere(modüller) ayıran güçlü modül sistemi sağlar, ve tabii ki beraberinde görünürlük yönetimi(public/private)(genel/özel) de sağlar.

Bir modül şu öğelerin bütünüdür: fonksiyonlar, struct'lar(yapı), nitelikler, impl blokları, ve diğer modüller.


By default, the items in a module have private visibility, but this can be overridden with the pub modifier. Only the public items of a module can be accessed from outside the module scope.

// A module named `my_mod`
mod my_mod {
    // Items in modules default to private visibility.
    fn private_function() {
        println!("called `my_mod::private_function()`");

    // Use the `pub` modifier to override default visibility.
    pub fn function() {
        println!("called `my_mod::function()`");

    // Items can access other items in the same module,
    // even when private.
    pub fn indirect_access() {
        print!("called `my_mod::indirect_access()`, that\n> ");

    // Modules can also be nested
    pub mod nested {
        pub fn function() {
            println!("called `my_mod::nested::function()`");

        fn private_function() {
            println!("called `my_mod::nested::private_function()`");

        // Functions declared using `pub(in path)` syntax are only visible
        // within the given path. `path` must be a parent or ancestor module
        pub(in crate::my_mod) fn public_function_in_my_mod() {
            print!("called `my_mod::nested::public_function_in_my_mod()`, that\n> ");

        // Functions declared using `pub(self)` syntax are only visible within
        // the current module, which is the same as leaving them private
        pub(self) fn public_function_in_nested() {
            println!("called `my_mod::nested::public_function_in_nested()`");

        // Functions declared using `pub(super)` syntax are only visible within
        // the parent module
        pub(super) fn public_function_in_super_mod() {
            println!("called `my_mod::nested::public_function_in_super_mod()`");

    pub fn call_public_function_in_my_mod() {
        print!("called `my_mod::call_public_function_in_my_mod()`, that\n> ");
        print!("> ");

    // pub(crate) makes functions visible only within the current crate
    pub(crate) fn public_function_in_crate() {
        println!("called `my_mod::public_function_in_crate()`");

    // Nested modules follow the same rules for visibility
    mod private_nested {
        pub fn function() {
            println!("called `my_mod::private_nested::function()`");

        // Private parent items will still restrict the visibility of a child item,
        // even if it is declared as visible within a bigger scope.
        pub(crate) fn restricted_function() {
            println!("called `my_mod::private_nested::restricted_function()`");

fn function() {
    println!("called `function()`");

fn main() {
    // Modules allow disambiguation between items that have the same name.

    // Public items, including those inside nested modules, can be
    // accessed from outside the parent module.

    // pub(crate) items can be called from anywhere in the same crate

    // pub(in path) items can only be called from within the module specified
    // Error! function `public_function_in_my_mod` is private
    // TODO ^ Try uncommenting this line

    // Private items of a module cannot be directly accessed, even if
    // nested in a public module:

    // Error! `private_function` is private
    // TODO ^ Try uncommenting this line

    // Error! `private_function` is private
    // TODO ^ Try uncommenting this line

    // Error! `private_nested` is a private module
    // TODO ^ Try uncommenting this line

    // Error! `private_nested` is a private module
    // TODO ^ Try uncommenting this line

Struct visibility

Structs have an extra level of visibility with their fields. The visibility defaults to private, and can be overridden with the pub modifier. This visibility only matters when a struct is accessed from outside the module where it is defined, and has the goal of hiding information (encapsulation).

mod my {
    // A public struct with a public field of generic type `T`
    pub struct OpenBox<T> {
        pub contents: T,

    // A public struct with a private field of generic type `T`
    pub struct ClosedBox<T> {
        contents: T,

    impl<T> ClosedBox<T> {
        // A public constructor method
        pub fn new(contents: T) -> ClosedBox<T> {
            ClosedBox {
                contents: contents,

fn main() {
    // Public structs with public fields can be constructed as usual
    let open_box = my::OpenBox { contents: "public information" };

    // and their fields can be normally accessed.
    println!("The open box contains: {}", open_box.contents);

    // Public structs with private fields cannot be constructed using field names.
    // Error! `ClosedBox` has private fields
    //let closed_box = my::ClosedBox { contents: "classified information" };
    // TODO ^ Try uncommenting this line

    // However, structs with private fields can be created using
    // public constructors
    let _closed_box = my::ClosedBox::new("classified information");

    // and the private fields of a public struct cannot be accessed.
    // Error! The `contents` field is private
    //println!("The closed box contains: {}", _closed_box.contents);
    // TODO ^ Try uncommenting this line

See also:

generics and methods

The use declaration

The use declaration can be used to bind a full path to a new name, for easier access. It is often used like this:

use crate::deeply::nested::{

fn main() {

You can use the as keyword to bind imports to a different name:

// Bind the `deeply::nested::function` path to `other_function`.
use deeply::nested::function as other_function;

fn function() {
    println!("called `function()`");

mod deeply {
    pub mod nested {
        pub fn function() {
            println!("called `deeply::nested::function()`");

fn main() {
    // Easier access to `deeply::nested::function`

    println!("Entering block");
        // This is equivalent to `use deeply::nested::function as function`.
        // This `function()` will shadow the outer one.
        use crate::deeply::nested::function;

        // `use` bindings have a local scope. In this case, the
        // shadowing of `function()` is only in this block.

        println!("Leaving block");


super and self

The super and self keywords can be used in the path to remove ambiguity when accessing items and to prevent unnecessary hardcoding of paths.

fn function() {
    println!("called `function()`");

mod cool {
    pub fn function() {
        println!("called `cool::function()`");

mod my {
    fn function() {
        println!("called `my::function()`");
    mod cool {
        pub fn function() {
            println!("called `my::cool::function()`");
    pub fn indirect_call() {
        // Let's access all the functions named `function` from this scope!
        print!("called `my::indirect_call()`, that\n> ");
        // The `self` keyword refers to the current module scope - in this case `my`.
        // Calling `self::function()` and calling `function()` directly both give
        // the same result, because they refer to the same function.
        // We can also use `self` to access another module inside `my`:
        // The `super` keyword refers to the parent scope (outside the `my` module).
        // This will bind to the `cool::function` in the *crate* scope.
        // In this case the crate scope is the outermost scope.
            use crate::cool::function as root_function;

fn main() {

File hierarchy

Modules can be mapped to a file/directory hierarchy. Let's break down the visibility example in files:

$ tree .
|-- my
|   |-- inaccessible.rs
|   |-- mod.rs
|   `-- nested.rs
`-- split.rs

In split.rs:

// This declaration will look for a file named `my.rs` or `my/mod.rs` and will
// insert its contents inside a module named `my` under this scope
mod my;

fn function() {
    println!("called `function()`");

fn main() {




In my/mod.rs:

// Similarly `mod inaccessible` and `mod nested` will locate the `nested.rs`
// and `inaccessible.rs` files and insert them here under their respective
// modules
mod inaccessible;
pub mod nested;

pub fn function() {
    println!("called `my::function()`");

fn private_function() {
    println!("called `my::private_function()`");

pub fn indirect_access() {
    print!("called `my::indirect_access()`, that\n> ");


In my/nested.rs:

pub fn function() {
    println!("called `my::nested::function()`");

fn private_function() {
    println!("called `my::nested::private_function()`");

In my/inaccessible.rs:

pub fn public_function() {
    println!("called `my::inaccessible::public_function()`");

Let's check that things still work as before:

$ rustc split.rs && ./split
called `my::function()`
called `function()`
called `my::indirect_access()`, that
> called `my::private_function()`
called `my::nested::function()`


Crate Rust'ta bir derleme birimidir. rustc herhangi_bir_dosya.rs çağrıldığında, herhangi_bir_dosya.rs crate dosyası olarak kabul edilir. Eğer herhangi_bir_dosya.rs 'da mod bildirimi varsa, daha sonra modül dosyalarının içeriği derleyici üzerinde çalışmadan önce crate dosyasındaki mod bildirimlerinin bulunduğu yere eklenir. Diğer bir deyişle, modüller ayrı ayrı derlenmez sadece crate'ler(sandıklar) derlenir.

Bir crate bir ikili dosyaya veya kütüphaneye derlenebilir. Varsayılan olarak, rustc bir crate'den bir ikili dosya üretecektir. Bu davranış --crate-type bayrağını lib 'e ileterek geçersiz kılınabilir.

Kütüphane Oluşturmak

Bir kütüphane oluşturalım, ve sonra onu başka bir crate'e bağlayacağımızı görelim.

pub fn public_function() {
    println!("called rary's `public_function()`");

fn private_function() {
    println!("called rary's `private_function()`");

pub fn indirect_access() {
    print!("called rary's `indirect_access()`, that\n> ");

$ rustc --crate-type=lib rary.rs
$ ls lib*

Kütüphaneler "lib" ön ekiyle başlarlar, ve varsayılan olarak crate dosyalarının adını alırlar, ama bu varsayılan ad, --crate-name seçeneği ile rustc'ye iletilerek veya crate_name özelliği kullanılarak geçersiz kılınabilir.

Bir Kütüphaneyi Kullanmak

Bir crate'i yeni bir kütüphaneye bağlamak için rustc'nin --extern bayrağını kullanabilirsiniz. Tüm öğeler daha sonra kütüphaneyle aynı adda olan bir modülün altına aktarılacaktır Bu modül genellikle diğer modüllerle aynı şekilde davranır.

// extern crate rary; // Rust 2015 sürümü veya öncesi için gerekli olabilir

fn main() {

    // Hata alınır! `private_function` gizlidir

# Where library.rlib is the path to the compiled library, assumed that it's
# in the same directory here:
$ rustc executable.rs --extern rary=library.rlib --edition=2018 && ./executable 
called rary's `public_function()`
called rary's `indirect_access()`, that
> called rary's `private_function()`


cargo Rust'ın resmi paket yönetim aracıdır. Kod kalitesini geliştirmek ve geliştirici hızını artırmak için birçok yararlı özelliğe sahiptir! Bunlardan bazıları:

  • Bağlılık yönetimi ve crates.io (resmi Rust paket kaydı) ile entegrasyon
  • Birim(unit) testler hakkında farkındalık
  • Kriterler(benchmark) hakkında farkındalık

Bu bölümde bazı hızlı temel bilgiler ele alınacaktır, daha kapsamlı bilgilere İngilizce Cargo Kitabı ile erişebilirsiniz.


Çoğu programın bazı kütüphanelere bağımlılıkları vardır. Hiç bağımlılıkları elle yönettiyseniz, bunun ne kadar acı verici olabileceğini tahmin edersiniz. Şanslıyız ki, Rust ekosistemi cargo ile standart olarak geliyor! cargo bir proje için bağımlılıkları yönetebilir.

Yeni bir Rust projesi oluşturmak için,

# A binary
cargo new foo

# OR A library
cargo new --lib foo

Bu bölümün geri kalanı için, bir kütüphane yerine bir ikili yaptığımızı varsayalım, ama tüm kavramlarımız aynı.

Yukarıdaki komutlardan sonra, aşağıdaki gibi bir dosya hiyerarşisi görmelisiniz:

├── Cargo.toml
└── src
    └── main.rs

main.rs yeni projenizin root(kök/ana) kaynak dosyasıdır -- yeni bir şey yoktur. Cargo.toml bu proje için cargo yapılandırma dosyasıdır (foo). İçine bakarsanız, şuna benzer bir şey görürsünüz:

name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["mark"]


name alanı [package] altındaki projenin adını belirler. Crate'i yayınlarsanız crates.io tarafından kullanılır(daha sonra anlatılacaktır). Ayrıca, derlediğinizde çıktı ikilisinin de adıdır.

version alanı Semantic Versioning(Anlamsal Sürümlendirme) kullanan crate sürüm numarasıdır.

authors alanı, crate'i yayınlarken kullanılan yazarların listesidir.

[dependencies] alanı projenize bağımlılık eklemenizi sağlar.

Örneğin, programınızın harika bir komut satırı arayüzüne sahip olmasını istediğinizi varsayalım. crates.io (resmi Rust paket kayıtları)'da bir sürü güzel paket bulabilirsiniz. Popüler bir seçim clap'tir. Bu yazı boyunca, clap'in en son sürümü 2.27.1'dir. Programımıza bir bağımlılık eklemek için, Cargo.toml dosyamızda [dependencies]: clap = "2.27.1" şeklinde basitçe ekleriz. İşte budur! Artık programınızda clap kullanmaya başlayabilirsiniz.

cargo bağımlılıkların özel tipleri. Ufak bir özetleme:

name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["mark"]

clap = "2.27.1" # from crates.io
rand = { git = "https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rand" } # from online repo
bar = { path = "../bar" } # from a path in the local filesystem

cargo bir bağımlılık yöneticisinden daha fazlasıdır. Mevcut tüm konfigürasyon seçenekleri Cargo.toml 'deki format belirleyicide listelenmiştir.

Projemizi oluşturmak için, proje dizininde herhangi bir yerde (alt dizinler de dahil!) cargo'yu çalıştırırız. Aynı zamanda cargo run diyerek de build edip çalıştırabiliriz. Bu komutların tüm bağımlılıkları çözeceğine, gerekirse crate'leri indireceğine ve crate'iniz de dahil her şeyi oluşturacağını unutmayın! (Çoktan build edilmiş bir şeyi tekrar build ettiğini unutmayın make'e benzer şekilde).

İşte! Hepsi bu kadar!


Önceki bölümde, aşağıdaki dizin hiyerarşisini görmüştük:

├── Cargo.toml
└── src
    └── main.rs

Yine de aynı projede iki ikiliye ihtiyacımız olduğunu varsayalım. Ne olacak?

cargonun bunu desteklediğini görürüz. Varsayılan ikili dosya ismi daha önce de gördüğünüz gibi main'dir, ama bunları bir bin/ dizinine yerleştirerek ek ikili dosyalar ekleyebilirsiniz:

├── Cargo.toml
└── src
    ├── main.rs
    └── bin
        └── my_other_bin.rs

cargoya varsayılan veya diğer ikili dosyaların aksine bu ikiliyi derlemesini veya çalıştırmasını söylemek için sadece cargodan --bin my_other_bin bayrağını geçiyoruz(pass ediyoruz), burada my_other_bin çalışmak istediğimiz ikili dosyanın adıdır.

Extra binaries(ekstra ikili)'lere ek olarak cargo kıyaslama(benchmark) testler ve örnekler gibi daha fazla özelliği destekler.

Gelecek bölümde, test(deneme)lere daha yakından bakacağız.


Bildiğiniz gibi, test herhangi bir yazılımın ayrılmaz bir parçasıdır! Rust birim ve entegrasyon testi için birinci sınıf desteğe sahiptir (resmi dokümandaki bu bölüme bakın.

Yukarıda bağlantılı test bölümlerinden, birim testleri ve entegrasyon testlerinin nasıl yazılacağını görüyoruz. Organizasyonel olarak birim testlerini test ettikleri modüllere ve entegrasyon testlerini kendini tests/ dizinine yerleştirebiliriz:

├── Cargo.toml
├── src
│   └── main.rs
└── tests
    ├── my_test.rs
    └── my_other_test.rs

tests dizinindeki tüm dosyalar ayrı bir entegrasyon testidir.

cargo yapısından gelen özelliğiyle tüm testlerinizi çalıştırmak için kolay yol sunar!

$ cargo test

Şöyle bir çıktı alırsınız:

$ cargo test
   Compiling blah v0.1.0 (file:///nobackup/blah)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.89 secs
     Running target/debug/deps/blah-d3b32b97275ec472

running 3 tests
test test_bar ... ok
test test_baz ... ok
test test_foo_bar ... ok
test test_foo ... ok

test result: ok. 3 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out

Ayrıca adı bir desenle(pattern ile) eşleşen testleri de çalıştırabilirsiniz:

$ cargo test test_foo
$ cargo test test_foo
   Compiling blah v0.1.0 (file:///nobackup/blah)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.35 secs
     Running target/debug/deps/blah-d3b32b97275ec472

running 2 tests
test test_foo ... ok
test test_foo_bar ... ok

test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 2 filtered out

Bir uyarı: Cargo aynı anda birden fazla test yapabilir, bu yüzden birbirleriyle yarışmadıklarından emin olun. Örneğin, hepsi bir dosyaya çıktı veriyorsa, onları farklı dosyalara yazdırmalısınız.

Betik(Script) Oluşturmak

Bazen cargo ile normal oluşturmalar yeterli olmaz. Belki cargo başarılı bir şekilde derlenmeden önce crate'inizin bazı ön koşullara, veya derlenmesi gereken bazı yerel kodlara ihtiyacı vardır. Bu problemi çözmek için Cargo'nun çalıştırabileceği bazı betikler yazarız.

Paketinize betik eklemek için, Cargo.toml dosyasında aşağıdaki gibi belirtilebilir:

build = "build.rs"

Aksi halde Cargo varsayılan olarak proje dizinindeki build.rs dosyasını kullanacaktır.

Yazılmış betiği nasıl kullanırız

Betik paketteki herhangi bir şeyi derlemeden önce derlenecek ve çağrılacak başka bir Rust dosyasıdır. Dolayısıyla crate'inizin ön koşullarını yerine getirmek için kullanılabilir.

Cargo betiğe, burada belirtilen ve kullanılabilecek ortam değişkenleri aracılığıyla input(girdi)'lar sağlar.

Betik, stdout aracılığıyla output(çıktı) sağlar. Tüm satırlar target/debug/build/<pkg>/output konumuna yazılır. Dahası, cargo:yla ön eklenmiş satırlar: doğrudan cargo tarafından yorumlanacaktır ve bu nedenle paketin derlenmesi için parametreleri tanımlamak için kullanılabilir.

Daha ileri seviyede tanım ve örnekler için İngilizce Cargo kitabından bir bölüm.


Bir özellik, bazı modüllere, crate(sandık)'e veya öğeye uygulanan meta(üst) veridir. Bu metadata(üst veri) şunlar için kullanılır:

Özellikler bütün bir crate'e başvurduğunda, söz dizimi #![crate_attribute], ve bir modül veya öğeye başvurduğunda, söz dizimi #[item_attribute] (eksiğin farkına varın !).

Özellikler farklı söz dizimleriyle argümanlar da alabilirler:

  • #[attribute = "deger"]
  • #[attribute(key = "deger")]
  • #[attribute(deger)]

Özellikler çoklu değer alabilir ve çoklu satırla ayrılabilirler de:

#[attribute(deger, deger2)]

#[attribute(deger, deger2, deger3,
            deger4, deger5)]


Derleyici, kullanılmayan fonksiyonlar hakkında uyarı verecek bir dead_code lint'i sağlar. Bir özellik lint'i devre dışı bırakmak için kullanılabilir.

fn used_function() {}

// `#[allow(dead_code)]` , `dead_code` lint'ini devre dışı bırakan bir özelliktir
fn unused_function() {}

fn noisy_unused_function() {}
// FIXME(Daha iyi yapılabilir) ^ Uyarıyı bastırmak için bir özellik ekleyin

fn main() {

Gerçek programlamalarda dead code(ölü kod)'u ortadan kaldırmanız gerektiğini unutmayın. Bu örneklerde, örneklerin etkileşimli doğası nedeniyle bazı yerlerde ölü koda izin vereceğiz.

Crate'ler (Sandıklar)

crate_type özelliği, derleyiciye crate'in bir binary(ikili) dosya mı yoksa kütüphane dosyası mı olduğunu bildirmek için kullanılabilir, (ve hatta hangi tipte bir kütüphane olduğunu), ve crate_name özelliği, crate'in adını ayarlamak için kullanılabilir.

Bununla birlikte, Rust paket yöneticisi Cargo kullanırken hem crate_type hem de crate_name özelliklerinin hiçbir etkisi olmadığını unutmamak önemlidir. Cargo, Rust projelerinin büyük çoğunluğunda kullanıldığından, crate_type ve crate_name'in gerçek dünyadaki kullanımlarının göreli olarak sınırlı olduğu anlamına gelir.

// Bu crate bir kütüphanedir(library)
#![crate_type = "lib"]
// Bu kütüphanenin adı "rary"dir
#![crate_name = "rary"]

pub fn public_function() {
    println!("called rary's `public_function()`");

fn private_function() {
    println!("called rary's `private_function()`");

pub fn indirect_access() {
    print!("called rary's `indirect_access()`, that\n> ");


crate_type özelliği kullanıldığında, artık --crate-type bayrağını rustc iletmek gerekmez.

$ rustc lib.rs
$ ls lib*


Konfigürasyon koşullu kontrolleri iki farklı operatör aracılığıyla mümkündür:

  • cfg özelliği: #[cfg(...)] özellik konumundayken
  • cfg! macro'su: cfg!(...) boolean ifadeyken

Birincisi koşullu derlemeyi mümkün kılarken, ikincisi koşullu olarak true(doğru) veya false(yanlış) değişmez değerlerle çalışma zamanında kontrollere izin verir. Her ikisi de aynı söz dizimini kullanır.

// Bu fonksiyon yalnızca hedef işletim sistemi linux ise derlenir
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
fn are_you_on_linux() {
    println!("You are running linux!");

// Ve bu fonksiyon yalnızca hedef işletim sistemi linux *değilse* derlenir
#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
fn are_you_on_linux() {
    println!("You are *not* running linux!");

fn main() {

    println!("Are you sure?");
    if cfg!(target_os = "linux") {
        println!("Yes. It's definitely linux!");
    } else {
        println!("Yes. It's definitely *not* linux!");

Ayrıca bakın:

İngilizce referans, cfg!, ve macro'lar.


target_os gibi bazı koşul ifadeleri dolaylı olarak rustc tarafından sağlanır, ama özel koşul ifadeleri --cfg bayrağı kullanılarak rustcye iletilmelidir.

fn kosullu_fonksiyon() {
    println!("kosul karsilandi!");

fn main() {

Bunu özel cfg bayrağı olmadan çalıştırın ve bakın neler oluyor.

Özel cfg bayrağıyla:

$ rustc --cfg birtakim_kosullar custom.rs && ./custom
kosul karsilandi!


Generic'ler (Genelleyiciler) tipleri ve fonksiyonları daha geniş durumlara genelleme konusudur. Bu, birçok yönden kod yinelemesini azaltmak için oldukça kullanışlıdır, ancak daha çok söz dizimi(syntax) kullanımı gerektirebilir. Yani, generic olmak; genel bir tipin hangi tipler üzerinde geçerli kabul edildiğini belirtmek için büyük özen gerektirir. Generic'lerin en basit ve en yaygın kullanımı tip parametreleri içindir.

Bir tip parametresi, açılı ayraçlar ve büyük harfli camel case kullanılarak belirtilir: <Aaa, Bbb, ...>. "Generic tip parametreleri" genellikle şu şekilde temsil edilir: <T>. Rust'ta "generic", bir veya daha fazla generic tip parametresini <T> kabul eden her şeyi tanımlar. Generic bir tip parametresi olarak belirtilen herhangi bir tip generic yani geneldir ve diğer her şey somuttur(generic olmayan).

Örneğin, herhangi bir tipten bağımsız foo isimli T bağımsız tipte argüman alan generic fonksiyon tanımlamak:

fn foo<T>(arg: T) { ... }

Çünkü T <T> kullanılarak genel bir tip parametresi olarak bildirildiğinden, burada (arg: T) olarak kullanıldığında generic kabul edilir. T daha önce struct olarak tanımlanmış olsa bile geçerli olan budur.

Bu örnek bazı söz dizimlerini gösterir:

// Somut tip `A`.
struct A;

// `Single` tipini tanımlarken, `A`nın ilk kullanımından önce `<A>` gelmez.
// Bu nedenle, `Single` bir somut tiptir, ve `A` yukarıdaki gibi tanımlanır.
struct Single(A);
//            ^ `Single`ın `A` tipinin ilk kullanımı.

// Burada, `<T>`, `T`nin ilk kullanımından önce gelir, bu sebeple `SingleGen` generic bir tiptir.
// `T` tip parametresi generic olduğundan, herhangi bir şey olabilir;
// tepede tanımalanan somut `A` tipi de.
struct SingleGen<T>(T);

fn main() {
    // `Single` somuttur ve açıkça `A` alır.
    let _s = Single(A);
    // Tipi `SingleGen<char>` olan `_char` değişken tanımlayın
    // ve `SingleGen('a')` değerini verin.
    // Burada, `SingleGen` açıkça belirtilmiş bir tip parametresine sahiptir.
    let _char: SingleGen<char> = SingleGen('a');

    // `SingleGen` ayrıca dolaylı olarak belirtilen bir tip parametresine sahip olabilir:
    let _t    = SingleGen(A); // Tepe tanımlanan `A`yı kullanır.
    let _i32  = SingleGen(6); // `i32`yi kullanır.
    let _char = SingleGen('a'); // `char`ı kullanır.

Ayrıca Bakınız:



The same set of rules can be applied to functions: a type T becomes generic when preceded by <T>.

Using generic functions sometimes requires explicitly specifying type parameters. This may be the case if the function is called where the return type is generic, or if the compiler doesn't have enough information to infer the necessary type parameters.

A function call with explicitly specified type parameters looks like: fun::<A, B, ...>().

struct A;          // Concrete type `A`.
struct S(A);       // Concrete type `S`.
struct SGen<T>(T); // Generic type `SGen`.

// The following functions all take ownership of the variable passed into
// them and immediately go out of scope, freeing the variable.

// Define a function `reg_fn` that takes an argument `_s` of type `S`.
// This has no `<T>` so this is not a generic function.
fn reg_fn(_s: S) {}

// Define a function `gen_spec_t` that takes an argument `_s` of type `SGen<T>`.
// It has been explicitly given the type parameter `A`, but because `A` has not 
// been specified as a generic type parameter for `gen_spec_t`, it is not generic.
fn gen_spec_t(_s: SGen<A>) {}

// Define a function `gen_spec_i32` that takes an argument `_s` of type `SGen<i32>`.
// It has been explicitly given the type parameter `i32`, which is a specific type.
// Because `i32` is not a generic type, this function is also not generic.
fn gen_spec_i32(_s: SGen<i32>) {}

// Define a function `generic` that takes an argument `_s` of type `SGen<T>`.
// Because `SGen<T>` is preceded by `<T>`, this function is generic over `T`.
fn generic<T>(_s: SGen<T>) {}

fn main() {
    // Using the non-generic functions
    reg_fn(S(A));          // Concrete type.
    gen_spec_t(SGen(A));   // Implicitly specified type parameter `A`.
    gen_spec_i32(SGen(6)); // Implicitly specified type parameter `i32`.

    // Explicitly specified type parameter `char` to `generic()`.

    // Implicitly specified type parameter `char` to `generic()`.

See also:

functions and structs


Similar to functions, implementations require care to remain generic.

fn main() {
struct S; // Concrete type `S`
struct GenericVal<T>(T); // Generic type `GenericVal`

// impl of GenericVal where we explicitly specify type parameters:
impl GenericVal<f32> {} // Specify `f32`
impl GenericVal<S> {} // Specify `S` as defined above

// `<T>` Must precede the type to remain generic
impl<T> GenericVal<T> {}
struct Val {
    val: f64,

struct GenVal<T> {
    gen_val: T,

// impl of Val
impl Val {
    fn value(&self) -> &f64 {

// impl of GenVal for a generic type `T`
impl<T> GenVal<T> {
    fn value(&self) -> &T {

fn main() {
    let x = Val { val: 3.0 };
    let y = GenVal { gen_val: 3i32 };

    println!("{}, {}", x.value(), y.value());

See also:

functions returning references, impl, and struct


Of course traits can also be generic. Here we define one which reimplements the Drop trait as a generic method to drop itself and an input.

// Non-copyable types.
struct Empty;
struct Null;

// A trait generic over `T`.
trait DoubleDrop<T> {
    // Define a method on the caller type which takes an
    // additional single parameter `T` and does nothing with it.
    fn double_drop(self, _: T);

// Implement `DoubleDrop<T>` for any generic parameter `T` and
// caller `U`.
impl<T, U> DoubleDrop<T> for U {
    // This method takes ownership of both passed arguments,
    // deallocating both.
    fn double_drop(self, _: T) {}

fn main() {
    let empty = Empty;
    let null  = Null;

    // Deallocate `empty` and `null`.

    // ^ TODO: Try uncommenting these lines.

See also:

Drop, struct, and trait


When working with generics, the type parameters often must use traits as bounds to stipulate what functionality a type implements. For example, the following example uses the trait Display to print and so it requires T to be bound by Display; that is, T must implement Display.

// Define a function `printer` that takes a generic type `T` which
// must implement trait `Display`.
fn printer<T: Display>(t: T) {
    println!("{}", t);

Bounding restricts the generic to types that conform to the bounds. That is:

struct S<T: Display>(T);

// Error! `Vec<T>` does not implement `Display`. This
// specialization will fail.
let s = S(vec![1]);

Another effect of bounding is that generic instances are allowed to access the methods of traits specified in the bounds. For example:

// A trait which implements the print marker: `{:?}`.
use std::fmt::Debug;

trait HasArea {
    fn area(&self) -> f64;

impl HasArea for Rectangle {
    fn area(&self) -> f64 { self.length * self.height }

struct Rectangle { length: f64, height: f64 }
struct Triangle  { length: f64, height: f64 }

// The generic `T` must implement `Debug`. Regardless
// of the type, this will work properly.
fn print_debug<T: Debug>(t: &T) {
    println!("{:?}", t);

// `T` must implement `HasArea`. Any type which meets
// the bound can access `HasArea`'s function `area`.
fn area<T: HasArea>(t: &T) -> f64 { t.area() }

fn main() {
    let rectangle = Rectangle { length: 3.0, height: 4.0 };
    let _triangle = Triangle  { length: 3.0, height: 4.0 };

    println!("Area: {}", area(&rectangle));

    //println!("Area: {}", area(&_triangle));
    // ^ TODO: Try uncommenting these.
    // | Error: Does not implement either `Debug` or `HasArea`. 

As an additional note, where clauses can also be used to apply bounds in some cases to be more expressive.

See also:

std::fmt, structs, and traits

Testcase: empty bounds

A consequence of how bounds work is that even if a trait doesn't include any functionality, you can still use it as a bound. Eq and Copy are examples of such traits from the std library.

struct Cardinal;
struct BlueJay;
struct Turkey;

trait Red {}
trait Blue {}

impl Red for Cardinal {}
impl Blue for BlueJay {}

// These functions are only valid for types which implement these
// traits. The fact that the traits are empty is irrelevant.
fn red<T: Red>(_: &T)   -> &'static str { "red" }
fn blue<T: Blue>(_: &T) -> &'static str { "blue" }

fn main() {
    let cardinal = Cardinal;
    let blue_jay = BlueJay;
    let _turkey   = Turkey;

    // `red()` won't work on a blue jay nor vice versa
    // because of the bounds.
    println!("A cardinal is {}", red(&cardinal));
    println!("A blue jay is {}", blue(&blue_jay));
    //println!("A turkey is {}", red(&_turkey));
    // ^ TODO: Try uncommenting this line.

See also:

std::cmp::Eq, std::marker::Copy, and traits

Multiple bounds

Multiple bounds can be applied with a +. Like normal, different types are separated with ,.

use std::fmt::{Debug, Display};

fn compare_prints<T: Debug + Display>(t: &T) {
    println!("Debug: `{:?}`", t);
    println!("Display: `{}`", t);

fn compare_types<T: Debug, U: Debug>(t: &T, u: &U) {
    println!("t: `{:?}`", t);
    println!("u: `{:?}`", u);

fn main() {
    let string = "words";
    let array = [1, 2, 3];
    let vec = vec![1, 2, 3];

    // TODO ^ Try uncommenting this.

    compare_types(&array, &vec);

See also:

std::fmt and traits

Where clauses

A bound can also be expressed using a where clause immediately before the opening {, rather than at the type's first mention. Additionally, where clauses can apply bounds to arbitrary types, rather than just to type parameters.

Some cases that a where clause is useful:

  • When specifying generic types and bounds separately is clearer:
impl <A: TraitB + TraitC, D: TraitE + TraitF> MyTrait<A, D> for YourType {}

// Expressing bounds with a `where` clause
impl <A, D> MyTrait<A, D> for YourType where
    A: TraitB + TraitC,
    D: TraitE + TraitF {}
  • When using a where clause is more expressive than using normal syntax. The impl in this example cannot be directly expressed without a where clause:
use std::fmt::Debug;

trait PrintInOption {
    fn print_in_option(self);

// Because we would otherwise have to express this as `T: Debug` or 
// use another method of indirect approach, this requires a `where` clause:
impl<T> PrintInOption for T where
    Option<T>: Debug {
    // We want `Option<T>: Debug` as our bound because that is what's
    // being printed. Doing otherwise would be using the wrong bound.
    fn print_in_option(self) {
        println!("{:?}", Some(self));

fn main() {
    let vec = vec![1, 2, 3];


See also:

RFC, struct, and trait

New Type Idiom

The newtype idiom gives compile time guarantees that the right type of value is supplied to a program.

For example, an age verification function that checks age in years, must be given a value of type Years.

struct Years(i64);

struct Days(i64);

impl Years {
    pub fn to_days(&self) -> Days {
        Days(self.0 * 365)

impl Days {
    /// truncates partial years
    pub fn to_years(&self) -> Years {
        Years(self.0 / 365)

fn old_enough(age: &Years) -> bool {
    age.0 >= 18

fn main() {
    let age = Years(5);
    let age_days = age.to_days();
    println!("Old enough {}", old_enough(&age));
    println!("Old enough {}", old_enough(&age_days.to_years()));
    // println!("Old enough {}", old_enough(&age_days));

Uncomment the last print statement to observe that the type supplied must be Years.

To obtain the newtype's value as the base type, you may use tuple syntax like so:

struct Years(i64);

fn main() {
    let years = Years(42);
    let years_as_primitive: i64 = years.0;

See also:


Associated items

"Associated Items" refers to a set of rules pertaining to items of various types. It is an extension to trait generics, and allows traits to internally define new items.

One such item is called an associated type, providing simpler usage patterns when the trait is generic over its container type.

See also:


The Problem

A trait that is generic over its container type has type specification requirements - users of the trait must specify all of its generic types.

In the example below, the Contains trait allows the use of the generic types A and B. The trait is then implemented for the Container type, specifying i32 for A and B so that it can be used with fn difference().

Because Contains is generic, we are forced to explicitly state all of the generic types for fn difference(). In practice, we want a way to express that A and B are determined by the input C. As you will see in the next section, associated types provide exactly that capability.

struct Container(i32, i32);

// A trait which checks if 2 items are stored inside of container.
// Also retrieves first or last value.
trait Contains<A, B> {
    fn contains(&self, _: &A, _: &B) -> bool; // Explicitly requires `A` and `B`.
    fn first(&self) -> i32; // Doesn't explicitly require `A` or `B`.
    fn last(&self) -> i32;  // Doesn't explicitly require `A` or `B`.

impl Contains<i32, i32> for Container {
    // True if the numbers stored are equal.
    fn contains(&self, number_1: &i32, number_2: &i32) -> bool {
        (&self.0 == number_1) && (&self.1 == number_2)

    // Grab the first number.
    fn first(&self) -> i32 { self.0 }

    // Grab the last number.
    fn last(&self) -> i32 { self.1 }

// `C` contains `A` and `B`. In light of that, having to express `A` and
// `B` again is a nuisance.
fn difference<A, B, C>(container: &C) -> i32 where
    C: Contains<A, B> {
    container.last() - container.first()

fn main() {
    let number_1 = 3;
    let number_2 = 10;

    let container = Container(number_1, number_2);

    println!("Does container contain {} and {}: {}",
        &number_1, &number_2,
        container.contains(&number_1, &number_2));
    println!("First number: {}", container.first());
    println!("Last number: {}", container.last());

    println!("The difference is: {}", difference(&container));

See also:

structs, and traits

Associated types

The use of "Associated types" improves the overall readability of code by moving inner types locally into a trait as output types. Syntax for the trait definition is as follows:

fn main() {
// `A` and `B` are defined in the trait via the `type` keyword.
// (Note: `type` in this context is different from `type` when used for
// aliases).
trait Contains {
    type A;
    type B;

    // Updated syntax to refer to these new types generically.
    fn contains(&self, &Self::A, &Self::B) -> bool;

Note that functions that use the trait Contains are no longer required to express A or B at all:

// Without using associated types
fn difference<A, B, C>(container: &C) -> i32 where
    C: Contains<A, B> { ... }

// Using associated types
fn difference<C: Contains>(container: &C) -> i32 { ... }

Let's rewrite the example from the previous section using associated types:

struct Container(i32, i32);

// A trait which checks if 2 items are stored inside of container.
// Also retrieves first or last value.
trait Contains {
    // Define generic types here which methods will be able to utilize.
    type A;
    type B;

    fn contains(&self, _: &Self::A, _: &Self::B) -> bool;
    fn first(&self) -> i32;
    fn last(&self) -> i32;

impl Contains for Container {
    // Specify what types `A` and `B` are. If the `input` type
    // is `Container(i32, i32)`, the `output` types are determined
    // as `i32` and `i32`.
    type A = i32;
    type B = i32;

    // `&Self::A` and `&Self::B` are also valid here.
    fn contains(&self, number_1: &i32, number_2: &i32) -> bool {
        (&self.0 == number_1) && (&self.1 == number_2)
    // Grab the first number.
    fn first(&self) -> i32 { self.0 }

    // Grab the last number.
    fn last(&self) -> i32 { self.1 }

fn difference<C: Contains>(container: &C) -> i32 {
    container.last() - container.first()

fn main() {
    let number_1 = 3;
    let number_2 = 10;

    let container = Container(number_1, number_2);

    println!("Does container contain {} and {}: {}",
        &number_1, &number_2,
        container.contains(&number_1, &number_2));
    println!("First number: {}", container.first());
    println!("Last number: {}", container.last());
    println!("The difference is: {}", difference(&container));

Phantom type parameters

A phantom type parameter is one that doesn't show up at runtime, but is checked statically (and only) at compile time.

Data types can use extra generic type parameters to act as markers or to perform type checking at compile time. These extra parameters hold no storage values, and have no runtime behavior.

In the following example, we combine std::marker::PhantomData with the phantom type parameter concept to create tuples containing different data types.

use std::marker::PhantomData;

// A phantom tuple struct which is generic over `A` with hidden parameter `B`.
#[derive(PartialEq)] // Allow equality test for this type.
struct PhantomTuple<A, B>(A,PhantomData<B>);

// A phantom type struct which is generic over `A` with hidden parameter `B`.
#[derive(PartialEq)] // Allow equality test for this type.
struct PhantomStruct<A, B> { first: A, phantom: PhantomData<B> }

// Note: Storage is allocated for generic type `A`, but not for `B`.
//       Therefore, `B` cannot be used in computations.

fn main() {
    // Here, `f32` and `f64` are the hidden parameters.
    // PhantomTuple type specified as `<char, f32>`.
    let _tuple1: PhantomTuple<char, f32> = PhantomTuple('Q', PhantomData);
    // PhantomTuple type specified as `<char, f64>`.
    let _tuple2: PhantomTuple<char, f64> = PhantomTuple('Q', PhantomData);

    // Type specified as `<char, f32>`.
    let _struct1: PhantomStruct<char, f32> = PhantomStruct {
        first: 'Q',
        phantom: PhantomData,
    // Type specified as `<char, f64>`.
    let _struct2: PhantomStruct<char, f64> = PhantomStruct {
        first: 'Q',
        phantom: PhantomData,
    // Compile-time Error! Type mismatch so these cannot be compared:
    //println!("_tuple1 == _tuple2 yields: {}",
    //          _tuple1 == _tuple2);
    // Compile-time Error! Type mismatch so these cannot be compared:
    //println!("_struct1 == _struct2 yields: {}",
    //          _struct1 == _struct2);

See also:

Derive, struct, and TupleStructs

Testcase: unit clarification

A useful method of unit conversions can be examined by implementing Add with a phantom type parameter. The Add trait is examined below:

// This construction would impose: `Self + RHS = Output`
// where RHS defaults to Self if not specified in the implementation.
pub trait Add<RHS = Self> {
    type Output;

    fn add(self, rhs: RHS) -> Self::Output;

// `Output` must be `T<U>` so that `T<U> + T<U> = T<U>`.
impl<U> Add for T<U> {
    type Output = T<U>;

The whole implementation:

use std::ops::Add;
use std::marker::PhantomData;

/// Create void enumerations to define unit types.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum Inch {}
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum Mm {}

/// `Length` is a type with phantom type parameter `Unit`,
/// and is not generic over the length type (that is `f64`).
/// `f64` already implements the `Clone` and `Copy` traits.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Length<Unit>(f64, PhantomData<Unit>);

/// The `Add` trait defines the behavior of the `+` operator.
impl<Unit> Add for Length<Unit> {
     type Output = Length<Unit>;

    // add() returns a new `Length` struct containing the sum.
    fn add(self, rhs: Length<Unit>) -> Length<Unit> {
        // `+` calls the `Add` implementation for `f64`.
        Length(self.0 + rhs.0, PhantomData)

fn main() {
    // Specifies `one_foot` to have phantom type parameter `Inch`.
    let one_foot:  Length<Inch> = Length(12.0, PhantomData);
    // `one_meter` has phantom type parameter `Mm`.
    let one_meter: Length<Mm>   = Length(1000.0, PhantomData);

    // `+` calls the `add()` method we implemented for `Length<Unit>`.
    // Since `Length` implements `Copy`, `add()` does not consume
    // `one_foot` and `one_meter` but copies them into `self` and `rhs`.
    let two_feet = one_foot + one_foot;
    let two_meters = one_meter + one_meter;

    // Addition works.
    println!("one foot + one_foot = {:?} in", two_feet.0);
    println!("one meter + one_meter = {:?} mm", two_meters.0);

    // Nonsensical operations fail as they should:
    // Compile-time Error: type mismatch.
    //let one_feter = one_foot + one_meter;

See also:

Borrowing (&), Bounds (X: Y), enum, impl & self, Overloading, ref, Traits (X for Y), and TupleStructs.

Kapsam Kuralları

Kapsamlar, sahiplik(ownership) ödünç alma(borrowing) ve yaşam süreleri(lifetime) gibi durumlarda önemli bir yer tutar. Ödünç alanların ne zaman geçerli olduğunu, kaynakların ne zaman serbest bırakılabileceğini ve değişkenlerin ne zaman oluşturulduğu veya yok edildiğini derleyiciye gösterirler.


Variables in Rust do more than just hold data in the stack: they also own resources, e.g. Box<T> owns memory in the heap. Rust enforces RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization), so whenever an object goes out of scope, its destructor is called and its owned resources are freed.

This behavior shields against resource leak bugs, so you'll never have to manually free memory or worry about memory leaks again! Here's a quick showcase:

// raii.rs
fn create_box() {
    // Allocate an integer on the heap
    let _box1 = Box::new(3i32);

    // `_box1` is destroyed here, and memory gets freed

fn main() {
    // Allocate an integer on the heap
    let _box2 = Box::new(5i32);

    // A nested scope:
        // Allocate an integer on the heap
        let _box3 = Box::new(4i32);

        // `_box3` is destroyed here, and memory gets freed

    // Creating lots of boxes just for fun
    // There's no need to manually free memory!
    for _ in 0u32..1_000 {

    // `_box2` is destroyed here, and memory gets freed

Of course, we can double check for memory errors using valgrind:

$ rustc raii.rs && valgrind ./raii
==26873== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==26873== Copyright (C) 2002-2013, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==26873== Using Valgrind-3.9.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==26873== Command: ./raii
==26873== HEAP SUMMARY:
==26873==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==26873==   total heap usage: 1,013 allocs, 1,013 frees, 8,696 bytes allocated
==26873== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==26873== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==26873== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 2 from 2)

No leaks here!


The notion of a destructor in Rust is provided through the Drop trait. The destructor is called when the resource goes out of scope. This trait is not required to be implemented for every type, only implement it for your type if you require its own destructor logic.

Run the below example to see how the Drop trait works. When the variable in the main function goes out of scope the custom destructor will be invoked.

struct ToDrop;

impl Drop for ToDrop {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        println!("ToDrop is being dropped");

fn main() {
    let x = ToDrop;
    println!("Made a ToDrop!");

See also:


Ownership and moves

Because variables are in charge of freeing their own resources, resources can only have one owner. This also prevents resources from being freed more than once. Note that not all variables own resources (e.g. references).

When doing assignments (let x = y) or passing function arguments by value (foo(x)), the ownership of the resources is transferred. In Rust-speak, this is known as a move.

After moving resources, the previous owner can no longer be used. This avoids creating dangling pointers.

// This function takes ownership of the heap allocated memory
fn destroy_box(c: Box<i32>) {
    println!("Destroying a box that contains {}", c);

    // `c` is destroyed and the memory freed

fn main() {
    // _Stack_ allocated integer
    let x = 5u32;

    // *Copy* `x` into `y` - no resources are moved
    let y = x;

    // Both values can be independently used
    println!("x is {}, and y is {}", x, y);

    // `a` is a pointer to a _heap_ allocated integer
    let a = Box::new(5i32);

    println!("a contains: {}", a);

    // *Move* `a` into `b`
    let b = a;
    // The pointer address of `a` is copied (not the data) into `b`.
    // Both are now pointers to the same heap allocated data, but
    // `b` now owns it.
    // Error! `a` can no longer access the data, because it no longer owns the
    // heap memory
    //println!("a contains: {}", a);
    // TODO ^ Try uncommenting this line

    // This function takes ownership of the heap allocated memory from `b`

    // Since the heap memory has been freed at this point, this action would
    // result in dereferencing freed memory, but it's forbidden by the compiler
    // Error! Same reason as the previous Error
    //println!("b contains: {}", b);
    // TODO ^ Try uncommenting this line


Mutability of data can be changed when ownership is transferred.

fn main() {
    let immutable_box = Box::new(5u32);

    println!("immutable_box contains {}", immutable_box);

    // Mutability error
    //*immutable_box = 4;

    // *Move* the box, changing the ownership (and mutability)
    let mut mutable_box = immutable_box;

    println!("mutable_box contains {}", mutable_box);

    // Modify the contents of the box
    *mutable_box = 4;

    println!("mutable_box now contains {}", mutable_box);

Partial moves

Pattern bindings can have by-move and by-reference bindings at the same time which is used in destructuring. Using these pattern will result in partial move for the variable, which means that part of the variable is moved while other parts stayed. In this case, the parent variable cannot be used afterwards as a whole. However, parts of it that are referenced and not moved can be used.

fn main() {
    struct Person {
        name: String,
        age: u8,

    let person = Person {
        name: String::from("Alice"),
        age: 20,

    // `name` is moved out of person, but `age` is referenced
    let Person { name, ref age } = person;

    println!("The person's age is {}", age);

    println!("The person's name is {}", name);

    // Error! borrow of partially moved value: `person` partial move occurs
    //println!("The person struct is {:?}", person);

    // `person` cannot be used but `person.age` can be used as it is not moved
    println!("The person's age from person struct is {}", person.age);

See also:



Most of the time, we'd like to access data without taking ownership over it. To accomplish this, Rust uses a borrowing mechanism. Instead of passing objects by value (T), objects can be passed by reference (&T).

The compiler statically guarantees (via its borrow checker) that references always point to valid objects. That is, while references to an object exist, the object cannot be destroyed.

// This function takes ownership of a box and destroys it
fn eat_box_i32(boxed_i32: Box<i32>) {
    println!("Destroying box that contains {}", boxed_i32);

// This function borrows an i32
fn borrow_i32(borrowed_i32: &i32) {
    println!("This int is: {}", borrowed_i32);

fn main() {
    // Create a boxed i32, and a stacked i32
    let boxed_i32 = Box::new(5_i32);
    let stacked_i32 = 6_i32;

    // Borrow the contents of the box. Ownership is not taken,
    // so the contents can be borrowed again.

        // Take a reference to the data contained inside the box
        let _ref_to_i32: &i32 = &boxed_i32;

        // Error!
        // Can't destroy `boxed_i32` while the inner value is borrowed later in scope.
        // FIXME ^ Comment out this line

        // Attempt to borrow `_ref_to_i32` after inner value is destroyed
        // `_ref_to_i32` goes out of scope and is no longer borrowed.

    // `boxed_i32` can now give up ownership to `eat_box` and be destroyed


Mutable data can be mutably borrowed using &mut T. This is called a mutable reference and gives read/write access to the borrower. In contrast, &T borrows the data via an immutable reference, and the borrower can read the data but not modify it:

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Book {
    // `&'static str` is a reference to a string allocated in read only memory
    author: &'static str,
    title: &'static str,
    year: u32,

// This function takes a reference to a book
fn borrow_book(book: &Book) {
    println!("I immutably borrowed {} - {} edition", book.title, book.year);

// This function takes a reference to a mutable book and changes `year` to 2014
fn new_edition(book: &mut Book) {
    book.year = 2014;
    println!("I mutably borrowed {} - {} edition", book.title, book.year);

fn main() {
    // Create an immutable Book named `immutabook`
    let immutabook = Book {
        // string literals have type `&'static str`
        author: "Douglas Hofstadter",
        title: "Gödel, Escher, Bach",
        year: 1979,

    // Create a mutable copy of `immutabook` and call it `mutabook`
    let mut mutabook = immutabook;
    // Immutably borrow an immutable object

    // Immutably borrow a mutable object
    // Borrow a mutable object as mutable
    new_edition(&mut mutabook);
    // Error! Cannot borrow an immutable object as mutable
    new_edition(&mut immutabook);
    // FIXME ^ Comment out this line

See also:



Data can be immutably borrowed any number of times, but while immutably borrowed, the original data can't be mutably borrowed. On the other hand, only one mutable borrow is allowed at a time. The original data can be borrowed again only after the mutable reference has been used for the last time.

struct Point { x: i32, y: i32, z: i32 }

fn main() {
    let mut point = Point { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 };

    let borrowed_point = &point;
    let another_borrow = &point;

    // Data can be accessed via the references and the original owner
    println!("Point has coordinates: ({}, {}, {})",
                borrowed_point.x, another_borrow.y, point.z);

    // Error! Can't borrow `point` as mutable because it's currently
    // borrowed as immutable.
    // let mutable_borrow = &mut point;
    // TODO ^ Try uncommenting this line

    // The borrowed values are used again here
    println!("Point has coordinates: ({}, {}, {})",
                borrowed_point.x, another_borrow.y, point.z);

    // The immutable references are no longer used for the rest of the code so
    // it is possible to reborrow with a mutable reference.
    let mutable_borrow = &mut point;

    // Change data via mutable reference
    mutable_borrow.x = 5;
    mutable_borrow.y = 2;
    mutable_borrow.z = 1;

    // Error! Can't borrow `point` as immutable because it's currently
    // borrowed as mutable.
    // let y = &point.y;
    // TODO ^ Try uncommenting this line

    // Error! Can't print because `println!` takes an immutable reference.
    // println!("Point Z coordinate is {}", point.z);
    // TODO ^ Try uncommenting this line

    // Ok! Mutable references can be passed as immutable to `println!`
    println!("Point has coordinates: ({}, {}, {})",
                mutable_borrow.x, mutable_borrow.y, mutable_borrow.z);

    // The mutable reference is no longer used for the rest of the code so it
    // is possible to reborrow
    let new_borrowed_point = &point;
    println!("Point now has coordinates: ({}, {}, {})",
             new_borrowed_point.x, new_borrowed_point.y, new_borrowed_point.z);

The ref pattern

When doing pattern matching or destructuring via the let binding, the ref keyword can be used to take references to the fields of a struct/tuple. The example below shows a few instances where this can be useful:

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Point { x: i32, y: i32 }

fn main() {
    let c = 'Q';

    // A `ref` borrow on the left side of an assignment is equivalent to
    // an `&` borrow on the right side.
    let ref ref_c1 = c;
    let ref_c2 = &c;

    println!("ref_c1 equals ref_c2: {}", *ref_c1 == *ref_c2);

    let point = Point { x: 0, y: 0 };

    // `ref` is also valid when destructuring a struct.
    let _copy_of_x = {
        // `ref_to_x` is a reference to the `x` field of `point`.
        let Point { x: ref ref_to_x, y: _ } = point;

        // Return a copy of the `x` field of `point`.

    // A mutable copy of `point`
    let mut mutable_point = point;

        // `ref` can be paired with `mut` to take mutable references.
        let Point { x: _, y: ref mut mut_ref_to_y } = mutable_point;

        // Mutate the `y` field of `mutable_point` via a mutable reference.
        *mut_ref_to_y = 1;

    println!("point is ({}, {})", point.x, point.y);
    println!("mutable_point is ({}, {})", mutable_point.x, mutable_point.y);

    // A mutable tuple that includes a pointer
    let mut mutable_tuple = (Box::new(5u32), 3u32);
        // Destructure `mutable_tuple` to change the value of `last`.
        let (_, ref mut last) = mutable_tuple;
        *last = 2u32;
    println!("tuple is {:?}", mutable_tuple);


A lifetime is a construct the compiler (or more specifically, its borrow checker) uses to ensure all borrows are valid. Specifically, a variable's lifetime begins when it is created and ends when it is destroyed. While lifetimes and scopes are often referred to together, they are not the same.

Take, for example, the case where we borrow a variable via &. The borrow has a lifetime that is determined by where it is declared. As a result, the borrow is valid as long as it ends before the lender is destroyed. However, the scope of the borrow is determined by where the reference is used.

In the following example and in the rest of this section, we will see how lifetimes relate to scopes, as well as how the two differ.

// Lifetimes are annotated below with lines denoting the creation
// and destruction of each variable.
// `i` has the longest lifetime because its scope entirely encloses 
// both `borrow1` and `borrow2`. The duration of `borrow1` compared 
// to `borrow2` is irrelevant since they are disjoint.
fn main() {
    let i = 3; // Lifetime for `i` starts. ────────────────┐
    //                                                     │
    { //                                                   │
        let borrow1 = &i; // `borrow1` lifetime starts. ──┐│
        //                                                ││
        println!("borrow1: {}", borrow1); //              ││
    } // `borrow1 ends. ──────────────────────────────────┘│
    //                                                     │
    //                                                     │
    { //                                                   │
        let borrow2 = &i; // `borrow2` lifetime starts. ──┐│
        //                                                ││
        println!("borrow2: {}", borrow2); //              ││
    } // `borrow2` ends. ─────────────────────────────────┘│
    //                                                     │
}   // Lifetime ends. ─────────────────────────────────────┘

Note that no names or types are assigned to label lifetimes. This restricts how lifetimes will be able to be used as we will see.

Explicit annotation

The borrow checker uses explicit lifetime annotations to determine how long references should be valid. In cases where lifetimes are not elided1, Rust requires explicit annotations to determine what the lifetime of a reference should be. The syntax for explicitly annotating a lifetime uses an apostrophe character as follows:

// `foo` has a lifetime parameter `'a`

Similar to closures, using lifetimes requires generics. Additionally, this lifetime syntax indicates that the lifetime of foo may not exceed that of 'a. Explicit annotation of a type has the form &'a T where 'a has already been introduced.

In cases with multiple lifetimes, the syntax is similar:

foo<'a, 'b>
// `foo` has lifetime parameters `'a` and `'b`

In this case, the lifetime of foo cannot exceed that of either 'a or 'b.

See the following example for explicit lifetime annotation in use:

// `print_refs` takes two references to `i32` which have different
// lifetimes `'a` and `'b`. These two lifetimes must both be at
// least as long as the function `print_refs`.
fn print_refs<'a, 'b>(x: &'a i32, y: &'b i32) {
    println!("x is {} and y is {}", x, y);

// A function which takes no arguments, but has a lifetime parameter `'a`.
fn failed_borrow<'a>() {
    let _x = 12;

    // ERROR: `_x` does not live long enough
    //let y: &'a i32 = &_x;
    // Attempting to use the lifetime `'a` as an explicit type annotation 
    // inside the function will fail because the lifetime of `&_x` is shorter
    // than that of `y`. A short lifetime cannot be coerced into a longer one.

fn main() {
    // Create variables to be borrowed below.
    let (four, nine) = (4, 9);
    // Borrows (`&`) of both variables are passed into the function.
    print_refs(&four, &nine);
    // Any input which is borrowed must outlive the borrower. 
    // In other words, the lifetime of `four` and `nine` must 
    // be longer than that of `print_refs`.
    // `failed_borrow` contains no references to force `'a` to be 
    // longer than the lifetime of the function, but `'a` is longer.
    // Because the lifetime is never constrained, it defaults to `'static`.

elision implicitly annotates lifetimes and so is different.

See also:

generics and closures


Ignoring elision, function signatures with lifetimes have a few constraints:

  • any reference must have an annotated lifetime.
  • any reference being returned must have the same lifetime as an input or be static.

Additionally, note that returning references without input is banned if it would result in returning references to invalid data. The following example shows off some valid forms of functions with lifetimes:

// One input reference with lifetime `'a` which must live
// at least as long as the function.
fn print_one<'a>(x: &'a i32) {
    println!("`print_one`: x is {}", x);

// Mutable references are possible with lifetimes as well.
fn add_one<'a>(x: &'a mut i32) {
    *x += 1;

// Multiple elements with different lifetimes. In this case, it
// would be fine for both to have the same lifetime `'a`, but
// in more complex cases, different lifetimes may be required.
fn print_multi<'a, 'b>(x: &'a i32, y: &'b i32) {
    println!("`print_multi`: x is {}, y is {}", x, y);

// Returning references that have been passed in is acceptable.
// However, the correct lifetime must be returned.
fn pass_x<'a, 'b>(x: &'a i32, _: &'b i32) -> &'a i32 { x }

//fn invalid_output<'a>() -> &'a String { &String::from("foo") }
// The above is invalid: `'a` must live longer than the function.
// Here, `&String::from("foo")` would create a `String`, followed by a
// reference. Then the data is dropped upon exiting the scope, leaving
// a reference to invalid data to be returned.

fn main() {
    let x = 7;
    let y = 9;
    print_multi(&x, &y);
    let z = pass_x(&x, &y);

    let mut t = 3;
    add_one(&mut t);

See also:



Methods are annotated similarly to functions:

struct Owner(i32);

impl Owner {
    // Annotate lifetimes as in a standalone function.
    fn add_one<'a>(&'a mut self) { self.0 += 1; }
    fn print<'a>(&'a self) {
        println!("`print`: {}", self.0);

fn main() {
    let mut owner = Owner(18);


See also:



Annotation of lifetimes in structures are also similar to functions:

// A type `Borrowed` which houses a reference to an
// `i32`. The reference to `i32` must outlive `Borrowed`.
struct Borrowed<'a>(&'a i32);

// Similarly, both references here must outlive this structure.
struct NamedBorrowed<'a> {
    x: &'a i32,
    y: &'a i32,

// An enum which is either an `i32` or a reference to one.
enum Either<'a> {
    Ref(&'a i32),

fn main() {
    let x = 18;
    let y = 15;

    let single = Borrowed(&x);
    let double = NamedBorrowed { x: &x, y: &y };
    let reference = Either::Ref(&x);
    let number    = Either::Num(y);

    println!("x is borrowed in {:?}", single);
    println!("x and y are borrowed in {:?}", double);
    println!("x is borrowed in {:?}", reference);
    println!("y is *not* borrowed in {:?}", number);

See also:



Annotation of lifetimes in trait methods basically are similar to functions. Note that impl may have annotation of lifetimes too.

// A struct with annotation of lifetimes.
 struct Borrowed<'a> {
     x: &'a i32,

// Annotate lifetimes to impl.
impl<'a> Default for Borrowed<'a> {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            x: &10,

fn main() {
    let b: Borrowed = Default::default();
    println!("b is {:?}", b);

See also:



Just like generic types can be bounded, lifetimes (themselves generic) use bounds as well. The : character has a slightly different meaning here, but + is the same. Note how the following read:

  1. T: 'a: All references in T must outlive lifetime 'a.
  2. T: Trait + 'a: Type T must implement trait Trait and all references in T must outlive 'a.

The example below shows the above syntax in action used after keyword where:

use std::fmt::Debug; // Trait to bound with.

struct Ref<'a, T: 'a>(&'a T);
// `Ref` contains a reference to a generic type `T` that has
// an unknown lifetime `'a`. `T` is bounded such that any
// *references* in `T` must outlive `'a`. Additionally, the lifetime
// of `Ref` may not exceed `'a`.

// A generic function which prints using the `Debug` trait.
fn print<T>(t: T) where
    T: Debug {
    println!("`print`: t is {:?}", t);

// Here a reference to `T` is taken where `T` implements
// `Debug` and all *references* in `T` outlive `'a`. In
// addition, `'a` must outlive the function.
fn print_ref<'a, T>(t: &'a T) where
    T: Debug + 'a {
    println!("`print_ref`: t is {:?}", t);

fn main() {
    let x = 7;
    let ref_x = Ref(&x);


See also:

generics, bounds in generics, and multiple bounds in generics


A longer lifetime can be coerced into a shorter one so that it works inside a scope it normally wouldn't work in. This comes in the form of inferred coercion by the Rust compiler, and also in the form of declaring a lifetime difference:

// Here, Rust infers a lifetime that is as short as possible.
// The two references are then coerced to that lifetime.
fn multiply<'a>(first: &'a i32, second: &'a i32) -> i32 {
    first * second

// `<'a: 'b, 'b>` reads as lifetime `'a` is at least as long as `'b`.
// Here, we take in an `&'a i32` and return a `&'b i32` as a result of coercion.
fn choose_first<'a: 'b, 'b>(first: &'a i32, _: &'b i32) -> &'b i32 {

fn main() {
    let first = 2; // Longer lifetime
        let second = 3; // Shorter lifetime
        println!("The product is {}", multiply(&first, &second));
        println!("{} is the first", choose_first(&first, &second));


Rust has a few reserved lifetime names. One of those is 'static. You might encounter it in two situations:

// A reference with 'static lifetime:
let s: &'static str = "hello world";

// 'static as part of a trait bound:
fn generic<T>(x: T) where T: 'static {}

Both are related but subtly different and this is a common source for confusion when learning Rust. Here are some examples for each situation:

Reference lifetime

As a reference lifetime 'static indicates that the data pointed to by the reference lives for the entire lifetime of the running program. It can still be coerced to a shorter lifetime.

There are two ways to make a variable with 'static lifetime, and both are stored in the read-only memory of the binary:

  • Make a constant with the static declaration.
  • Make a string literal which has type: &'static str.

See the following example for a display of each method:

// Make a constant with `'static` lifetime.
static NUM: i32 = 18;

// Returns a reference to `NUM` where its `'static`
// lifetime is coerced to that of the input argument.
fn coerce_static<'a>(_: &'a i32) -> &'a i32 {

fn main() {
        // Make a `string` literal and print it:
        let static_string = "I'm in read-only memory";
        println!("static_string: {}", static_string);

        // When `static_string` goes out of scope, the reference
        // can no longer be used, but the data remains in the binary.

        // Make an integer to use for `coerce_static`:
        let lifetime_num = 9;

        // Coerce `NUM` to lifetime of `lifetime_num`:
        let coerced_static = coerce_static(&lifetime_num);

        println!("coerced_static: {}", coerced_static);

    println!("NUM: {} stays accessible!", NUM);

Trait bound

As a trait bound, it means the type does not contain any non-static references. Eg. the receiver can hold on to the type for as long as they want and it will never become invalid until they drop it.

It's important to understand this means that any owned data always passes a 'static lifetime bound, but a reference to that owned data generally does not:

use std::fmt::Debug;

fn print_it( input: impl Debug + 'static ) {
    println!( "'static value passed in is: {:?}", input );

fn main() {
    // i is owned and contains no references, thus it's 'static:
    let i = 5;

    // oops, &i only has the lifetime defined by the scope of
    // use_it(), so it's not 'static:

The compiler will tell you:

error[E0597]: `i` does not live long enough
  --> src/lib.rs:15:15
15 |     print_it(&i);
   |     ---------^^--
   |     |         |
   |     |         borrowed value does not live long enough
   |     argument requires that `i` is borrowed for `'static`
16 | }
   | - `i` dropped here while still borrowed

See also:

'static constants


Some lifetime patterns are overwhelmingly common and so the borrow checker will allow you to omit them to save typing and to improve readability. This is known as elision. Elision exists in Rust solely because these patterns are common.

The following code shows a few examples of elision. For a more comprehensive description of elision, see lifetime elision in the book.

// `elided_input` and `annotated_input` essentially have identical signatures
// because the lifetime of `elided_input` is inferred by the compiler:
fn elided_input(x: &i32) {
    println!("`elided_input`: {}", x);

fn annotated_input<'a>(x: &'a i32) {
    println!("`annotated_input`: {}", x);

// Similarly, `elided_pass` and `annotated_pass` have identical signatures
// because the lifetime is added implicitly to `elided_pass`:
fn elided_pass(x: &i32) -> &i32 { x }

fn annotated_pass<'a>(x: &'a i32) -> &'a i32 { x }

fn main() {
    let x = 3;


    println!("`elided_pass`: {}", elided_pass(&x));
    println!("`annotated_pass`: {}", annotated_pass(&x));

See also:



Nitelik yani trait bilinmeyen bir tip için tanımlanan metotlar koleksiyonudur: Self (Kendi). Aynı nitelikte bildirilen diğer metotlara erişebilirler.

Nitelikler herhangi bir veri tipi için uygulanabilirler. Aşağıdaki örnekte, bir metot grubu olan Animalı tanımlıyoruz. Animal trait(nitelik)i daha sonra Sheep veri tipi için uygulanarak Animal ve Sheepten metotların kullanılmasına izin verir.

struct Sheep { naked: bool, name: &'static str }

trait Animal {
    // Static metot imzası; `Self` implemente edici ifade eder.
    fn new(name: &'static str) -> Self;

    // Örnek metot imzaları; bunlar bir string döndürecektir.
    fn name(&self) -> &'static str;
    fn noise(&self) -> &'static str;

    // Nitelikler, varsayılan metot tanımlamaları sağlayabilir.
    fn talk(&self) {
        println!("{} says {}", self.name(), self.noise());

impl Sheep {
    fn is_naked(&self) -> bool {

    fn shear(&mut self) {
        if self.is_naked() {
            // İmplemente edici metotları, implemente edicinin nitelik metotlarını kullanabilir
            println!("{} is already naked...", self.name());
        } else {
            println!("{} gets a haircut!", self.name);

            self.naked = true;

// `Animal` niteliğini `Sheep` için implemente edin.
impl Animal for Sheep {
    // `Self`, implemente edici tipi: `Sheep`.
    fn new(name: &'static str) -> Sheep {
        Sheep { name: name, naked: false }

    fn name(&self) -> &'static str {

    fn noise(&self) -> &'static str {
        if self.is_naked() {
        } else {
    // Varsayılan nitelik metotları geçersiz kılınabilir.
    fn talk(&self) {
        // Örneğin, biraz sessiz düşünme durağı ekleyebiliriz.
        println!("{} pauses briefly... {}", self.name, self.noise());

fn main() {
    // Bu durumda, tip açıklaması gereklidir.
    let mut dolly: Sheep = Animal::new("Dolly");
    // YAPILACAK ^ Tip ek açıklamalarını kaldırmayı deneyin.



The compiler is capable of providing basic implementations for some traits via the #[derive] attribute. These traits can still be manually implemented if a more complex behavior is required.

The following is a list of derivable traits:

  • Comparison traits: Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd.
  • Clone, to create T from &T via a copy.
  • Copy, to give a type 'copy semantics' instead of 'move semantics'.
  • Hash, to compute a hash from &T.
  • Default, to create an empty instance of a data type.
  • Debug, to format a value using the {:?} formatter.
// `Centimeters`, a tuple struct that can be compared
#[derive(PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
struct Centimeters(f64);

// `Inches`, a tuple struct that can be printed
struct Inches(i32);

impl Inches {
    fn to_centimeters(&self) -> Centimeters {
        let &Inches(inches) = self;

        Centimeters(inches as f64 * 2.54)

// `Seconds`, a tuple struct with no additional attributes
struct Seconds(i32);

fn main() {
    let _one_second = Seconds(1);

    // Error: `Seconds` can't be printed; it doesn't implement the `Debug` trait
    //println!("One second looks like: {:?}", _one_second);
    // TODO ^ Try uncommenting this line

    // Error: `Seconds` can't be compared; it doesn't implement the `PartialEq` trait
    //let _this_is_true = (_one_second == _one_second);
    // TODO ^ Try uncommenting this line

    let foot = Inches(12);

    println!("One foot equals {:?}", foot);

    let meter = Centimeters(100.0);

    let cmp =
        if foot.to_centimeters() < meter {
        } else {

    println!("One foot is {} than one meter.", cmp);

See also:


Returning Traits with dyn

The Rust compiler needs to know how much space every function's return type requires. This means all your functions have to return a concrete type. Unlike other languages, if you have a trait like Animal, you can't write a function that returns Animal, because its different implementations will need different amounts of memory.

However, there's an easy workaround. Instead of returning a trait object directly, our functions return a Box which contains some Animal. A box is just a reference to some memory in the heap. Because a reference has a statically-known size, and the compiler can guarantee it points to a heap-allocated Animal, we can return a trait from our function!

Rust tries to be as explicit as possible whenever it allocates memory on the heap. So if your function returns a pointer-to-trait-on-heap in this way, you need to write the return type with the dyn keyword, e.g. Box<dyn Animal>.

struct Sheep {}
struct Cow {}

trait Animal {
    // Instance method signature
    fn noise(&self) -> &'static str;

// Implement the `Animal` trait for `Sheep`.
impl Animal for Sheep {
    fn noise(&self) -> &'static str {

// Implement the `Animal` trait for `Cow`.
impl Animal for Cow {
    fn noise(&self) -> &'static str {

// Returns some struct that implements Animal, but we don't know which one at compile time.
fn random_animal(random_number: f64) -> Box<dyn Animal> {
    if random_number < 0.5 {
        Box::new(Sheep {})
    } else {
        Box::new(Cow {})

fn main() {
    let random_number = 0.234;
    let animal = random_animal(random_number);
    println!("You've randomly chosen an animal, and it says {}", animal.noise());

Operator Overloading

In Rust, many of the operators can be overloaded via traits. That is, some operators can be used to accomplish different tasks based on their input arguments. This is possible because operators are syntactic sugar for method calls. For example, the + operator in a + b calls the add method (as in a.add(b)). This add method is part of the Add trait. Hence, the + operator can be used by any implementor of the Add trait.

A list of the traits, such as Add, that overload operators can be found in core::ops.

use std::ops;

struct Foo;
struct Bar;

struct FooBar;

struct BarFoo;

// The `std::ops::Add` trait is used to specify the functionality of `+`.
// Here, we make `Add<Bar>` - the trait for addition with a RHS of type `Bar`.
// The following block implements the operation: Foo + Bar = FooBar
impl ops::Add<Bar> for Foo {
    type Output = FooBar;

    fn add(self, _rhs: Bar) -> FooBar {
        println!("> Foo.add(Bar) was called");


// By reversing the types, we end up implementing non-commutative addition.
// Here, we make `Add<Foo>` - the trait for addition with a RHS of type `Foo`.
// This block implements the operation: Bar + Foo = BarFoo
impl ops::Add<Foo> for Bar {
    type Output = BarFoo;

    fn add(self, _rhs: Foo) -> BarFoo {
        println!("> Bar.add(Foo) was called");


fn main() {
    println!("Foo + Bar = {:?}", Foo + Bar);
    println!("Bar + Foo = {:?}", Bar + Foo);

See Also

Add, Syntax Index


The Drop trait only has one method: drop, which is called automatically when an object goes out of scope. The main use of the Drop trait is to free the resources that the implementor instance owns.

Box, Vec, String, File, and Process are some examples of types that implement the Drop trait to free resources. The Drop trait can also be manually implemented for any custom data type.

The following example adds a print to console to the drop function to announce when it is called.

struct Droppable {
    name: &'static str,

// This trivial implementation of `drop` adds a print to console.
impl Drop for Droppable {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        println!("> Dropping {}", self.name);

fn main() {
    let _a = Droppable { name: "a" };

    // block A
        let _b = Droppable { name: "b" };

        // block B
            let _c = Droppable { name: "c" };
            let _d = Droppable { name: "d" };

            println!("Exiting block B");
        println!("Just exited block B");

        println!("Exiting block A");
    println!("Just exited block A");

    // Variable can be manually dropped using the `drop` function
    // TODO ^ Try commenting this line

    println!("end of the main function");

    // `_a` *won't* be `drop`ed again here, because it already has been
    // (manually) `drop`ed


The Iterator trait is used to implement iterators over collections such as arrays.

The trait requires only a method to be defined for the next element, which may be manually defined in an impl block or automatically defined (as in arrays and ranges).

As a point of convenience for common situations, the for construct turns some collections into iterators using the .into_iter() method.

struct Fibonacci {
    curr: u32,
    next: u32,

// Implement `Iterator` for `Fibonacci`.
// The `Iterator` trait only requires a method to be defined for the `next` element.
impl Iterator for Fibonacci {
    type Item = u32;
    // Here, we define the sequence using `.curr` and `.next`.
    // The return type is `Option<T>`:
    //     * When the `Iterator` is finished, `None` is returned.
    //     * Otherwise, the next value is wrapped in `Some` and returned.
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<u32> {
        let new_next = self.curr + self.next;

        self.curr = self.next;
        self.next = new_next;

        // Since there's no endpoint to a Fibonacci sequence, the `Iterator` 
        // will never return `None`, and `Some` is always returned.

// Returns a Fibonacci sequence generator
fn fibonacci() -> Fibonacci {
    Fibonacci { curr: 0, next: 1 }

fn main() {
    // `0..3` is an `Iterator` that generates: 0, 1, and 2.
    let mut sequence = 0..3;

    println!("Four consecutive `next` calls on 0..3");
    println!("> {:?}", sequence.next());
    println!("> {:?}", sequence.next());
    println!("> {:?}", sequence.next());
    println!("> {:?}", sequence.next());

    // `for` works through an `Iterator` until it returns `None`.
    // Each `Some` value is unwrapped and bound to a variable (here, `i`).
    println!("Iterate through 0..3 using `for`");
    for i in 0..3 {
        println!("> {}", i);

    // The `take(n)` method reduces an `Iterator` to its first `n` terms.
    println!("The first four terms of the Fibonacci sequence are: ");
    for i in fibonacci().take(4) {
        println!("> {}", i);

    // The `skip(n)` method shortens an `Iterator` by dropping its first `n` terms.
    println!("The next four terms of the Fibonacci sequence are: ");
    for i in fibonacci().skip(4).take(4) {
        println!("> {}", i);

    let array = [1u32, 3, 3, 7];

    // The `iter` method produces an `Iterator` over an array/slice.
    println!("Iterate the following array {:?}", &array);
    for i in array.iter() {
        println!("> {}", i);

impl Trait

If your function returns a type that implements MyTrait, you can write its return type as -> impl MyTrait. This can help simplify your type signatures quite a lot!

use std::iter;
use std::vec::IntoIter;

// This function combines two `Vec<i32>` and returns an iterator over it.
// Look how complicated its return type is!
fn combine_vecs_explicit_return_type(
    v: Vec<i32>,
    u: Vec<i32>,
) -> iter::Cycle<iter::Chain<IntoIter<i32>, IntoIter<i32>>> {

// This is the exact same function, but its return type uses `impl Trait`.
// Look how much simpler it is!
fn combine_vecs(
    v: Vec<i32>,
    u: Vec<i32>,
) -> impl Iterator<Item=i32> {

fn main() {
    let v1 = vec![1, 2, 3];
    let v2 = vec![4, 5];
    let mut v3 = combine_vecs(v1, v2);
    assert_eq!(Some(1), v3.next());
    assert_eq!(Some(2), v3.next());
    assert_eq!(Some(3), v3.next());
    assert_eq!(Some(4), v3.next());
    assert_eq!(Some(5), v3.next());
    println!("all done");

More importantly, some Rust types can't be written out. For example, every closure has its own unnamed concrete type. Before impl Trait syntax, you had to allocate on the heap in order to return a closure. But now you can do it all statically, like this:

// Returns a function that adds `y` to its input
fn make_adder_function(y: i32) -> impl Fn(i32) -> i32 {
    let closure = move |x: i32| { x + y };

fn main() {
    let plus_one = make_adder_function(1);
    assert_eq!(plus_one(2), 3);

You can also use impl Trait to return an iterator that uses map or filter closures! This makes using map and filter easier. Because closure types don't have names, you can't write out an explicit return type if your function returns iterators with closures. But with impl Trait you can do this easily:

fn double_positives<'a>(numbers: &'a Vec<i32>) -> impl Iterator<Item = i32> + 'a {
        .filter(|x| x > &&0)
        .map(|x| x * 2)


When dealing with resources, the default behavior is to transfer them during assignments or function calls. However, sometimes we need to make a copy of the resource as well.

The Clone trait helps us do exactly this. Most commonly, we can use the .clone() method defined by the Clone trait.

// A unit struct without resources
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Unit;

// A tuple struct with resources that implements the `Clone` trait
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Pair(Box<i32>, Box<i32>);

fn main() {
    // Instantiate `Unit`
    let unit = Unit;
    // Copy `Unit`, there are no resources to move
    let copied_unit = unit;

    // Both `Unit`s can be used independently
    println!("original: {:?}", unit);
    println!("copy: {:?}", copied_unit);

    // Instantiate `Pair`
    let pair = Pair(Box::new(1), Box::new(2));
    println!("original: {:?}", pair);

    // Move `pair` into `moved_pair`, moves resources
    let moved_pair = pair;
    println!("moved: {:?}", moved_pair);

    // Error! `pair` has lost its resources
    //println!("original: {:?}", pair);
    // TODO ^ Try uncommenting this line

    // Clone `moved_pair` into `cloned_pair` (resources are included)
    let cloned_pair = moved_pair.clone();
    // Drop the original pair using std::mem::drop

    // Error! `moved_pair` has been dropped
    //println!("copy: {:?}", moved_pair);
    // TODO ^ Try uncommenting this line

    // The result from .clone() can still be used!
    println!("clone: {:?}", cloned_pair);


Rust doesn't have "inheritance", but you can define a trait as being a superset of another trait. For example:

trait Person {
    fn name(&self) -> String;

// Person is a supertrait of Student.
// Implementing Student requires you to also impl Person.
trait Student: Person {
    fn university(&self) -> String;

trait Programmer {
    fn fav_language(&self) -> String;

// CompSciStudent (computer science student) is a subtrait of both Programmer 
// and Student. Implementing CompSciStudent requires you to impl both supertraits.
trait CompSciStudent: Programmer + Student {
    fn git_username(&self) -> String;

fn comp_sci_student_greeting(student: &dyn CompSciStudent) -> String {
        "My name is {} and I attend {}. My favorite language is {}. My Git username is {}",

fn main() {}

See also:

The Rust Programming Language chapter on supertraits

Disambiguating overlapping traits

A type can implement many different traits. What if two traits both require the same name? For example, many traits might have a method named get(). They might even have different return types!

Good news: because each trait implementation gets its own impl block, it's clear which trait's get method you're implementing.

What about when it comes time to call those methods? To disambiguate between them, we have to use Fully Qualified Syntax.

trait UsernameWidget {
    // Get the selected username out of this widget
    fn get(&self) -> String;

trait AgeWidget {
    // Get the selected age out of this widget
    fn get(&self) -> u8;

// A form with both a UsernameWidget and an AgeWidget
struct Form {
    username: String,
    age: u8,

impl UsernameWidget for Form {
    fn get(&self) -> String {

impl AgeWidget for Form {
    fn get(&self) -> u8 {

fn main() {
    let form = Form{
        username: "rustacean".to_owned(),
        age: 28,

    // If you uncomment this line, you'll get an error saying 
    // "multiple `get` found". Because, after all, there are multiple methods
    // named `get`.
    // println!("{}", form.get());

    let username = <Form as UsernameWidget>::get(&form);
    assert_eq!("rustacean".to_owned(), username);
    let age = <Form as AgeWidget>::get(&form);
    assert_eq!(28, age);

See also:

The Rust Programming Language chapter on Fully Qualified syntax


Rust, metaprogramlamaya izin veren güçlü bir macro sistemi sağlar. Önceki bölümlerde gördüğünüz gibi, macro'lar fonksiyonlara benziyor, ancak adlarının bir ! patlamasıyla bitmesi dışında, ancak bir fonksiyon çağrısı oluşturmak yerine, macro'lar programın geri kalanıyla derlenen kaynak koduna genişletilir. Bununla birlikte, C ve diğer dillerdeki macro'lardan farklı olarak, Rust macro'ları string ön işlemesi yerine soyut(abstract) söz dizimi ağaçlarına genişletilir, böylece beklenmedik öncelik hataları alınmaz.

Macro'lar macro_rules! macro'su kullanılarak oluşturulur.

// `say_hello` isimli basit bir macro.
macro_rules! say_hello {
    // `()` macro'nun argüman almadığını belirtir.
    () => {
        // Macro bu bloğun içeriklerini genişletir.

fn main() {
    // Bu çağrım `println!("Hello");` e genişletir

Macro'lar neden kullanışlıdır?

  1. Kendini tekrar etmez. Birden çok yerde, ancak farklı türlerde benzer fonksiyoneliteye ihtiyaç duyabileceğiniz birçok durum vardır. Genellikle bir macro yazmak, kodun tekrarlanmasını önlemenin yararlı bir yoludur. (Bununla ilgili daha fazlası sonra...)

  2. Etki alanına özgü diller. Macro'lar belirli bir amaç için özel söz dizimi tanımlanmasına izin verir.(Bununla ilgili daha fazlası sonra...)

  3. Çeşitli interface(arayüz)'ler. Bazen değişken sayısında argüman alan bir interface tanımlamak istersiniz. Bir örnek olarak println! string'in biçimine bağlı olarak herhangi bir sayıda argüman alabilir.(Bununla ilgili daha fazlası sonra...)


In following subsections, we will show how to define macros in Rust. There are three basic ideas:


The arguments of a macro are prefixed by a dollar sign $ and type annotated with a designator:

macro_rules! create_function {
    // This macro takes an argument of designator `ident` and
    // creates a function named `$func_name`.
    // The `ident` designator is used for variable/function names.
    ($func_name:ident) => {
        fn $func_name() {
            // The `stringify!` macro converts an `ident` into a string.
            println!("You called {:?}()",

// Create functions named `foo` and `bar` with the above macro.

macro_rules! print_result {
    // This macro takes an expression of type `expr` and prints
    // it as a string along with its result.
    // The `expr` designator is used for expressions.
    ($expression:expr) => {
        // `stringify!` will convert the expression *as it is* into a string.
        println!("{:?} = {:?}",

fn main() {

    print_result!(1u32 + 1);

    // Recall that blocks are expressions too!
        let x = 1u32;

        x * x + 2 * x - 1

These are some of the available designators:

  • block
  • expr is used for expressions
  • ident is used for variable/function names
  • item
  • literal is used for literal constants
  • pat (pattern)
  • path
  • stmt (statement)
  • tt (token tree)
  • ty (type)
  • vis (visibility qualifier)

For a complete list, see the Rust Reference.


Macros can be overloaded to accept different combinations of arguments. In that regard, macro_rules! can work similarly to a match block:

// `test!` will compare `$left` and `$right`
// in different ways depending on how you invoke it:
macro_rules! test {
    // Arguments don't need to be separated by a comma.
    // Any template can be used!
    ($left:expr; and $right:expr) => {
        println!("{:?} and {:?} is {:?}",
                 $left && $right)
    // ^ each arm must end with a semicolon.
    ($left:expr; or $right:expr) => {
        println!("{:?} or {:?} is {:?}",
                 $left || $right)

fn main() {
    test!(1i32 + 1 == 2i32; and 2i32 * 2 == 4i32);
    test!(true; or false);


Macros can use + in the argument list to indicate that an argument may repeat at least once, or *, to indicate that the argument may repeat zero or more times.

In the following example, surrounding the matcher with $(...),+ will match one or more expression, separated by commas. Also note that the semicolon is optional on the last case.

// `find_min!` will calculate the minimum of any number of arguments.
macro_rules! find_min {
    // Base case:
    ($x:expr) => ($x);
    // `$x` followed by at least one `$y,`
    ($x:expr, $($y:expr),+) => (
        // Call `find_min!` on the tail `$y`
        std::cmp::min($x, find_min!($($y),+))

fn main() {
    println!("{}", find_min!(1u32));
    println!("{}", find_min!(1u32 + 2, 2u32));
    println!("{}", find_min!(5u32, 2u32 * 3, 4u32));

DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)

Macros allow writing DRY code by factoring out the common parts of functions and/or test suites. Here is an example that implements and tests the +=, *= and -= operators on Vec<T>:

use std::ops::{Add, Mul, Sub};

macro_rules! assert_equal_len {
    // The `tt` (token tree) designator is used for
    // operators and tokens.
    ($a:expr, $b:expr, $func:ident, $op:tt) => {
        assert!($a.len() == $b.len(),
                "{:?}: dimension mismatch: {:?} {:?} {:?}",

macro_rules! op {
    ($func:ident, $bound:ident, $op:tt, $method:ident) => {
        fn $func<T: $bound<T, Output=T> + Copy>(xs: &mut Vec<T>, ys: &Vec<T>) {
            assert_equal_len!(xs, ys, $func, $op);

            for (x, y) in xs.iter_mut().zip(ys.iter()) {
                *x = $bound::$method(*x, *y);
                // *x = x.$method(*y);

// Implement `add_assign`, `mul_assign`, and `sub_assign` functions.
op!(add_assign, Add, +=, add);
op!(mul_assign, Mul, *=, mul);
op!(sub_assign, Sub, -=, sub);

mod test {
    use std::iter;
    macro_rules! test {
        ($func:ident, $x:expr, $y:expr, $z:expr) => {
            fn $func() {
                for size in 0usize..10 {
                    let mut x: Vec<_> = iter::repeat($x).take(size).collect();
                    let y: Vec<_> = iter::repeat($y).take(size).collect();
                    let z: Vec<_> = iter::repeat($z).take(size).collect();

                    super::$func(&mut x, &y);

                    assert_eq!(x, z);

    // Test `add_assign`, `mul_assign`, and `sub_assign`.
    test!(add_assign, 1u32, 2u32, 3u32);
    test!(mul_assign, 2u32, 3u32, 6u32);
    test!(sub_assign, 3u32, 2u32, 1u32);
$ rustc --test dry.rs && ./dry
running 3 tests
test test::mul_assign ... ok
test test::add_assign ... ok
test test::sub_assign ... ok

test result: ok. 3 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured

Domain Specific Languages (DSLs)

A DSL is a mini "language" embedded in a Rust macro. It is completely valid Rust because the macro system expands into normal Rust constructs, but it looks like a small language. This allows you to define concise or intuitive syntax for some special functionality (within bounds).

Suppose that I want to define a little calculator API. I would like to supply an expression and have the output printed to console.

macro_rules! calculate {
    (eval $e:expr) => {{
            let val: usize = $e; // Force types to be integers
            println!("{} = {}", stringify!{$e}, val);

fn main() {
    calculate! {
        eval 1 + 2 // hehehe `eval` is _not_ a Rust keyword!

    calculate! {
        eval (1 + 2) * (3 / 4)


1 + 2 = 3
(1 + 2) * (3 / 4) = 0

This was a very simple example, but much more complex interfaces have been developed, such as lazy_static or clap.

Also, note the two pairs of braces in the macro. The outer ones are part of the syntax of macro_rules!, in addition to () or [].

Variadic Interfaces

A variadic interface takes an arbitrary number of arguments. For example, println! can take an arbitrary number of arguments, as determined by the format string.

We can extend our calculate! macro from the previous section to be variadic:

macro_rules! calculate {
    // The pattern for a single `eval`
    (eval $e:expr) => {{
            let val: usize = $e; // Force types to be integers
            println!("{} = {}", stringify!{$e}, val);

    // Decompose multiple `eval`s recursively
    (eval $e:expr, $(eval $es:expr),+) => {{
        calculate! { eval $e }
        calculate! { $(eval $es),+ }

fn main() {
    calculate! { // Look ma! Variadic `calculate!`!
        eval 1 + 2,
        eval 3 + 4,
        eval (2 * 3) + 1


1 + 2 = 3
3 + 4 = 7
(2 * 3) + 1 = 7

Hata Yönetimi

Hata yönetimi, başarısızlık olasılığını ele alma sürecidir. Örneğin, bir dosyayı okuyamamak ve kötü girdi kullanmaya devam etmek açık bir şekilde problemli olacaktır. Bu hataları fark etmek ve açıkça yönetmek, programın geri kalanını çeşitli tuzaklardan kurtarır.

Aşağıdaki alt bölümlerde açıklanan Rust'ta hatalarla başa çıkmanın çeşitli yolları vardır. Hepsinin az veya çok farklılıkları ve farklı kullanım durumları vardır. Kural olarak:

Açık bir panic temel olarak testler ve düzeltilemeyen hatalarla başa çıkmak için kullanışlıdır. Prototipleme için, örneğin henüz implemente edilmemiş fonksiyonlarla uğraşırken kullanışlı olabilir, ama bu durumlarda daha açıklayıcı implemente edilmemiş daha iyidir. Testlerde panic açıkça başarısız olmanın mantıklı sebebidir.

Option tipi bir değerin isteğe bağlı olduğu veya bir değer eksikliğinin hata durumu olmadığı durumlar içindir. Örneğin bir dizinin üstü - / ve C:den biri yok. Optionlar ile uğraşırken, prototip oluşturma ve bir değer olacağının kesin olarak garantili olduğu kesinlikle kesin olan durumlarda unwrap(açma) uygundur. Bununla birlikte, expect(bekleme) bir şeyler ters giderse diye bir hata mesajı belirlemenize izin verdiği için daha kullanışlıdır.

Bir şeylerin ters gitme ihtimali olduğunda ve çağırıcının sorunla ilgilenmesi gerektiğinde, Result(sonuç)ı kullanın. Aynı zamanda unwrapve expect de yapabilirsiniz. (bir test veya hızlı prototip olmadıkça lütfen bunu yapmayın).

Hata işlemeye ilişkin daha titiz bir tartışma için İngilizce Resmi Kitaptaki hata yönetimi bölümüne bakın.


Göreceğimiz en basit hata işleme mekanızması panictir. Bir hata mesajı yazdırır, yığını çözmeye başlar ve genellikle programı sonlandırır. Aşağıda, hata koşulumuzda açıkça panici çağırıyoruz :

fn drink(beverage: &str) {
    // You shouldn't drink too much sugary beverages.
    if beverage == "lemonade" { panic!("AAAaaaaa!!!!"); }

    println!("Some refreshing {} is all I need.", beverage);

fn main() {

Option & unwrap

Son örnekte, programı hataya teşvik edebileceğimizi gösterdik. Programımıza eğer royal(kraliyet mensubu) uygun olmayan bir hediye alıysa - snake(yılan) panic yapmasını söyledik. Ama ya eğer royal bir hediye bekledi ve almadıysa? Bu da aynı derecede kötü olurdu, buna bir el atılması gerek!

Buna karşı null string ("") testi yapabiliriz snake hediyesi için yaptığımız gibi. Rust kullanırken, bunun yerine derleyicinin hediyenin olmadığı durumları göstermesini sağlayalım.

Bir yokluk olasılığı olduğunda, std kütüphanesindeki Option<T> isimli bir enum kullanılır. Kendisini iki "seçenek"ten biri olarak gösterir:

  • Some(T): T tipli bir öğe bulundu
  • None: Öğe bulunamadı.

Bu vakalar, match yoluyla ya da örtülü olarak unwrap yoluyla ele alınabilir. Örtülü ele alma ya içteki öğeyi döndürür ya da panic.

panici expect ile manuel olarak özelleştirmenin bir yolu olmadığını unutmayın, ama unwrap aksi takdirde bizi açık ele almaya göre daha az anlamlı bir çıktıyla bırakır. Takip eden örnekte, açık ele alma istenirse panic seçeneğini korurken daha kontrollü bir sonuç verir.

// Sıradan olan her şeyi gördü ve her hediyeyi iyi bir şekilde değerlendirebilir.
// Tüm hediyeler açıkça `match` kullanılarak ele alınır.
fn give_commoner(gift: Option<&str>) {
    // Her durum için bir eylem planı belirleyin.
    match gift {
        Some("snake") => println!("Yuck! I'm putting this snake back in the forest."),
        Some(inner)   => println!("{}? How nice.", inner),
        None          => println!("No gift? Oh well."),

// Korunaklı royal snake hediyelerini gördüğünde `panic` olacaktır.
// Tüm hediyeler açıkça `unwrap` kullanılarak ele alınır.
fn give_royal(gift: Option<&str>) {
    // `unwrap` `None` aldığında yani hiçbir şey almadığında `panic` döndürür.
    let inside = gift.unwrap();
    if inside == "snake" { panic!("AAAaaaaa!!!!"); }

    println!("I love {}s!!!!!", inside);

fn main() {
    let food  = Some("cabbage");
    let snake = Some("snake");
    let void  = None;


    let bird = Some("robin");
    let nothing = None;


Unpacking options with ?

You can unpack Options by using match statements, but it's often easier to use the ? operator. If x is an Option, then evaluating x? will return the underlying value if x is Some, otherwise it will terminate whatever function is being executed and return None.

fn next_birthday(current_age: Option<u8>) -> Option<String> {
	// If `current_age` is `None`, this returns `None`.
	// If `current_age` is `Some`, the inner `u8` gets assigned to `next_age`
    let next_age: u8 = current_age?;
    Some(format!("Next year I will be {}", next_age))

You can chain many ?s together to make your code much more readable.

struct Person {
    job: Option<Job>,

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Job {
    phone_number: Option<PhoneNumber>,

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct PhoneNumber {
    area_code: Option<u8>,
    number: u32,

impl Person {

    // Gets the area code of the phone number of the person's job, if it exists.
    fn work_phone_area_code(&self) -> Option<u8> {
        // This would need many nested `match` statements without the `?` operator.
        // It would take a lot more code - try writing it yourself and see which
        // is easier.

fn main() {
    let p = Person {
        job: Some(Job {
            phone_number: Some(PhoneNumber {
                area_code: Some(61),
                number: 439222222,

    assert_eq!(p.work_phone_area_code(), Some(61));

Combinators(Birleştiriciler): map

match, Optionları yönetmek için geçerli bir yöntem. Ancak, özellikle yalnızca bir girdiyle geçerli olan işlemler söz konusu olduğunda yoğun kullanımı sıkıcı bulabilirsiniz. Bu durumlarda, kontrol akışını modüler bir şekilde yönetmek için birleştiriciler(combinators) kullanılabilir. Option, Some -> Some None -> None haritalaması için map() isimli basit birleştirici metoda sahiptir. Çoklu map() çağrıları esneklik için zincirlenebilir.

Takip eden örnekte, process() sıkıştırılırken önceki tüm fonksiyonların yerine geçer.


#[derive(Debug)] enum Food { Apple, Carrot, Potato }

#[derive(Debug)] struct Peeled(Food);
#[derive(Debug)] struct Chopped(Food);
#[derive(Debug)] struct Cooked(Food);

// Yiyecekleri soyma kısmı. Eğer hiçbir şey yoksa `None` döndürür.
// Aksi halde, soyulmuş yiyeceği döndürür.
fn peel(food: Option<Food>) -> Option<Peeled> {
    match food {
        Some(food) => Some(Peeled(food)),
        None       => None,

// Yiyecekleri doğrama kısmı. Eğer hiçbir şey yoksa `None` döndürür.
// Aksi halde, doğranmış yiyeceği döndürür.
fn chop(peeled: Option<Peeled>) -> Option<Chopped> {
    match peeled {
        Some(Peeled(food)) => Some(Chopped(food)),
        None               => None,

// Yiyecekleri pişirme kısmı. Burada durumu yönetmek için `match` yerine  `map()` kullanıyoruz.
fn cook(chopped: Option<Chopped>) -> Option<Cooked> {
    chopped.map(|Chopped(food)| Cooked(food))

// Yiyecekleri sırayla soyma, doğrama ve pişirme fonksiyonu.
// Kodu basitleştirmek için `map()`in birden fazla kullanımını zincirliyoruz. 
fn process(food: Option<Food>) -> Option<Cooked> {
    food.map(|f| Peeled(f))
        .map(|Peeled(f)| Chopped(f))
        .map(|Chopped(f)| Cooked(f))

// Yemeye çalışmadan önce yiyecek olup olmadığını kontrol edin.
fn eat(food: Option<Cooked>) {
    match food {
        Some(food) => println!("Mmm. {:?} güzeldi, sevdim.", food),
        None       => println!("Olamaz! Bu yenilebilir değil."),

fn main() {
    let apple = Some(Food::Apple);
    let carrot = Some(Food::Carrot);
    let potato = None;

    let cooked_apple = cook(chop(peel(apple)));
    let cooked_carrot = cook(chop(peel(carrot)));
    // `Şimdi daha basit görünen process()`e bir bakış atalım .
    let cooked_potato = process(potato);


Ayrıca bakın:

closures, Option, Option::map()

Combinators (Birleştiriciler): and_then

map(), match ifadelerini basitleştirmenin zincirlenebilir bir yolu olarak tanımlanır. Ancak, Option<T> döndüren bir fonksiyonda map() kullanımı iç içe geçmiş Option<Option<T>> ile sonlanır. Birden çok çağrıyı birlikte zincirlemek kafa karıştırıcı olabilir. Tam burada, bazı dillerde "flatmap" olarak bilinen and_then() adlı başka bir birleştirici devreye girer.

and_then() paketlenmiş değer ile fonksiyon girdisini çağırır ve sonucu döndürür. Eğer Option değeri None ise, onun yerine None değerini döndürür.

Takip eden örnekte, cookable_v2(), Option<Food> ile sonuçlanır. and_then() yerine map() kullanımı eat()için geçersiz bir tip olan Option<Option<Food>> sonucunu verecektir.


#[derive(Debug)] enum Food { CordonBleu, Steak, Sushi }
#[derive(Debug)] enum Day { Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday }

// Sushi için gereken malzemelerimiz yok.
fn have_ingredients(food: Food) -> Option<Food> {
    match food {
        Food::Sushi => None,
        _           => Some(food),

//Cordon Bleu hariç her şeyin tarifi var.
fn have_recipe(food: Food) -> Option<Food> {
    match food {
        Food::CordonBleu => None,
        _                => Some(food),

// Bir yemeği yapabilmek için hem tarifine hem de gerektirdiği malzemelere sahip olmalıyız.
// Bu mantığı bir `match `zinciriyle temsil edebiliriz:
fn cookable_v1(food: Food) -> Option<Food> {
    match have_recipe(food) {
        None       => None,
        Some(food) => match have_ingredients(food) {
            None       => None,
            Some(food) => Some(food),

// Bu, `and_then()` ile rahatlıkla yeniden yazılabilir:
fn cookable_v2(food: Food) -> Option<Food> {

fn eat(food: Food, day: Day) {
    match cookable_v2(food) {
        Some(food) => println!("Yay! On {:?} we get to eat {:?}.", day, food),
        None       => println!("Oh no. We don't get to eat on {:?}?", day),

fn main() {
    let (cordon_bleu, steak, sushi) = (Food::CordonBleu, Food::Steak, Food::Sushi);

    eat(cordon_bleu, Day::Monday);
    eat(steak, Day::Tuesday);
    eat(sushi, Day::Wednesday);

Ayrıca bakınız:

closures, Option, and Option::and_then()


Result, Option tipinin olası yokluk yerine hatayı açıklayan daha zengin versiyonudur.

Yani, Result<T, E> iki sonuçtan birine sahip olabilir:

  • Ok(T): T öğesi bulundu.
  • Err(E): E öğesi ile ilgili bir hata bulundu.

Geleneksel olarak, beklenen sonuç Ok iken beklenmedik sonuç Err'dir.

Option gibi, Result'ın da kendisiyle ilişkili birçok metodu vardır. Örneğin unwrap(), ya T öğesini ya da panic'i oluşturur. Durum ele alma işlemi için Result ve Option örtüşen birçok birleştirici vardır.

Rust ile çalışırken, parse() metodu gibi Result türünü döndüren metotlarla karşılaşmanız pek mümkündür. Bir string'i diğer bir türe ayrıştırmak her zaman mümkün olmayabilir, bu nedenle parse() olası başarısızlığı gösteren bir Result döndürür.

Hadi başarılı ve başarısız şekilde parse() metoduna bakalım:

fn multiply(first_number_str: &str, second_number_str: &str) -> i32 {
    // Let's try using `unwrap()` to get the number out. Will it bite us?
    let first_number = first_number_str.parse::<i32>().unwrap();
    let second_number = second_number_str.parse::<i32>().unwrap();
    first_number * second_number

fn main() {
    let twenty = multiply("10", "2");
    println!("double is {}", twenty);

    let tt = multiply("t", "2");
    println!("double is {}", tt);

Başarısız durumda, parse(), unwrap() metodunun panic çağırmaması için bizi bir hatayla bırakır. Ek olarak, panic programımızdan çıkar ve hoş olmayan bir hata mesajı verir.

Hata mesajımızın kalitesini artırmak için, dönüş türü hakkında daha spesifik olmalı ve hatayı açıkça ele almalıyız.

Resultmain içinde kullanmak

Result türü, açıkça belirtilmişse main'in dönüş türü de olabilir. Tipik olarak main şu biçimde olacaktır:

fn main() {
    println!("Hello World!");

Bununla birlikte, main, bir Result türüne de sahip olabilir. Eğer bir hata oluşursa, main fonksiyonunun içinde bir hata kodu oluşturur ve hatanın debug temsilini yazdırır. (Debug niteliğini kullanarak). Takip eden örnekte, böyle bir senaryoyu gösterir ve takip eden bölümde ele alınan hususlara değinir.

use std::num::ParseIntError;

fn main() -> Result<(), ParseIntError> {
    let number_str = "10";
    let number = match number_str.parse::<i32>() {
        Ok(number)  => number,
        Err(e) => return Err(e),
    println!("{}", number);

map for Result

Panicking in the previous example's multiply does not make for robust code. Generally, we want to return the error to the caller so it can decide what is the right way to respond to errors.

We first need to know what kind of error type we are dealing with. To determine the Err type, we look to parse(), which is implemented with the FromStr trait for i32. As a result, the Err type is specified as ParseIntError.

In the example below, the straightforward match statement leads to code that is overall more cumbersome.

use std::num::ParseIntError;

// With the return type rewritten, we use pattern matching without `unwrap()`.
fn multiply(first_number_str: &str, second_number_str: &str) -> Result<i32, ParseIntError> {
    match first_number_str.parse::<i32>() {
        Ok(first_number)  => {
            match second_number_str.parse::<i32>() {
                Ok(second_number)  => {
                    Ok(first_number * second_number)
                Err(e) => Err(e),
        Err(e) => Err(e),

fn print(result: Result<i32, ParseIntError>) {
    match result {
        Ok(n)  => println!("n is {}", n),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {}", e),

fn main() {
    // This still presents a reasonable answer.
    let twenty = multiply("10", "2");

    // The following now provides a much more helpful error message.
    let tt = multiply("t", "2");

Luckily, Option's map, and_then, and many other combinators are also implemented for Result. Result contains a complete listing.

use std::num::ParseIntError;

// As with `Option`, we can use combinators such as `map()`.
// This function is otherwise identical to the one above and reads:
// Modify n if the value is valid, otherwise pass on the error.
fn multiply(first_number_str: &str, second_number_str: &str) -> Result<i32, ParseIntError> {
    first_number_str.parse::<i32>().and_then(|first_number| {
        second_number_str.parse::<i32>().map(|second_number| first_number * second_number)

fn print(result: Result<i32, ParseIntError>) {
    match result {
        Ok(n)  => println!("n is {}", n),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {}", e),

fn main() {
    // This still presents a reasonable answer.
    let twenty = multiply("10", "2");

    // The following now provides a much more helpful error message.
    let tt = multiply("t", "2");

aliases for Result

How about when we want to reuse a specific Result type many times? Recall that Rust allows us to create aliases. Conveniently, we can define one for the specific Result in question.

At a module level, creating aliases can be particularly helpful. Errors found in a specific module often have the same Err type, so a single alias can succinctly define all associated Results. This is so useful that the std library even supplies one: io::Result!

Here's a quick example to show off the syntax:

use std::num::ParseIntError;

// Define a generic alias for a `Result` with the error type `ParseIntError`.
type AliasedResult<T> = Result<T, ParseIntError>;

// Use the above alias to refer to our specific `Result` type.
fn multiply(first_number_str: &str, second_number_str: &str) -> AliasedResult<i32> {
    first_number_str.parse::<i32>().and_then(|first_number| {
        second_number_str.parse::<i32>().map(|second_number| first_number * second_number)

// Here, the alias again allows us to save some space.
fn print(result: AliasedResult<i32>) {
    match result {
        Ok(n)  => println!("n is {}", n),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {}", e),

fn main() {
    print(multiply("10", "2"));
    print(multiply("t", "2"));

See also:


Early returns

In the previous example, we explicitly handled the errors using combinators. Another way to deal with this case analysis is to use a combination of match statements and early returns.

That is, we can simply stop executing the function and return the error if one occurs. For some, this form of code can be easier to both read and write. Consider this version of the previous example, rewritten using early returns:

use std::num::ParseIntError;

fn multiply(first_number_str: &str, second_number_str: &str) -> Result<i32, ParseIntError> {
    let first_number = match first_number_str.parse::<i32>() {
        Ok(first_number)  => first_number,
        Err(e) => return Err(e),

    let second_number = match second_number_str.parse::<i32>() {
        Ok(second_number)  => second_number,
        Err(e) => return Err(e),

    Ok(first_number * second_number)

fn print(result: Result<i32, ParseIntError>) {
    match result {
        Ok(n)  => println!("n is {}", n),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {}", e),

fn main() {
    print(multiply("10", "2"));
    print(multiply("t", "2"));

At this point, we've learned to explicitly handle errors using combinators and early returns. While we generally want to avoid panicking, explicitly handling all of our errors is cumbersome.

In the next section, we'll introduce ? for the cases where we simply need to unwrap without possibly inducing panic.

Introducing ?

Sometimes we just want the simplicity of unwrap without the possibility of a panic. Until now, unwrap has forced us to nest deeper and deeper when what we really wanted was to get the variable out. This is exactly the purpose of ?.

Upon finding an Err, there are two valid actions to take:

  1. panic! which we already decided to try to avoid if possible
  2. return because an Err means it cannot be handled

? is almost1 exactly equivalent to an unwrap which returns instead of panicking on Errs. Let's see how we can simplify the earlier example that used combinators:

use std::num::ParseIntError;

fn multiply(first_number_str: &str, second_number_str: &str) -> Result<i32, ParseIntError> {
    let first_number = first_number_str.parse::<i32>()?;
    let second_number = second_number_str.parse::<i32>()?;

    Ok(first_number * second_number)

fn print(result: Result<i32, ParseIntError>) {
    match result {
        Ok(n)  => println!("n is {}", n),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {}", e),

fn main() {
    print(multiply("10", "2"));
    print(multiply("t", "2"));

The try! macro

Before there was ?, the same functionality was achieved with the try! macro. The ? operator is now recommended, but you may still find try! when looking at older code. The same multiply function from the previous example would look like this using try!:

// To compile and run this example without errors, while using Cargo, change the value 
// of the `edition` field, in the `[package]` section of the `Cargo.toml` file, to "2015".

use std::num::ParseIntError;

fn multiply(first_number_str: &str, second_number_str: &str) -> Result<i32, ParseIntError> {
    let first_number = try!(first_number_str.parse::<i32>());
    let second_number = try!(second_number_str.parse::<i32>());

    Ok(first_number * second_number)

fn print(result: Result<i32, ParseIntError>) {
    match result {
        Ok(n)  => println!("n is {}", n),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {}", e),

fn main() {
    print(multiply("10", "2"));
    print(multiply("t", "2"));

See re-enter ? for more details.

Çoklu Hata Tipleri

Önceki örnekler oldukça rahattı; Bir Resultın bir başka Result ile etkileşimi ve bir Optionın başka bir Option ile etkileşimi gibiydi.

Bazen bir Option diğer bir Result ile etkileşim kurmak zorundadır, ya da Result<T, Error1>, Result<T, Error2> ile. Tüm bu durumlarda, farklı hata türlerimizi, birleştirilebilir ve etkileşimi kolay hale getirecek şekilde yönetmek istiyoruz.

Takip eden örnekte, iki unwrap örneği farklı hata tipleri oluşturur. parse::<i32> bir Result<i32, ParseIntError> döndürürken,Vec::first bir Option döndürür:

fn double_first(vec: Vec<&str>) -> i32 {
    let first = vec.first().unwrap(); // error 1'i oluşturur
    2 * first.parse::<i32>().unwrap() // error 2'yi oluşturur

fn main() {
    let numbers = vec!["42", "93", "18"];
    let empty = vec![];
    let strings = vec!["tofu", "93", "18"];

    println!("The first doubled is {}", double_first(numbers));

    println!("The first doubled is {}", double_first(empty));
    // Error 1: girdi vector'ü boş

    println!("The first doubled is {}", double_first(strings));
    // Error 2: öğe sayıya ayrıştırılamaz

İlerleyen bölümlerde, bu tip problemler için birkaç stratejileri ele alacağız.

Result(Sonuç)'ları Option(Seçenek)'ların dışına çekmek

Karışık hata tiplerini ele almanın en basit yolu, onları birbirine gömmektir.

use std::num::ParseIntError;

fn double_first(vec: Vec<&str>) -> Option<Result<i32, ParseIntError>> {
    vec.first().map(|first| {
        first.parse::<i32>().map(|n| 2 * n)

fn main() {
    let numbers = vec!["42", "93", "18"];
    let empty = vec![];
    let strings = vec!["tofu", "93", "18"];

    println!("The first doubled is {:?}", double_first(numbers));

    println!("The first doubled is {:?}", double_first(empty));
    // Hata 1: girdi vektörü boş

    println!("The first doubled is {:?}", double_first(strings));
    // Hata 2: öge bir sayıya ayrıştırılamıyor

Hataların üzerinde işlem yapmayı durdurmak isteyeceğimiz zamanlar vardır (? ile gibi) ama Option None(hiçbiri) olduğunda olduğu gibi devam edin. Result ve Option'ı değiştirmek için birkaç combinator(birleştirici) kullanışlıdır.

use std::num::ParseIntError;

fn double_first(vec: Vec<&str>) -> Result<Option<i32>, ParseIntError> {
    let opt = vec.first().map(|first| {
        first.parse::<i32>().map(|n| 2 * n)

    opt.map_or(Ok(None), |r| r.map(Some))

fn main() {
    let numbers = vec!["42", "93", "18"];
    let empty = vec![];
    let strings = vec!["tofu", "93", "18"];

    println!("The first doubled is {:?}", double_first(numbers));
    println!("The first doubled is {:?}", double_first(empty));
    println!("The first doubled is {:?}", double_first(strings));

Hata Tipini Tanımlamak

Bazen, tüm farklı hataların yerine tek bir hata tipini kullanarak temsil etmek(yani diğer hataları maskelemek) kodu basitleştirir. Bunu özel bir hatayla göstereceğiz.

Rust, kendi hata tiplerimizi tanımlamamızı sağlar. Genel olarak, "iyi" bir hata tipi:

  • Farklı hataları aynı tiple temsil eder
  • Kullanıcıya güzel, anlaşılabilir hata mesajları sunar
  • Diğer tiplerle kıyaslanması kolaydır
    • İyi: Err(EmptyVec)
    • Kötü: Err("Lütfen en az bir elemanlı bir vektör kullanın".to_owned())
  • Hata hakkında bilgi tutar
    • İyi: Err(BadChar(c, position))
    • Kötü: Err("+ cannot be used here".to_owned())
  • Diğer hatalarla iyi uyum sağlar
use std::fmt;

type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, DoubleError>;

// Hata türlerimizi tanımlayalım. Bunlar, hata işleme durumlarımız için özelleştirilebilir.
// Artık, altta yatan bir hata uygulamasını erteleyebileceğimiz veya hata arasında 
// bir şey yapabileceğimiz kendi hatalarımızı yazabileceğiz
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct DoubleError;

// Bir hatanın oluşturulması, görüntülenme biçiminden tamamen farklıdır.
// Karmaşık mantığın görüntü tarzıyla karıştırılması konusunda endişelenmenize gerek yok.
// Hatalar hakkında fazladan bilgi saklamadığımızı unutmayın. Bu, türlerimizi bu bilgiyi
// taşıyacak şekilde değiştirmeden hangi dizenin ayrıştırılamayacağını belirtemeyeceğimiz anlamına gelir.
impl fmt::Display for DoubleError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "invalid first item to double")

fn double_first(vec: Vec<&str>) -> Result<i32> {
        // Hatayı yeni tipe değiştirelim.
        .and_then(|s| {
                // Burada da yeni hata tipini güncelleyelim.
                .map_err(|_| DoubleError)
                .map(|i| 2 * i)

fn print(result: Result<i32>) {
    match result {
        Ok(n) => println!("The first doubled is {}", n),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {}", e),

fn main() {
    let numbers = vec!["42", "93", "18"];
    let empty = vec![];
    let strings = vec!["tofu", "93", "18"];


Boxing Hataları

Orijinal hataları korurken basit kod yazmanın bir yolu onları Box'lamaktır. Dezavantajı, temel alınan hata türünün yalnızca çalışma zamanında bilinmesi ve statik olarak belirlenmemesidir.

stdlib, Box'ın From aracılığıyla Error niteliğini uygulayan herhangi bir türden Box<Error> nitelik nesnesine dönüştürme implementesini sağlayarak hatalarımızı Box'lamaya yardımcı olur.

use std::error;
use std::fmt;

// Takma adı `Box<error::Error>` olarak değiştirin.
type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Box<dyn error::Error>>;

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct EmptyVec;

impl fmt::Display for EmptyVec {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "invalid first item to double")

impl error::Error for EmptyVec {}

fn double_first(vec: Vec<&str>) -> Result<i32> {
        .ok_or_else(|| EmptyVec.into()) // Converts to Box
        .and_then(|s| {
                .map_err(|e| e.into()) // Converts to Box
                .map(|i| 2 * i)

fn print(result: Result<i32>) {
    match result {
        Ok(n) => println!("The first doubled is {}", n),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {}", e),

fn main() {
    let numbers = vec!["42", "93", "18"];
    let empty = vec![];
    let strings = vec!["tofu", "93", "18"];


Ayrıca bakın:

Dinamik dağıtım ve Error niteliği

?'nin Diğer Kullanımları

Önceki örnekte, parse(ayrıştırma) çağrısına anında tepkimizin bir kütüphane hatasından kaynaklanan hatayı bir boxed(kutulu) hataya maplemek(eşlemek) olduğuna dikkat edin:

.and_then(|s| s.parse::<i32>()
    .map_err(|e| e.into())

Bu basit ve yaygın bir işlem olduğundan, atlanması uygun olacaktır. Ne yazık ki and_then yeterince esnek olmadığından, bunu yapamaz. Ancak, yerine ? kullanabiliriz.

? önceleri unwrap ya da return Err(err) olarak açıklanmıştı. Bu çoğunlukla doğrudur. Aynı zamanda unwrap ya da return Err(From::from(err)) anlamına da gelir. From::from farklı tipler arasındabir dönüştürme aracı olduğundan bu ? kullandığınız yerde hatanın dönüş tipine dönüştürülebildiği anlamına gelir, otomatik olarak dönüştürecektir.

Burada, ? kullanarak önceki örneği yeniden yazıyoruz. Sonuç olarak, map_err, hata tipimiz için From::from implemente edildiğinde kaybolacak:

use std::error;
use std::fmt;

// Takma adı `Box<dyn error::Error>`a değiştir.
type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Box<dyn error::Error>>;

struct EmptyVec;

impl fmt::Display for EmptyVec {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "invalid first item to double")

impl error::Error for EmptyVec {}

// Öncekiyle aynı yapı, ancak tüm `Results`(sonuçları) zincirlemek
// yerine `Options` yanına, `?` koyuyor, iç değeri hemen çıkarıyoruz.
fn double_first(vec: Vec<&str>) -> Result<i32> {
    let first = vec.first().ok_or(EmptyVec)?;
    let parsed = first.parse::<i32>()?;
    Ok(2 * parsed)

fn print(result: Result<i32>) {
    match result {
        Ok(n)  => println!("The first doubled is {}", n),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {}", e),

fn main() {
    let numbers = vec!["42", "93", "18"];
    let empty = vec![];
    let strings = vec!["tofu", "93", "18"];


Bu aslında şu anda oldukça temiz. Orijinal panic ile kıyaslandığında, unwrap çağrılarıyla ?nin yer değiştirmeye çok benzer, tabii dönüş tiplerinin Result olması dışında. Sonuç olarak, en üst düzeyde yıkımları(destruct) gerektirir.

Ayrıca bakın:

From::from ve ?

Wrapping(Açma) Hataları

Boxing hatalarına bir alternatif, onları kendi hata tipinize wrap etmek(sarmaktır).

use std::error;
use std::error::Error as _;
use std::num::ParseIntError;
use std::fmt;

type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, DoubleError>;

enum DoubleError {
    // Hatalar için parse(ayrıştırma) hatası uygulamasını erteleyeceğiz
    // Ek bilgi sağlamak, tipe daha fazla veri eklemeyi gerektirir.

impl fmt::Display for DoubleError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match *self {
            DoubleError::EmptyVec =>
                write!(f, "please use a vector with at least one element"),
            // Wrapped(sarılmış) hata ek bilgiler içerir ve source() metoduyla 
            // source() metoduyla kullanılabilir.
            DoubleError::Parse(..) =>
                write!(f, "the provided string could not be parsed as int"),

impl error::Error for DoubleError {
    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn error::Error + 'static)> {
        match *self {
            DoubleError::EmptyVec => None,
            // Nedeni, temeldeki implemente hatası tipidir. 
            // Dolaylı olarak `&error::Error` nitelik nesnesine cast edin(yayın). 
            // Bu çalışacaktır çünkü temel tip zaten `Error` niteliğini implemente eder.
            DoubleError::Parse(ref e) => Some(e),

// `ParseIntError`dan `DoubleError`a dönüşümü implemente edin.
// Bu otomatik olarak `?` ile çağrılacaktır. `ParseIntError` ise
// `DoubleError` dönüştürülmelidir.
impl From<ParseIntError> for DoubleError {
    fn from(err: ParseIntError) -> DoubleError {

fn double_first(vec: Vec<&str>) -> Result<i32> {
    let first = vec.first().ok_or(DoubleError::EmptyVec)?;
    // Burada bir `DoubleError` oluşturmak için örtülü olarak `From`'un 
    // `ParseIntError` implementesini kullanıyoruz (yukarıda tanımladığımız).
    let parsed = first.parse::<i32>()?;

    Ok(2 * parsed)

fn print(result: Result<i32>) {
    match result {
        Ok(n)  => println!("The first doubled is {}", n),
        Err(e) => {
            println!("Error: {}", e);
            if let Some(source) = e.source() {
                println!("  Caused by: {}", source);

fn main() {
    let numbers = vec!["42", "93", "18"];
    let empty = vec![];
    let strings = vec!["tofu", "93", "18"];


Bu, hataların ele alınması için biraz daha fazla standart ekler ve tüm uygulamalarda gerekli olmayabilir. Sizin için basmakalıpları halledebilecek kütüphaneler var.

Ayrıca bakın:

From::from ve Enums

Results(Sonuçlar) Üzerine Yineleme

Bir Iter::map işlemi başarısız olabilir, örneğin:

fn main() {
    let strings = vec!["tofu", "93", "18"];
    let numbers: Vec<_> = strings
        .map(|s| s.parse::<i32>())
    println!("Results: {:?}", numbers);

Bununla başa çıkmak için strateji adımlarına geçelim.

filter_map() ile Başarısız(fail) Öğeleri Yok Saymak

filter_map bir fonksiyon çağırır ve sonuçları None(yok) olanları filtreler.

fn main() {
    let strings = vec!["tofu", "93", "18"];
    let numbers: Vec<_> = strings
        .map(|s| s.parse::<i32>())
    println!("Results: {:?}", numbers);

collect() ile Tüm Başarısız İşlemler

Result sonucu (Result<Vec<T>, E>) gibi sonuç vektörüne dönüştürülebilen (Vec<Result<T, E>>) olan FromIteri implemente eder. Bir Result::Err bulunduğunda, yineleme sona erecektir.

fn main() {
    let strings = vec!["tofu", "93", "18"];
    let numbers: Result<Vec<_>, _> = strings
        .map(|s| s.parse::<i32>())
    println!("Results: {:?}", numbers);

Bu teknik Option ile de kullanılabilir.

partition() ile Tüm Geçerli(Valid) Değerleri ve Hataları Toplayın

fn main() {
    let strings = vec!["tofu", "93", "18"];
    let (numbers, errors): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = strings
        .map(|s| s.parse::<i32>())
    println!("Numbers: {:?}", numbers);
    println!("Errors: {:?}", errors);

Sonuçlara baktığınızda, her şeyin hala Result bölümünde olduğunu fark edeceksiniz. Bunun için biraz daha standart şablona ihtiyaç var.

fn main() {
    let strings = vec!["tofu", "93", "18"];
    let (numbers, errors): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = strings
        .map(|s| s.parse::<i32>())
    let numbers: Vec<_> = numbers.into_iter().map(Result::unwrap).collect();
    let errors: Vec<_> = errors.into_iter().map(Result::unwrap_err).collect();
    println!("Numbers: {:?}", numbers);
    println!("Errors: {:?}", errors);

Std kütüphanesi tipleri

std kütüphanesi temeller üzerinde büyük ölçüde genişleyen birçok özel tip sağlar. Bunlardan bazıları:

  • büyütülebilir Stringler gibi: "hello world"
  • büyütülebilir vector'ler: [1, 2, 3]
  • option tipleri: Option<i32>
  • hata yönetimi tipleri: Result<i32, i32>
  • bellekte heap(öbek) olarak yer ayrılan pointer'lar: Box<i32>

Ayrıca bakın:

temeller and std kütüphanesi

Box, stack and heap

All values in Rust are stack allocated by default. Values can be boxed (allocated on the heap) by creating a Box<T>. A box is a smart pointer to a heap allocated value of type T. When a box goes out of scope, its destructor is called, the inner object is destroyed, and the memory on the heap is freed.

Boxed values can be dereferenced using the * operator; this removes one layer of indirection.

use std::mem;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Point {
    x: f64,
    y: f64,

// A Rectangle can be specified by where its top left and bottom right 
// corners are in space
struct Rectangle {
    top_left: Point,
    bottom_right: Point,

fn origin() -> Point {
    Point { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 }

fn boxed_origin() -> Box<Point> {
    // Allocate this point on the heap, and return a pointer to it
    Box::new(Point { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 })

fn main() {
    // (all the type annotations are superfluous)
    // Stack allocated variables
    let point: Point = origin();
    let rectangle: Rectangle = Rectangle {
        top_left: origin(),
        bottom_right: Point { x: 3.0, y: -4.0 }

    // Heap allocated rectangle
    let boxed_rectangle: Box<Rectangle> = Box::new(Rectangle {
        top_left: origin(),
        bottom_right: Point { x: 3.0, y: -4.0 },

    // The output of functions can be boxed
    let boxed_point: Box<Point> = Box::new(origin());

    // Double indirection
    let box_in_a_box: Box<Box<Point>> = Box::new(boxed_origin());

    println!("Point occupies {} bytes on the stack",
    println!("Rectangle occupies {} bytes on the stack",

    // box size == pointer size
    println!("Boxed point occupies {} bytes on the stack",
    println!("Boxed rectangle occupies {} bytes on the stack",
    println!("Boxed box occupies {} bytes on the stack",

    // Copy the data contained in `boxed_point` into `unboxed_point`
    let unboxed_point: Point = *boxed_point;
    println!("Unboxed point occupies {} bytes on the stack",


Vectors are re-sizable arrays. Like slices, their size is not known at compile time, but they can grow or shrink at any time. A vector is represented using 3 parameters:

  • pointer to the data
  • length
  • capacity

The capacity indicates how much memory is reserved for the vector. The vector can grow as long as the length is smaller than the capacity. When this threshold needs to be surpassed, the vector is reallocated with a larger capacity.

fn main() {
    // Iterators can be collected into vectors
    let collected_iterator: Vec<i32> = (0..10).collect();
    println!("Collected (0..10) into: {:?}", collected_iterator);

    // The `vec!` macro can be used to initialize a vector
    let mut xs = vec![1i32, 2, 3];
    println!("Initial vector: {:?}", xs);

    // Insert new element at the end of the vector
    println!("Push 4 into the vector");
    println!("Vector: {:?}", xs);

    // Error! Immutable vectors can't grow
    // FIXME ^ Comment out this line

    // The `len` method yields the number of elements currently stored in a vector
    println!("Vector length: {}", xs.len());

    // Indexing is done using the square brackets (indexing starts at 0)
    println!("Second element: {}", xs[1]);

    // `pop` removes the last element from the vector and returns it
    println!("Pop last element: {:?}", xs.pop());

    // Out of bounds indexing yields a panic
    println!("Fourth element: {}", xs[3]);
    // FIXME ^ Comment out this line

    // `Vector`s can be easily iterated over
    println!("Contents of xs:");
    for x in xs.iter() {
        println!("> {}", x);

    // A `Vector` can also be iterated over while the iteration
    // count is enumerated in a separate variable (`i`)
    for (i, x) in xs.iter().enumerate() {
        println!("In position {} we have value {}", i, x);

    // Thanks to `iter_mut`, mutable `Vector`s can also be iterated
    // over in a way that allows modifying each value
    for x in xs.iter_mut() {
        *x *= 3;
    println!("Updated vector: {:?}", xs);

More Vec methods can be found under the std::vec module


There are two types of strings in Rust: String and &str.

A String is stored as a vector of bytes (Vec<u8>), but guaranteed to always be a valid UTF-8 sequence. String is heap allocated, growable and not null terminated.

&str is a slice (&[u8]) that always points to a valid UTF-8 sequence, and can be used to view into a String, just like &[T] is a view into Vec<T>.

fn main() {
    // (all the type annotations are superfluous)
    // A reference to a string allocated in read only memory
    let pangram: &'static str = "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
    println!("Pangram: {}", pangram);

    // Iterate over words in reverse, no new string is allocated
    println!("Words in reverse");
    for word in pangram.split_whitespace().rev() {
        println!("> {}", word);

    // Copy chars into a vector, sort and remove duplicates
    let mut chars: Vec<char> = pangram.chars().collect();

    // Create an empty and growable `String`
    let mut string = String::new();
    for c in chars {
        // Insert a char at the end of string
        // Insert a string at the end of string
        string.push_str(", ");

    // The trimmed string is a slice to the original string, hence no new
    // allocation is performed
    let chars_to_trim: &[char] = &[' ', ','];
    let trimmed_str: &str = string.trim_matches(chars_to_trim);
    println!("Used characters: {}", trimmed_str);

    // Heap allocate a string
    let alice = String::from("I like dogs");
    // Allocate new memory and store the modified string there
    let bob: String = alice.replace("dog", "cat");

    println!("Alice says: {}", alice);
    println!("Bob says: {}", bob);

More str/String methods can be found under the std::str and std::string modules

Literals and escapes

There are multiple ways to write string literals with special characters in them. All result in a similar &str so it's best to use the form that is the most convenient to write. Similarly there are multiple ways to write byte string literals, which all result in &[u8; N].

Generally special characters are escaped with a backslash character: \. This way you can add any character to your string, even unprintable ones and ones that you don't know how to type. If you want a literal backslash, escape it with another one: \\

String or character literal delimiters occuring within a literal must be escaped: "\"", '\''.

fn main() {
    // You can use escapes to write bytes by their hexadecimal values...
    let byte_escape = "I'm writing \x52\x75\x73\x74!";
    println!("What are you doing\x3F (\\x3F means ?) {}", byte_escape);

    // ...or Unicode code points.
    let unicode_codepoint = "\u{211D}";
    let character_name = "\"DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL R\"";

    println!("Unicode character {} (U+211D) is called {}",
                unicode_codepoint, character_name );

    let long_string = "String literals
                        can span multiple lines.
                        The linebreak and indentation here ->\
                        <- can be escaped too!";
    println!("{}", long_string);

Sometimes there are just too many characters that need to be escaped or it's just much more convenient to write a string out as-is. This is where raw string literals come into play.

fn main() {
    let raw_str = r"Escapes don't work here: \x3F \u{211D}";
    println!("{}", raw_str);

    // If you need quotes in a raw string, add a pair of #s
    let quotes = r#"And then I said: "There is no escape!""#;
    println!("{}", quotes);

    // If you need "# in your string, just use more #s in the delimiter.
    // There is no limit for the number of #s you can use.
    let longer_delimiter = r###"A string with "# in it. And even "##!"###;
    println!("{}", longer_delimiter);

Want a string that's not UTF-8? (Remember, str and String must be valid UTF-8). Or maybe you want an array of bytes that's mostly text? Byte strings to the rescue!

use std::str;

fn main() {
    // Note that this is not actually a `&str`
    let bytestring: &[u8; 21] = b"this is a byte string";

    // Byte arrays don't have the `Display` trait, so printing them is a bit limited
    println!("A byte string: {:?}", bytestring);

    // Byte strings can have byte escapes...
    let escaped = b"\x52\x75\x73\x74 as bytes";
    // ...but no unicode escapes
    // let escaped = b"\u{211D} is not allowed";
    println!("Some escaped bytes: {:?}", escaped);

    // Raw byte strings work just like raw strings
    let raw_bytestring = br"\u{211D} is not escaped here";
    println!("{:?}", raw_bytestring);

    // Converting a byte array to `str` can fail
    if let Ok(my_str) = str::from_utf8(raw_bytestring) {
        println!("And the same as text: '{}'", my_str);

    let _quotes = br#"You can also use "fancier" formatting, \
                    like with normal raw strings"#;

    // Byte strings don't have to be UTF-8
    let shift_jis = b"\x82\xe6\x82\xa8\x82\xb1\x82\xbb"; // "ようこそ" in SHIFT-JIS

    // But then they can't always be converted to `str`
    match str::from_utf8(shift_jis) {
        Ok(my_str) => println!("Conversion successful: '{}'", my_str),
        Err(e) => println!("Conversion failed: {:?}", e),

For conversions between character encodings check out the encoding crate.

A more detailed listing of the ways to write string literals and escape characters is given in the 'Tokens' chapter of the Rust Reference.


Sometimes it's desirable to catch the failure of some parts of a program instead of calling panic!; this can be accomplished using the Option enum.

The Option<T> enum has two variants:

  • None, to indicate failure or lack of value, and
  • Some(value), a tuple struct that wraps a value with type T.
// An integer division that doesn't `panic!`
fn checked_division(dividend: i32, divisor: i32) -> Option<i32> {
    if divisor == 0 {
        // Failure is represented as the `None` variant
    } else {
        // Result is wrapped in a `Some` variant
        Some(dividend / divisor)

// This function handles a division that may not succeed
fn try_division(dividend: i32, divisor: i32) {
    // `Option` values can be pattern matched, just like other enums
    match checked_division(dividend, divisor) {
        None => println!("{} / {} failed!", dividend, divisor),
        Some(quotient) => {
            println!("{} / {} = {}", dividend, divisor, quotient)

fn main() {
    try_division(4, 2);
    try_division(1, 0);

    // Binding `None` to a variable needs to be type annotated
    let none: Option<i32> = None;
    let _equivalent_none = None::<i32>;

    let optional_float = Some(0f32);

    // Unwrapping a `Some` variant will extract the value wrapped.
    println!("{:?} unwraps to {:?}", optional_float, optional_float.unwrap());

    // Unwrapping a `None` variant will `panic!`
    println!("{:?} unwraps to {:?}", none, none.unwrap());


We've seen that the Option enum can be used as a return value from functions that may fail, where None can be returned to indicate failure. However, sometimes it is important to express why an operation failed. To do this we have the Result enum.

The Result<T, E> enum has two variants:

  • Ok(value) which indicates that the operation succeeded, and wraps the value returned by the operation. (value has type T)
  • Err(why), which indicates that the operation failed, and wraps why, which (hopefully) explains the cause of the failure. (why has type E)
mod checked {
    // Mathematical "errors" we want to catch
    pub enum MathError {

    pub type MathResult = Result<f64, MathError>;

    pub fn div(x: f64, y: f64) -> MathResult {
        if y == 0.0 {
            // This operation would `fail`, instead let's return the reason of
            // the failure wrapped in `Err`
        } else {
            // This operation is valid, return the result wrapped in `Ok`
            Ok(x / y)

    pub fn sqrt(x: f64) -> MathResult {
        if x < 0.0 {
        } else {

    pub fn ln(x: f64) -> MathResult {
        if x <= 0.0 {
        } else {

// `op(x, y)` === `sqrt(ln(x / y))`
fn op(x: f64, y: f64) -> f64 {
    // This is a three level match pyramid!
    match checked::div(x, y) {
        Err(why) => panic!("{:?}", why),
        Ok(ratio) => match checked::ln(ratio) {
            Err(why) => panic!("{:?}", why),
            Ok(ln) => match checked::sqrt(ln) {
                Err(why) => panic!("{:?}", why),
                Ok(sqrt) => sqrt,

fn main() {
    // Will this fail?
    println!("{}", op(1.0, 10.0));


Chaining results using match can get pretty untidy; luckily, the ? operator can be used to make things pretty again. ? is used at the end of an expression returning a Result, and is equivalent to a match expression, where the Err(err) branch expands to an early Err(From::from(err)), and the Ok(ok) branch expands to an ok expression.

mod checked {
    enum MathError {

    type MathResult = Result<f64, MathError>;

    fn div(x: f64, y: f64) -> MathResult {
        if y == 0.0 {
        } else {
            Ok(x / y)

    fn sqrt(x: f64) -> MathResult {
        if x < 0.0 {
        } else {

    fn ln(x: f64) -> MathResult {
        if x <= 0.0 {
        } else {

    // Intermediate function
    fn op_(x: f64, y: f64) -> MathResult {
        // if `div` "fails", then `DivisionByZero` will be `return`ed
        let ratio = div(x, y)?;

        // if `ln` "fails", then `NonPositiveLogarithm` will be `return`ed
        let ln = ln(ratio)?;


    pub fn op(x: f64, y: f64) {
        match op_(x, y) {
            Err(why) => panic!(match why {
                    => "logarithm of non-positive number",
                    => "division by zero",
                    => "square root of negative number",
            Ok(value) => println!("{}", value),

fn main() {
    checked::op(1.0, 10.0);

Be sure to check the documentation, as there are many methods to map/compose Result.


The panic! macro can be used to generate a panic and start unwinding its stack. While unwinding, the runtime will take care of freeing all the resources owned by the thread by calling the destructor of all its objects.

Since we are dealing with programs with only one thread, panic! will cause the program to report the panic message and exit.

// Re-implementation of integer division (/)
fn division(dividend: i32, divisor: i32) -> i32 {
    if divisor == 0 {
        // Division by zero triggers a panic
        panic!("division by zero");
    } else {
        dividend / divisor

// The `main` task
fn main() {
    // Heap allocated integer
    let _x = Box::new(0i32);

    // This operation will trigger a task failure
    division(3, 0);

    println!("This point won't be reached!");

    // `_x` should get destroyed at this point

Let's check that panic! doesn't leak memory.

$ rustc panic.rs && valgrind ./panic
==4401== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==4401== Copyright (C) 2002-2013, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==4401== Using Valgrind-3.10.0.SVN and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==4401== Command: ./panic
thread '<main>' panicked at 'division by zero', panic.rs:5
==4401== HEAP SUMMARY:
==4401==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==4401==   total heap usage: 18 allocs, 18 frees, 1,648 bytes allocated
==4401== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==4401== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==4401== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)


Where vectors store values by an integer index, HashMaps store values by key. HashMap keys can be booleans, integers, strings, or any other type that implements the Eq and Hash traits. More on this in the next section.

Like vectors, HashMaps are growable, but HashMaps can also shrink themselves when they have excess space. You can create a HashMap with a certain starting capacity using HashMap::with_capacity(uint), or use HashMap::new() to get a HashMap with a default initial capacity (recommended).

use std::collections::HashMap;

fn call(number: &str) -> &str {
    match number {
        "798-1364" => "We're sorry, the call cannot be completed as dialed. 
            Please hang up and try again.",
        "645-7689" => "Hello, this is Mr. Awesome's Pizza. My name is Fred.
            What can I get for you today?",
        _ => "Hi! Who is this again?"

fn main() { 
    let mut contacts = HashMap::new();

    contacts.insert("Daniel", "798-1364");
    contacts.insert("Ashley", "645-7689");
    contacts.insert("Katie", "435-8291");
    contacts.insert("Robert", "956-1745");

    // Takes a reference and returns Option<&V>
    match contacts.get(&"Daniel") {
        Some(&number) => println!("Calling Daniel: {}", call(number)),
        _ => println!("Don't have Daniel's number."),

    // `HashMap::insert()` returns `None`
    // if the inserted value is new, `Some(value)` otherwise
    contacts.insert("Daniel", "164-6743");

    match contacts.get(&"Ashley") {
        Some(&number) => println!("Calling Ashley: {}", call(number)),
        _ => println!("Don't have Ashley's number."),


    // `HashMap::iter()` returns an iterator that yields 
    // (&'a key, &'a value) pairs in arbitrary order.
    for (contact, &number) in contacts.iter() {
        println!("Calling {}: {}", contact, call(number)); 

For more information on how hashing and hash maps (sometimes called hash tables) work, have a look at Hash Table Wikipedia

Alternate/custom key types

Any type that implements the Eq and Hash traits can be a key in HashMap. This includes:

  • bool (though not very useful since there is only two possible keys)
  • int, uint, and all variations thereof
  • String and &str (protip: you can have a HashMap keyed by String and call .get() with an &str)

Note that f32 and f64 do not implement Hash, likely because floating-point precision errors would make using them as hashmap keys horribly error-prone.

All collection classes implement Eq and Hash if their contained type also respectively implements Eq and Hash. For example, Vec<T> will implement Hash if T implements Hash.

You can easily implement Eq and Hash for a custom type with just one line: #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]

The compiler will do the rest. If you want more control over the details, you can implement Eq and/or Hash yourself. This guide will not cover the specifics of implementing Hash.

To play around with using a struct in HashMap, let's try making a very simple user logon system:

use std::collections::HashMap;

// Eq requires that you derive PartialEq on the type.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct Account<'a>{
    username: &'a str,
    password: &'a str,

struct AccountInfo<'a>{
    name: &'a str,
    email: &'a str,

type Accounts<'a> = HashMap<Account<'a>, AccountInfo<'a>>;

fn try_logon<'a>(accounts: &Accounts<'a>,
        username: &'a str, password: &'a str){
    println!("Username: {}", username);
    println!("Password: {}", password);
    println!("Attempting logon...");

    let logon = Account {

    match accounts.get(&logon) {
        Some(account_info) => {
            println!("Successful logon!");
            println!("Name: {}", account_info.name);
            println!("Email: {}", account_info.email);
        _ => println!("Login failed!"),

fn main(){
    let mut accounts: Accounts = HashMap::new();

    let account = Account {
        username: "j.everyman",
        password: "password123",

    let account_info = AccountInfo {
        name: "John Everyman",
        email: "j.everyman@email.com",

    accounts.insert(account, account_info);

    try_logon(&accounts, "j.everyman", "psasword123");

    try_logon(&accounts, "j.everyman", "password123");


Consider a HashSet as a HashMap where we just care about the keys ( HashSet<T> is, in actuality, just a wrapper around HashMap<T, ()>).

"What's the point of that?" you ask. "I could just store the keys in a Vec."

A HashSet's unique feature is that it is guaranteed to not have duplicate elements. That's the contract that any set collection fulfills. HashSet is just one implementation. (see also: BTreeSet)

If you insert a value that is already present in the HashSet, (i.e. the new value is equal to the existing and they both have the same hash), then the new value will replace the old.

This is great for when you never want more than one of something, or when you want to know if you've already got something.

But sets can do more than that.

Sets have 4 primary operations (all of the following calls return an iterator):

  • union: get all the unique elements in both sets.

  • difference: get all the elements that are in the first set but not the second.

  • intersection: get all the elements that are only in both sets.

  • symmetric_difference: get all the elements that are in one set or the other, but not both.

Try all of these in the following example:

use std::collections::HashSet;

fn main() {
    let mut a: HashSet<i32> = vec![1i32, 2, 3].into_iter().collect();
    let mut b: HashSet<i32> = vec![2i32, 3, 4].into_iter().collect();


    // `HashSet::insert()` returns false if
    // there was a value already present.
    assert!(b.insert(4), "Value 4 is already in set B!");
    // FIXME ^ Comment out this line


    // If a collection's element type implements `Debug`,
    // then the collection implements `Debug`.
    // It usually prints its elements in the format `[elem1, elem2, ...]`
    println!("A: {:?}", a);
    println!("B: {:?}", b);

    // Print [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] in arbitrary order
    println!("Union: {:?}", a.union(&b).collect::<Vec<&i32>>());

    // This should print [1]
    println!("Difference: {:?}", a.difference(&b).collect::<Vec<&i32>>());

    // Print [2, 3, 4] in arbitrary order.
    println!("Intersection: {:?}", a.intersection(&b).collect::<Vec<&i32>>());

    // Print [1, 5]
    println!("Symmetric Difference: {:?}",

(Examples are adapted from the documentation.)


When multiple ownership is needed, Rc(Reference Counting) can be used. Rc keeps track of the number of the references which means the number of owners of the value wrapped inside an Rc.

Reference count of an Rc increases by 1 whenever an Rc is cloned, and decreases by 1 whenever one cloned Rc is dropped out of the scope. When an Rc's reference count becomes zero, which means there are no owners remained, both the Rc and the value are all dropped.

Cloning an Rc never performs a deep copy. Cloning creates just another pointer to the wrapped value, and increments the count.

use std::rc::Rc;

fn main() {
    let rc_examples = "Rc examples".to_string();
        println!("--- rc_a is created ---");
        let rc_a: Rc<String> = Rc::new(rc_examples);
        println!("Reference Count of rc_a: {}", Rc::strong_count(&rc_a));
            println!("--- rc_a is cloned to rc_b ---");
            let rc_b: Rc<String> = Rc::clone(&rc_a);
            println!("Reference Count of rc_b: {}", Rc::strong_count(&rc_b));
            println!("Reference Count of rc_a: {}", Rc::strong_count(&rc_a));
            // Two `Rc`s are equal if their inner values are equal
            println!("rc_a and rc_b are equal: {}", rc_a.eq(&rc_b));
            // We can use methods of a value directly
            println!("Length of the value inside rc_a: {}", rc_a.len());
            println!("Value of rc_b: {}", rc_b);
            println!("--- rc_b is dropped out of scope ---");
        println!("Reference Count of rc_a: {}", Rc::strong_count(&rc_a));
        println!("--- rc_a is dropped out of scope ---");
    // Error! `rc_examples` already moved into `rc_a`
    // And when `rc_a` is dropped, `rc_examples` is dropped together
    // println!("rc_examples: {}", rc_examples);
    // TODO ^ Try uncommenting this line

See also:

std::rc and std::sync::arc.


When shared ownership between threads is needed, Arc(Atomic Reference Counted) can be used. This struct, via the Clone implementation can create a reference pointer for the location of a value in the memory heap while increasing the reference counter. As it shares ownership between threads, when the last reference pointer to a value is out of scope, the variable is dropped.

fn main() {
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread;

// This variable declaration is where it's value is specified.
let apple = Arc::new("the same apple");

for _ in 0..10 {
    // Here there is no value specification as it is a pointer to a reference
    // in the memory heap.
    let apple = Arc::clone(&apple);

    thread::spawn(move || {
        // As Arc was used, threads can be spawned using the value allocated
        // in the Arc variable pointer's location.
        println!("{:?}", apple);

Std diğer

Std kütüphanesinin sağladığı desteklenen diğer birçok tipler:

  • Thread'ler(İplikler)
  • Channel'lar(Kanallar)
  • File I/O(Dosya Girdi Çıktı)

Bunlartemellerin sağladıklarını genişletirler.

Ayrıca bakın:

temeller ve std kütüphanesi İngilizce dokümantasyon


Rust provides a mechanism for spawning native OS threads via the spawn function, the argument of this function is a moving closure.

use std::thread;

const NTHREADS: u32 = 10;

// This is the `main` thread
fn main() {
    // Make a vector to hold the children which are spawned.
    let mut children = vec![];

    for i in 0..NTHREADS {
        // Spin up another thread
        children.push(thread::spawn(move || {
            println!("this is thread number {}", i);

    for child in children {
        // Wait for the thread to finish. Returns a result.
        let _ = child.join();

These threads will be scheduled by the OS.

Testcase: map-reduce

Rust makes it very easy to parallelise data processing, without many of the headaches traditionally associated with such an attempt.

The standard library provides great threading primitives out of the box. These, combined with Rust's concept of Ownership and aliasing rules, automatically prevent data races.

The aliasing rules (one writable reference XOR many readable references) automatically prevent you from manipulating state that is visible to other threads. (Where synchronisation is needed, there are synchronisation primitives like Mutexes or Channels.)

In this example, we will calculate the sum of all digits in a block of numbers. We will do this by parcelling out chunks of the block into different threads. Each thread will sum its tiny block of digits, and subsequently we will sum the intermediate sums produced by each thread.

Note that, although we're passing references across thread boundaries, Rust understands that we're only passing read-only references, and that thus no unsafety or data races can occur. Because we're move-ing the data segments into the thread, Rust will also ensure the data is kept alive until the threads exit, so no dangling pointers occur.

use std::thread;

// This is the `main` thread
fn main() {

    // This is our data to process.
    // We will calculate the sum of all digits via a threaded  map-reduce algorithm.
    // Each whitespace separated chunk will be handled in a different thread.
    // TODO: see what happens to the output if you insert spaces!
    let data = "86967897737416471853297327050364959

    // Make a vector to hold the child-threads which we will spawn.
    let mut children = vec![];

     * "Map" phase
     * Divide our data into segments, and apply initial processing

    // split our data into segments for individual calculation
    // each chunk will be a reference (&str) into the actual data
    let chunked_data = data.split_whitespace();

    // Iterate over the data segments.
    // .enumerate() adds the current loop index to whatever is iterated
    // the resulting tuple "(index, element)" is then immediately
    // "destructured" into two variables, "i" and "data_segment" with a
    // "destructuring assignment"
    for (i, data_segment) in chunked_data.enumerate() {
        println!("data segment {} is \"{}\"", i, data_segment);

        // Process each data segment in a separate thread
        // spawn() returns a handle to the new thread,
        // which we MUST keep to access the returned value
        // 'move || -> u32' is syntax for a closure that:
        // * takes no arguments ('||')
        // * takes ownership of its captured variables ('move') and
        // * returns an unsigned 32-bit integer ('-> u32')
        // Rust is smart enough to infer the '-> u32' from
        // the closure itself so we could have left that out.
        // TODO: try removing the 'move' and see what happens
        children.push(thread::spawn(move || -> u32 {
            // Calculate the intermediate sum of this segment:
            let result = data_segment
                        // iterate over the characters of our segment..
                        // .. convert text-characters to their number value..
                        .map(|c| c.to_digit(10).expect("should be a digit"))
                        // .. and sum the resulting iterator of numbers

            // println! locks stdout, so no text-interleaving occurs
            println!("processed segment {}, result={}", i, result);

            // "return" not needed, because Rust is an "expression language", the
            // last evaluated expression in each block is automatically its value.


     * "Reduce" phase
     * Collect our intermediate results, and combine them into a final result

    // collect each thread's intermediate results into a new Vec
    let mut intermediate_sums = vec![];
    for child in children {
        // collect each child thread's return-value
        let intermediate_sum = child.join().unwrap();

    // combine all intermediate sums into a single final sum.
    // we use the "turbofish" ::<> to provide sum() with a type hint.
    // TODO: try without the turbofish, by instead explicitly
    // specifying the type of final_result
    let final_result = intermediate_sums.iter().sum::<u32>();

    println!("Final sum result: {}", final_result);


It is not wise to let our number of threads depend on user inputted data. What if the user decides to insert a lot of spaces? Do we really want to spawn 2,000 threads? Modify the program so that the data is always chunked into a limited number of chunks, defined by a static constant at the beginning of the program.

See also:


Rust provides asynchronous channels for communication between threads. Channels allow a unidirectional flow of information between two end-points: the Sender and the Receiver.

use std::sync::mpsc::{Sender, Receiver};
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::thread;

static NTHREADS: i32 = 3;

fn main() {
    // Channels have two endpoints: the `Sender<T>` and the `Receiver<T>`,
    // where `T` is the type of the message to be transferred
    // (type annotation is superfluous)
    let (tx, rx): (Sender<i32>, Receiver<i32>) = mpsc::channel();
    let mut children = Vec::new();

    for id in 0..NTHREADS {
        // The sender endpoint can be copied
        let thread_tx = tx.clone();

        // Each thread will send its id via the channel
        let child = thread::spawn(move || {
            // The thread takes ownership over `thread_tx`
            // Each thread queues a message in the channel

            // Sending is a non-blocking operation, the thread will continue
            // immediately after sending its message
            println!("thread {} finished", id);


    // Here, all the messages are collected
    let mut ids = Vec::with_capacity(NTHREADS as usize);
    for _ in 0..NTHREADS {
        // The `recv` method picks a message from the channel
        // `recv` will block the current thread if there are no messages available
    // Wait for the threads to complete any remaining work
    for child in children {
        child.join().expect("oops! the child thread panicked");

    // Show the order in which the messages were sent
    println!("{:?}", ids);


The Path struct represents file paths in the underlying filesystem. There are two flavors of Path: posix::Path, for UNIX-like systems, and windows::Path, for Windows. The prelude exports the appropriate platform-specific Path variant.

A Path can be created from an OsStr, and provides several methods to get information from the file/directory the path points to.

Note that a Path is not internally represented as an UTF-8 string, but instead is stored as a vector of bytes (Vec<u8>). Therefore, converting a Path to a &str is not free and may fail (an Option is returned).

use std::path::Path;

fn main() {
    // Create a `Path` from an `&'static str`
    let path = Path::new(".");

    // The `display` method returns a `Show`able structure
    let _display = path.display();

    // `join` merges a path with a byte container using the OS specific
    // separator, and returns the new path
    let new_path = path.join("a").join("b");

    // Convert the path into a string slice
    match new_path.to_str() {
        None => panic!("new path is not a valid UTF-8 sequence"),
        Some(s) => println!("new path is {}", s),

Be sure to check at other Path methods (posix::Path or windows::Path) and the Metadata struct.

See also:

OsStr and Metadata.

File I/O

The File struct represents a file that has been opened (it wraps a file descriptor), and gives read and/or write access to the underlying file.

Since many things can go wrong when doing file I/O, all the File methods return the io::Result<T> type, which is an alias for Result<T, io::Error>.

This makes the failure of all I/O operations explicit. Thanks to this, the programmer can see all the failure paths, and is encouraged to handle them in a proactive manner.


The open static method can be used to open a file in read-only mode.

A File owns a resource, the file descriptor and takes care of closing the file when it is droped.

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::path::Path;

fn main() {
    // Create a path to the desired file
    let path = Path::new("hello.txt");
    let display = path.display();

    // Open the path in read-only mode, returns `io::Result<File>`
    let mut file = match File::open(&path) {
        Err(why) => panic!("couldn't open {}: {}", display, why),
        Ok(file) => file,

    // Read the file contents into a string, returns `io::Result<usize>`
    let mut s = String::new();
    match file.read_to_string(&mut s) {
        Err(why) => panic!("couldn't read {}: {}", display, why),
        Ok(_) => print!("{} contains:\n{}", display, s),

    // `file` goes out of scope, and the "hello.txt" file gets closed

Here's the expected successful output:

$ echo "Hello World!" > hello.txt
$ rustc open.rs && ./open
hello.txt contains:
Hello World!

(You are encouraged to test the previous example under different failure conditions: hello.txt doesn't exist, or hello.txt is not readable, etc.)


The create static method opens a file in write-only mode. If the file already existed, the old content is destroyed. Otherwise, a new file is created.

static LOREM_IPSUM: &str =
    "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,
quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non
proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::path::Path;

fn main() {
    let path = Path::new("lorem_ipsum.txt");
    let display = path.display();

    // Open a file in write-only mode, returns `io::Result<File>`
    let mut file = match File::create(&path) {
        Err(why) => panic!("couldn't create {}: {}", display, why),
        Ok(file) => file,

    // Write the `LOREM_IPSUM` string to `file`, returns `io::Result<()>`
    match file.write_all(LOREM_IPSUM.as_bytes()) {
        Err(why) => panic!("couldn't write to {}: {}", display, why),
        Ok(_) => println!("successfully wrote to {}", display),

Here's the expected successful output:

$ rustc create.rs && ./create
successfully wrote to lorem_ipsum.txt
$ cat lorem_ipsum.txt
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,
quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non
proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

(As in the previous example, you are encouraged to test this example under failure conditions.)

There is OpenOptions struct that can be used to configure how a file is opened.


The method lines() returns an iterator over the lines of a file.

File::open expects a generic, AsRef<Path>. That's what read_lines() expects as input.

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{self, BufRead};
use std::path::Path;

fn main() {
    // File hosts must exist in current path before this produces output
    if let Ok(lines) = read_lines("./hosts") {
        // Consumes the iterator, returns an (Optional) String
        for line in lines {
            if let Ok(ip) = line {
                println!("{}", ip);

// The output is wrapped in a Result to allow matching on errors
// Returns an Iterator to the Reader of the lines of the file.
fn read_lines<P>(filename: P) -> io::Result<io::Lines<io::BufReader<File>>>
where P: AsRef<Path>, {
    let file = File::open(filename)?;

Running this program simply prints the lines individually.

$ echo -e "\n192.168.0.1\n" > hosts
$ rustc read_lines.rs && ./read_lines

This process is more efficient than creating a String in memory especially working with larger files.

Child processes

The process::Output struct represents the output of a finished child process, and the process::Command struct is a process builder.

use std::process::Command;

fn main() {
    let output = Command::new("rustc")
        .output().unwrap_or_else(|e| {
            panic!("failed to execute process: {}", e)

    if output.status.success() {
        let s = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout);

        print!("rustc succeeded and stdout was:\n{}", s);
    } else {
        let s = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr);

        print!("rustc failed and stderr was:\n{}", s);

(You are encouraged to try the previous example with an incorrect flag passed to rustc)


The std::Child struct represents a running child process, and exposes the stdin, stdout and stderr handles for interaction with the underlying process via pipes.

use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};

static PANGRAM: &'static str =
"the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog\n";

fn main() {
    // Spawn the `wc` command
    let process = match Command::new("wc")
                                .spawn() {
        Err(why) => panic!("couldn't spawn wc: {}", why),
        Ok(process) => process,

    // Write a string to the `stdin` of `wc`.
    // `stdin` has type `Option<ChildStdin>`, but since we know this instance
    // must have one, we can directly `unwrap` it.
    match process.stdin.unwrap().write_all(PANGRAM.as_bytes()) {
        Err(why) => panic!("couldn't write to wc stdin: {}", why),
        Ok(_) => println!("sent pangram to wc"),

    // Because `stdin` does not live after the above calls, it is `drop`ed,
    // and the pipe is closed.
    // This is very important, otherwise `wc` wouldn't start processing the
    // input we just sent.

    // The `stdout` field also has type `Option<ChildStdout>` so must be unwrapped.
    let mut s = String::new();
    match process.stdout.unwrap().read_to_string(&mut s) {
        Err(why) => panic!("couldn't read wc stdout: {}", why),
        Ok(_) => print!("wc responded with:\n{}", s),


If you'd like to wait for a process::Child to finish, you must call Child::wait, which will return a process::ExitStatus.

use std::process::Command;

fn main() {
    let mut child = Command::new("sleep").arg("5").spawn().unwrap();
    let _result = child.wait().unwrap();

    println!("reached end of main");
$ rustc wait.rs && ./wait
# `wait` keeps running for 5 seconds until the `sleep 5` command finishes
reached end of main

Filesystem Operations

The std::fs module contains several functions that deal with the filesystem.

use std::fs;
use std::fs::{File, OpenOptions};
use std::io;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::os::unix;
use std::path::Path;

// A simple implementation of `% cat path`
fn cat(path: &Path) -> io::Result<String> {
    let mut f = File::open(path)?;
    let mut s = String::new();
    match f.read_to_string(&mut s) {
        Ok(_) => Ok(s),
        Err(e) => Err(e),

// A simple implementation of `% echo s > path`
fn echo(s: &str, path: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
    let mut f = File::create(path)?;


// A simple implementation of `% touch path` (ignores existing files)
fn touch(path: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
    match OpenOptions::new().create(true).write(true).open(path) {
        Ok(_) => Ok(()),
        Err(e) => Err(e),

fn main() {
    println!("`mkdir a`");
    // Create a directory, returns `io::Result<()>`
    match fs::create_dir("a") {
        Err(why) => println!("! {:?}", why.kind()),
        Ok(_) => {},

    println!("`echo hello > a/b.txt`");
    // The previous match can be simplified using the `unwrap_or_else` method
    echo("hello", &Path::new("a/b.txt")).unwrap_or_else(|why| {
        println!("! {:?}", why.kind());

    println!("`mkdir -p a/c/d`");
    // Recursively create a directory, returns `io::Result<()>`
    fs::create_dir_all("a/c/d").unwrap_or_else(|why| {
        println!("! {:?}", why.kind());

    println!("`touch a/c/e.txt`");
    touch(&Path::new("a/c/e.txt")).unwrap_or_else(|why| {
        println!("! {:?}", why.kind());

    println!("`ln -s ../b.txt a/c/b.txt`");
    // Create a symbolic link, returns `io::Result<()>`
    if cfg!(target_family = "unix") {
        unix::fs::symlink("../b.txt", "a/c/b.txt").unwrap_or_else(|why| {
        println!("! {:?}", why.kind());

    println!("`cat a/c/b.txt`");
    match cat(&Path::new("a/c/b.txt")) {
        Err(why) => println!("! {:?}", why.kind()),
        Ok(s) => println!("> {}", s),

    println!("`ls a`");
    // Read the contents of a directory, returns `io::Result<Vec<Path>>`
    match fs::read_dir("a") {
        Err(why) => println!("! {:?}", why.kind()),
        Ok(paths) => for path in paths {
            println!("> {:?}", path.unwrap().path());

    println!("`rm a/c/e.txt`");
    // Remove a file, returns `io::Result<()>`
    fs::remove_file("a/c/e.txt").unwrap_or_else(|why| {
        println!("! {:?}", why.kind());

    println!("`rmdir a/c/d`");
    // Remove an empty directory, returns `io::Result<()>`
    fs::remove_dir("a/c/d").unwrap_or_else(|why| {
        println!("! {:?}", why.kind());

Here's the expected successful output:

$ rustc fs.rs && ./fs
`mkdir a`
`echo hello > a/b.txt`
`mkdir -p a/c/d`
`touch a/c/e.txt`
`ln -s ../b.txt a/c/b.txt`
`cat a/c/b.txt`
> hello
`ls a`
> "a/b.txt"
> "a/c"
`rm a/c/e.txt`
`rmdir a/c/d`

And the final state of the a directory is:

$ tree a
|-- b.txt
`-- c
    `-- b.txt -> ../b.txt

1 directory, 2 files

An alternative way to define the function cat is with ? notation:

fn cat(path: &Path) -> io::Result<String> {
    let mut f = File::open(path)?;
    let mut s = String::new();
    f.read_to_string(&mut s)?;

See also:


Program arguments

Standard Library

The command line arguments can be accessed using std::env::args, which returns an iterator that yields a String for each argument:

use std::env;

fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();

    // The first argument is the path that was used to call the program.
    println!("My path is {}.", args[0]);

    // The rest of the arguments are the passed command line parameters.
    // Call the program like this:
    //   $ ./args arg1 arg2
    println!("I got {:?} arguments: {:?}.", args.len() - 1, &args[1..]);
$ ./args 1 2 3
My path is ./args.
I got 3 arguments: ["1", "2", "3"].


Alternatively, there are numerous crates that can provide extra functionality when creating command-line applications. The Rust Cookbook exhibits best practices on how to use one of the more popular command line argument crates, clap.

Argument parsing

Matching can be used to parse simple arguments:

use std::env;

fn increase(number: i32) {
    println!("{}", number + 1);

fn decrease(number: i32) {
    println!("{}", number - 1);

fn help() {
match_args <string>
    Check whether given string is the answer.
match_args {{increase|decrease}} <integer>
    Increase or decrease given integer by one.");

fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();

    match args.len() {
        // no arguments passed
        1 => {
            println!("My name is 'match_args'. Try passing some arguments!");
        // one argument passed
        2 => {
            match args[1].parse() {
                Ok(42) => println!("This is the answer!"),
                _ => println!("This is not the answer."),
        // one command and one argument passed
        3 => {
            let cmd = &args[1];
            let num = &args[2];
            // parse the number
            let number: i32 = match num.parse() {
                Ok(n) => {
                Err(_) => {
                    eprintln!("error: second argument not an integer");
            // parse the command
            match &cmd[..] {
                "increase" => increase(number),
                "decrease" => decrease(number),
                _ => {
                    eprintln!("error: invalid command");
        // all the other cases
        _ => {
            // show a help message
$ ./match_args Rust
This is not the answer.
$ ./match_args 42
This is the answer!
$ ./match_args do something
error: second argument not an integer
match_args <string>
    Check whether given string is the answer.
match_args {increase|decrease} <integer>
    Increase or decrease given integer by one.
$ ./match_args do 42
error: invalid command
match_args <string>
    Check whether given string is the answer.
match_args {increase|decrease} <integer>
    Increase or decrease given integer by one.
$ ./match_args increase 42

Foreign Function Interface

Rust provides a Foreign Function Interface (FFI) to C libraries. Foreign functions must be declared inside an extern block annotated with a #[link] attribute containing the name of the foreign library.

use std::fmt;

// this extern block links to the libm library
#[link(name = "m")]
extern {
    // this is a foreign function
    // that computes the square root of a single precision complex number
    fn csqrtf(z: Complex) -> Complex;

    fn ccosf(z: Complex) -> Complex;

// Since calling foreign functions is considered unsafe,
// it's common to write safe wrappers around them.
fn cos(z: Complex) -> Complex {
    unsafe { ccosf(z) }

fn main() {
    // z = -1 + 0i
    let z = Complex { re: -1., im: 0. };

    // calling a foreign function is an unsafe operation
    let z_sqrt = unsafe { csqrtf(z) };

    println!("the square root of {:?} is {:?}", z, z_sqrt);

    // calling safe API wrapped around unsafe operation
    println!("cos({:?}) = {:?}", z, cos(z));

// Minimal implementation of single precision complex numbers
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Complex {
    re: f32,
    im: f32,

impl fmt::Debug for Complex {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        if self.im < 0. {
            write!(f, "{}-{}i", self.re, -self.im)
        } else {
            write!(f, "{}+{}i", self.re, self.im)


Rust doğruluğu çok önemseyen bir programlama dilidir ve dil kendi içinde yazılım testleri desteği içerir.

Testler üç şekildedir:

Aynı zamanda Rust özelleştirilmiş eklemeli bağımsızlıkları da destekler:

Ayrıca bakınız

Unit testing

Tests are Rust functions that verify that the non-test code is functioning in the expected manner. The bodies of test functions typically perform some setup, run the code we want to test, then assert whether the results are what we expect.

Most unit tests go into a tests mod with the #[cfg(test)] attribute. Test functions are marked with the #[test] attribute.

Tests fail when something in the test function panics. There are some helper macros:

  • assert!(expression) - panics if expression evaluates to false.
  • assert_eq!(left, right) and assert_ne!(left, right) - testing left and right expressions for equality and inequality respectively.
pub fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a + b

// This is a really bad adding function, its purpose is to fail in this
// example.
fn bad_add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a - b

mod tests {
    // Note this useful idiom: importing names from outer (for mod tests) scope.
    use super::*;

    fn test_add() {
        assert_eq!(add(1, 2), 3);

    fn test_bad_add() {
        // This assert would fire and test will fail.
        // Please note, that private functions can be tested too!
        assert_eq!(bad_add(1, 2), 3);

Tests can be run with cargo test.

$ cargo test

running 2 tests
test tests::test_bad_add ... FAILED
test tests::test_add ... ok


---- tests::test_bad_add stdout ----
        thread 'tests::test_bad_add' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`
  left: `-1`,
 right: `3`', src/lib.rs:21:8
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.


test result: FAILED. 1 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out

Tests and ?

None of the previous unit test examples had a return type. But in Rust 2018, your unit tests can return Result<()>, which lets you use ? in them! This can make them much more concise.

fn sqrt(number: f64) -> Result<f64, String> {
    if number >= 0.0 {
    } else {
        Err("negative floats don't have square roots".to_owned())

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_sqrt() -> Result<(), String> {
        let x = 4.0;
        assert_eq!(sqrt(x)?.powf(2.0), x);

See "The Edition Guide" for more details.

Testing panics

To check functions that should panic under certain circumstances, use attribute #[should_panic]. This attribute accepts optional parameter expected = with the text of the panic message. If your function can panic in multiple ways, it helps make sure your test is testing the correct panic.

pub fn divide_non_zero_result(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 {
    if b == 0 {
        panic!("Divide-by-zero error");
    } else if a < b {
        panic!("Divide result is zero");
    a / b

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_divide() {
        assert_eq!(divide_non_zero_result(10, 2), 5);

    fn test_any_panic() {
        divide_non_zero_result(1, 0);

    #[should_panic(expected = "Divide result is zero")]
    fn test_specific_panic() {
        divide_non_zero_result(1, 10);

Running these tests gives us:

$ cargo test

running 3 tests
test tests::test_any_panic ... ok
test tests::test_divide ... ok
test tests::test_specific_panic ... ok

test result: ok. 3 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out

   Doc-tests tmp-test-should-panic

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out

Running specific tests

To run specific tests one may specify the test name to cargo test command.

$ cargo test test_any_panic
running 1 test
test tests::test_any_panic ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 2 filtered out

   Doc-tests tmp-test-should-panic

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out

To run multiple tests one may specify part of a test name that matches all the tests that should be run.

$ cargo test panic
running 2 tests
test tests::test_any_panic ... ok
test tests::test_specific_panic ... ok

test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 1 filtered out

   Doc-tests tmp-test-should-panic

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out

Ignoring tests

Tests can be marked with the #[ignore] attribute to exclude some tests. Or to run them with command cargo test -- --ignored

fn main() {
pub fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a + b

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_add() {
        assert_eq!(add(2, 2), 4);

    fn test_add_hundred() {
        assert_eq!(add(100, 2), 102);
        assert_eq!(add(2, 100), 102);

    fn ignored_test() {
        assert_eq!(add(0, 0), 0);
$ cargo test
running 3 tests
test tests::ignored_test ... ignored
test tests::test_add ... ok
test tests::test_add_hundred ... ok

test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 1 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out

   Doc-tests tmp-ignore

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out

$ cargo test -- --ignored
running 1 test
test tests::ignored_test ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out

   Doc-tests tmp-ignore

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out

Documentation testing

The primary way of documenting a Rust project is through annotating the source code. Documentation comments are written in markdown and support code blocks in them. Rust takes care about correctness, so these code blocks are compiled and used as tests.

/// First line is a short summary describing function.
/// The next lines present detailed documentation. Code blocks start with
/// triple backquotes and have implicit `fn main()` inside
/// and `extern crate <cratename>`. Assume we're testing `doccomments` crate:
/// ```
/// let result = doccomments::add(2, 3);
/// assert_eq!(result, 5);
/// ```
pub fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a + b

/// Usually doc comments may include sections "Examples", "Panics" and "Failures".
/// The next function divides two numbers.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let result = doccomments::div(10, 2);
/// assert_eq!(result, 5);
/// ```
/// # Panics
/// The function panics if the second argument is zero.
/// ```rust,should_panic
/// // panics on division by zero
/// doccomments::div(10, 0);
/// ```
pub fn div(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    if b == 0 {
        panic!("Divide-by-zero error");

    a / b

Tests can be run with cargo test:

$ cargo test
running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out

   Doc-tests doccomments

running 3 tests
test src/lib.rs - add (line 7) ... ok
test src/lib.rs - div (line 21) ... ok
test src/lib.rs - div (line 31) ... ok

test result: ok. 3 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out

Motivation behind documentation tests

The main purpose of documentation tests is to serve as examples that exercise the functionality, which is one of the most important guidelines. It allows using examples from docs as complete code snippets. But using ? makes compilation fail since main returns unit. The ability to hide some source lines from documentation comes to the rescue: one may write fn try_main() -> Result<(), ErrorType>, hide it and unwrap it in hidden main. Sounds complicated? Here's an example:

/// Using hidden `try_main` in doc tests.
/// ```
/// # // hidden lines start with `#` symbol, but they're still compileable!
/// # fn try_main() -> Result<(), String> { // line that wraps the body shown in doc
/// let res = try::try_div(10, 2)?;
/// # Ok(()) // returning from try_main
/// # }
/// # fn main() { // starting main that'll unwrap()
/// #    try_main().unwrap(); // calling try_main and unwrapping
/// #                         // so that test will panic in case of error
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn try_div(a: i32, b: i32) -> Result<i32, String> {
    if b == 0 {
    } else {
        Ok(a / b)

See Also

Integration testing

Unit tests are testing one module in isolation at a time: they're small and can test private code. Integration tests are external to your crate and use only its public interface in the same way any other code would. Their purpose is to test that many parts of your library work correctly together.

Cargo looks for integration tests in tests directory next to src.

File src/lib.rs:

// Define this in a crate called `adder`.
pub fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a + b

File with test: tests/integration_test.rs:

fn test_add() {
    assert_eq!(adder::add(3, 2), 5);

Running tests with cargo test command:

$ cargo test
running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out

     Running target/debug/deps/integration_test-bcd60824f5fbfe19

running 1 test
test test_add ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out

   Doc-tests adder

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out

Each Rust source file in tests directory is compiled as a separate crate. One way of sharing some code between integration tests is making module with public functions, importing and using it within tests.

File tests/common.rs:

pub fn setup() {
    // some setup code, like creating required files/directories, starting
    // servers, etc.

File with test: tests/integration_test.rs

// importing common module.
mod common;

fn test_add() {
    // using common code.
    assert_eq!(adder::add(3, 2), 5);

Modules with common code follow the ordinary modules rules, so it's ok to create common module as tests/common/mod.rs.

Development dependencies

Sometimes there is a need to have dependencies for tests (or examples, or benchmarks) only. Such dependencies are added to Cargo.toml in the [dev-dependencies] section. These dependencies are not propagated to other packages which depend on this package.

One such example is using a crate that extends standard assert! macros.
File Cargo.toml:

# standard crate data is left out
pretty_assertions = "0.4.0"

File src/lib.rs:

// externing crate for test-only use
extern crate pretty_assertions;

pub fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a + b

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_add() {
        assert_eq!(add(2, 3), 5);

See Also

Cargo docs on specifying dependencies.

Güvensiz İşlemler

Bu bölüme girerken, resmi İngilizce dokümanlardan bir alıntı olarak, "Bir kod tabanındaki güvenli olmayan kod miktarı en aza indirilmeye çalışılmalıdır." Aklımıza bunu kazıyarak, hadi başlayalım! Rust'taki güvenli olmayan ek açıklamalar, derleyici tarafından uygulanan korumaları atlatmak için kullanılır; özellikle güvenli olmayan dört temel şey:

  • açık(veya ham diye ifade edilir) pointer'ı derefere etme(refere ettiği yerden ayırma)
  • unsafe(güvensiz) olan fonksiyon veya metotları çağırma (FFI üzerinden bir fonksiyonu çağırmak da buna dahil, kitabın bir önceki bölümüne bakın.)
  • static mutable(değişebilir) değişkenlere erişmek veya bunları değiştirmek
  • unsafe(güvensiz) trait'ler implemente etmek

Açık pointer'lar

Açık pointer'lar * ve referanslar &T benzer şekilde çalışırlar, ama referanslar her zaman güvenlidir çünkü ödünç alma(borrow) denetleyicisi ile geçerli verilere işaret etmeleri garanti edilir. Açık bir göstericinin referansının kaldırılması sadece güvenli olmayan bir blok aracılığıyla yapılabilir.

fn main() {
    let raw_p: *const u32 = &10;

    unsafe {
        assert!(*raw_p == 10);

Unsafe(Güvensiz) Fonksiyonların Çağrımı

Bazı fonksiyonlar unsafe(güvensiz) olarak bildirilebilir, bu derleyicinin yerine doğruluğu sağlamak programcının sorumluluğundadır. Buna bir örnek: std::slice::from_raw_parts ilk elemana bir pointer ve bir uzunluk verilen bir hafıza dilimi ayıracaktır.

use std::slice;

fn main() {
    let some_vector = vec![1, 2, 3, 4];

    let pointer = some_vector.as_ptr();
    let length = some_vector.len();

    unsafe {
        let my_slice: &[u32] = slice::from_raw_parts(pointer, length);

        assert_eq!(some_vector.as_slice(), my_slice);

slice::from_raw_parts için, onaylanması gereken varsayımlardan biri, pointer'ın geçerli belleğe geçirilmesi ve işaret edilen belleğin doğru tipte olmasıdır. Bu değişmezler korunmazsa, programın davranışı tanımsızdır ve ne olacağını bilemeyiz.


Rust dili hızla gelişmekte, ve bu nedenle mümkün olan her yerde ileriye dönük uyumluluğu sağlama çabalarına rağmen belirli uyumluluk sorunları ortaya çıkabiliyor.

Ham Tanımlayıcılar

Rust, birçok programlama dilinde olduğu gibi "keywords" yani "anahtar kelimeler" konseptini içerir. Bu tanımlayıcılar dil için bir şeyler ifade eder, bu nedenle onları değişken adı, fonksiyon adı ve bunlar gibi yerlerde kullanamazsınız. Ham tanımlayıcılar normalde izin verilmediği yerlerde bu anahtar kelimeleri kullanabilmenize izin verir. Bu, özellikle; Rust yeni anahtar kelimeler sunduğunda ve Rust'ın eski bir sürümünü kullanan bir kütüphane, daha yeni bir sürümde tanıtılan bir anahtar kelimelerle aynı ada sahip bir değişken veya fonksiyona sahip olduğunda çok yararlıdır.

Örneğin, try isimli bir fonksiyonu dışa aktaran foo isimli bir crate'in 2015 versiyon Rust ile derlendiğini düşünün. Bu anahtar kelime 2018 sürümündeki yeni bir özellik için ayrılmıştır, bu nedenle ham tanımlayıcılar olmasaydı bu fonksiyonu adlandırmanın bir yolu olmazdı.

extern crate foo;

fn main() {

Şu hatayı alırdınız:

error: expected identifier, found keyword `try`
 --> src/main.rs:4:4
4 | foo::try();
  |      ^^^ expected identifier, found keyword

Ama aynı kodu ham tanımlayıcıyla yazabilirsiniz:

extern crate foo;

fn main() {


Bazı konular nasıl programladığınızla tam olarak alakalı değildir, ancak size işleri herkes için daha iyi hale getiren araç veya altyapı destekleri sağlar. Bu konu şunları içerir:

  • Dokümantasyon: rustdocı dahil ederek kullanıcılar için kütüphane dokümantasyonu oluşturun.
  • Playpen: Rust Playpen(Rust Playground olarak da bilinen)'i dokümantasyonunuza entegre edin.


Use cargo doc to build documentation in target/doc.

Use cargo test to run all tests (including documentation tests), and cargo test --doc to only run documentation tests.

These commands will appropriately invoke rustdoc (and rustc) as required.

Doc comments

Doc comments are very useful for big projects that require documentation. When running rustdoc, these are the comments that get compiled into documentation. They are denoted by a ///, and support Markdown.

#![crate_name = "doc"]

/// A human being is represented here
pub struct Person {
    /// A person must have a name, no matter how much Juliet may hate it
    name: String,

impl Person {
    /// Returns a person with the name given them
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `name` - A string slice that holds the name of the person
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// // You can have rust code between fences inside the comments
    /// // If you pass --test to `rustdoc`, it will even test it for you!
    /// use doc::Person;
    /// let person = Person::new("name");
    /// ```
    pub fn new(name: &str) -> Person {
        Person {
            name: name.to_string(),

    /// Gives a friendly hello!
    /// Says "Hello, [name]" to the `Person` it is called on.
    pub fn hello(& self) {
        println!("Hello, {}!", self.name);

fn main() {
    let john = Person::new("John");


To run the tests, first build the code as a library, then tell rustdoc where to find the library so it can link it into each doctest program:

$ rustc doc.rs --crate-type lib
$ rustdoc --test --extern doc="libdoc.rlib" doc.rs

Doc attributes

Below are a few examples of the most common #[doc] attributes used with rustdoc.


Used to inline docs, instead of linking out to separate page.

pub use bar::Bar;

/// bar docs
mod bar {
    /// the docs for Bar
    pub struct Bar;


Used to prevent linking out to separate page or anywhere.

// Example from libcore/prelude
pub use crate::mem::drop;


Using this tells rustdoc not to include this in documentation:

// Example from the futures-rs library
pub use self::async_await::*;

For documentation, rustdoc is widely used by the community. It's what is used to generate the std library docs.

See also:


The Rust Playpen is a way to experiment with Rust code through a web interface. This project is now commonly referred to as Rust Playground.

Using it with mdbook

In mdbook, you can make code examples playable and editable.

fn main() {
    println!("Hello World!");

This allows the reader to both run your code sample, but also modify and tweak it. The key here is the adding the word editable to your codefence block separated by a comma.

//...place your code here

Additionally, you can add ignore if you want mdbook to skip your code when it builds and tests.

//...place your code here

Using it with docs

You may have noticed in some of the official Rust docs a button that says "Run", which opens the code sample up in a new tab in Rust Playground. This feature is enabled if you use the #[doc] attribute called html_playground_url.

See also: